Flew over to east Texas on Tuesday and flew Dustin Ellerman back to the shop with all his cool cameras. 20 min SUURG Burndown video - enjoy. My drunken IT guys linked it to something easy to remember ... www.LaRueBurnDown.com ML #larue #laruetactical #laruesurgg #suppressor #fullauto
394 likeswhatarewedo1ng https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GsYD6JKm840&feature=youtu.be 4 likes
  -  topshotdustin Verified @_cars_be_broke_ clickable on my bio
topshotdustin Verified Best. Day. Ever. 1 like
aggressivesquirrelartandstuff Crazy cool Vid. Crazy AWESOME system from Larue Tactical!!! 1 like
laruetactical Thanks, glad you could get to it :-) ML 1 like
mckeonekert Great demo Mark. You build the best! 1 like
motocycleman12 That's why you buy Larue, great products you can count on. Never had a problem with my equipment. 1 like
amos_josiah33 Shut up and take my money 1 like
mbaggett88 Great video with the best equipment. Loved it.