... Money $hot 😎
1,741 likeslazy9hst He is looking for Brienne of House Tarth 6 likes
alpha_phil15 MBUS?
nomad_shooter What movie? I
  -  seanmwjoseph @nomad_shooter Fate of the Furious.
  -  noenabernathy @nomad_shooter game of thrones 1 like
tcbmaki this IS awesome
moore_taco_blanco Could have used a nightforce though 2 likes
  -  culpepper_war_room @moore_funnotless it is a schmidt and bender, id say that gets a pass 3 likes
  -  moore_taco_blanco @culpepper_war_room very true but, I'm biased 😉
53offsuit Expensive movie prop 🔥🔥
sanddart93 He sucked on the TITS of Giants and now he smiles as he wields the LARUE 2 likes
babdds That scope mount is making me cringe.....so close to perfection and Hollywood couldn't even order a proper mount to go with the rifle. 7 likes
  -  jivesturkey @babdds that is a Larue scope mount on the gun. He made those a while back not sure if he still does but I got one when the BuildaAR list was a thing.
  -  jivesturkey @babdds I now realize you probably meant the position the mount is on the gun. Never mind, carry on. 👍 1 like
slipperypete530 You and the crew sure do produce some nice rifles Mr. L 2 likes
0p3r8r Bad guys always get the cool shit. 1 like
mmark_the_mk18 His bolt ain't in battery he gotta use his forward assist oh wait he don't got one good idea 1 like
minerals_chaser38 Schmidt and Bender...lol.
paige_gunsmithing I wonder if that S&B has a 8" eye relief. Hollywood has no clue, it's kind of funny sometimes to see what they come up with.
t4r_snow_tank u s
a3addon Not sure that S&B has that much eye relief 😂😂
fast507 All that rifle and scope, and they hose up the scope mount?
sirgoyle19 Justin Turner at the range?
jspryce All the gun fu dudes zooming in on that image to critique it...😂
  -  laruetactical @jspryce ... Yeah, hollywood occasional puts scopes on backward. My thought - "Don't misspell her name as she's the one that got away." 1 like
realmda13 Got my 3rd mbt in today, 1st in the straight bow flavor, can't wait to give it a try in the Tobr when we get above 40 degrees. Got my 2nd OR windpro too, Thank you ML. 1 like
joe.shelby88 He's about to take down a White Walker 1 like
a556nato Bolt out of battery
roncarter1759 🧡
drewgrand123 If I ordered one of your fine obr rifles in February do you think they will be ready before 2022 or after ?
  -  laruetactical @drewgrand123 ... Yep, long before 3 likes
jeff.childs.338 Don't think he cares of winter is coming now.
zakamatt I don't remember this scene from GoT 34 likes
  -  corey_bach58 @zakamatt Tormund upgraded from his axe 11 likes
  -  bdiddyhaze @zakamatt haha!! I was going to say... I don't remember guns in GOT
glass2mouth_ Youre finally famous!
wiley.mark A jam? 1 like
jake___the___snake_meme His bolt it stuck open lol 😂 8 likes
  -  getmemarlowe @jake___the___snake once you see it.. 😂
  -  codycrafted @jake___the___snake blank firing adapter 2 likes
jake___the___snake_meme Is 1 like
in_motion_targets 🙌🏻 🔥 represent
triclydeguy "where's the big woman?" ;) 33 likes
justrudy @c6_jimmy
karl.koch.71 Noticed it immediately when the movie came out