.. Blundered into this blast from the past. Back in the days when a pistol class was 2,000 rounds. How many rounds did you shoot in your last class ... 500 ? ML
555 likesthedrew852 2000 over 5 days 🤘🏻
txmerica 2k 3 days @costa_ludus handgun 1 like
cwelton101980 Gunsite. 1200-1500
divingdriver One 🤦
richard_dean_kelly I own Hilton Yam's Short Dot, which came mounted in one of your early, pre SPR mounts. 1 like
instructorbrian ~500 per day
kristof2319 Last Costa class I attended, I used 2,300! 1 like
moashooter 1000 over 2 days
wtsmith3159 Last class. 50 I think
dropoutgts I had to shoot 3 shots, reload then 3 shots at 3 6 9 yards. Quite easy if you would say. I finished 15mins faster than everyone else and was first to sign my papers and leave with my certificate.
kar_ma5 Why you don't answer me? You blocked me. You behave, like you have simply stolen my money. I made an order, you have debited my credit card. I haven't received my order, you don't answer my emails, my calls, you've banned me on insta. Do you really think, my money was a gift to you? Do you really think I will just give you my money, and sit? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @kar_ma5 ... I'm pretty sure you haven't been charged, as that is not our style. As for our slow to respondness, check the news - between this being an election year, and the Year of the ChinaFlu, and now the Cancel Culture's city burning riots ... gun sales have skyrocketed. Post your order number here so I can stop what I'm doing and get it canceled for you. ML 3 likes
  -  kar_ma5 @laruetactical #802324 please resolve the issue and kindle let me know!
  -  laruetactical @kar_ma5 ... If you can read, then you know I resolved the issue. 6 likes
  -  kar_ma5 @laruetactical I don't think so, you did not return the money 1 like
  -  jabon_clamshell @kar_ma5 It's probably just a hold on your card dude, they didn't charge you 2 likes
  -  lkcrome @jabon_clamshell pretty sure you're on point. Never in many orders had a charge wasn't immediately followed by order notification and shipped that day or next.
  -  laruetactical @kar_ma5 ... Dammit, I don't get to cancel your order. Shipping showed me you ordered three (3) MBT-2S triggers. They were shipped on May 1st. And you got a tracking number email at 8:35am, the morning of May 1st. ML 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @kar_ma5 ... You bought 3 of each at the $75 each price ($225 total). You ordered on April 30th and we shipped them the next day on the May 1st. "You broke my nose you old coot !!" 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @kar_ma5 ... Where'd you go ? 4 likes
  -  jabon_clamshell @laruetactical You tell ‘em, Mark!! 1 like
  -  lkcrome @laruetactical as the song goes: And another ones gone and another ones gone and another one bites the dust! Messing with the Chief Larue, not so smart... 1 like
  -  kar_ma5 @laruetactical also you'v the tracking number dude. Maybe you will also have a small look at the date it has been delivered.I didn't say there was no shipment. I said it hasn't been delivered yet!
  -  kar_ma5 @laruetactical I'm out of the US at the moment. Just time difference
  -  laruetactical @kar_ma5 ... And you've had the tracking number since the morning it shipped. Full disclosure, I don't have a team of people on my payroll monitoring tracking numbers ... not sure even Amazon does that. 1 like
  -  kar_ma5 @laruetactical ok, so then let's finish with that. I need a either my bags or my money. Guess it's clear for you the shippend hasn't been delivered. That's the only thing I wanted to assure you in.
  -  laruetactical @kar_ma5 ... Bags? I was told you ordered 3 triggers.
  -  kar_ma5 @laruetactical direct pls
  -  laruetactical @kar_ma5 ... "direct pls" ???
  -  kar_ma5 @laruetactical yes, go to Direct. We will sms there
zerocnc 👍👍
mesooohoppy When are single stage flat MBTs going to be back in stock? I'm not getting a response from email and I cant get anyone on the phone.
  -  laruetactical @mesooohoppy ... Dunno, I had IT turn them@off on the website, so we could shift the Great Trigger Hall back over to all MBT-2S production. The single stage triggers were interrupting our mojo. ML
  -  mesooohoppy @laruetactical thank you. So will no more single stages be made? I really like single stages and yours is excellent. I need a couple more.
  -  laruetactical @mesooohoppy .. I didn't say that. I elected to never run out of our Flagship MBT-2S. The Single Stage will get more air time, but I won't say when as I don't know.
  -  mesooohoppy @laruetactical okay thank you. I haven't liked a any 2 stage triggers I've shot, but I might give yours a shot.
  -  chingkou87 @mesooohoppy @laruetactical the MBT-2S is amazing. I'm about to order more.
  -  mesooohoppy @chingkou87 I just ordered a cmc single stage compat curve. I havent liked a single dual stage trigger I've tried. I havent tried larues, but I'm not going to shell out the cash for it, not like it, and then have to deal with returning it. Need to try one first.
  -  laruetactical @mesooohoppy ... You tryin' to piss me off ? 💀 Apparently you aren't aware I'm in Day 7 of Intermittent Fasting. My doc said ... "Mark, every time you eat, your body makes insulin, which makes fat, causing you to gain weight." (I don't have to be told twice)
  -  mesooohoppy @laruetactical I'm sorry, but you said they were interrupting your manhood. I have a gun that is down and I need a single stage to get it back up and running. Make more single stages with all your new machines and I'll buy more. 🍻🍻