... Wait, I missed a pallet, there are five (5) pallets of 60 each 😎 and UPS just pulled in ......u s u s u s u s u s
723 likesreturnofnolan How long is that 4th of July special running?
degenerateveteran 🔥🔥🔥🔥
jdg0707 That's a lot of freedom shipping! 2 likes
ohsnapzombies I must have been late ordering on Friday. Still waiting for that charge and tracking to come through. 1 like
mikesuttontn I'm still waiting to see that charge come through on my account. Lord give me patience... 3 likes
  -  zengland @mikesuttontn you and me both!
iboxuup68 I got boxes if you need them...
brittzter13 There better be one with my name on it! LOL
squirrelysrt 💯congrats to all who have one on the way🍻u s 1 like
auav8tor Hopefully 2 of mine are on there, but I would rather have my other 2 uuk's :)
inspectornot2t Hoping some PredaAR's are shipping soon...
mathuttu waiting patiently for my 6.5 creedmoor 😬😬😬
fibesboy Got my shipping email this morning. As a real Texan, I'm stoked! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😎😎😎😎 2 likes
briangreen9050 I wish one of those was my Stealth Sniper upper 😞
mr_sureiz UPS needs to just start leaving a uhaul for you to fill up. 1 like
jmooshall Hoping one of those is headed to st Leonard md order placed last Friday 😜 hell yea !!!
sdozer03 UPS just delivered.... 1 like
  -  laruetactical @sdozer03 ... Thoughts ?
  -  sdozer03 @laruetactical solid build, as expected. Balances well when placing on a lower. I'll put on a NF this evening, zero it, then make this thing go pew pew this weekend.
breaux38 UPS just delivered. Beautiful dropped onto the LaRue lower I bought last year. 🔥 1 like
rak_2626 When can I expect a shipping notice?
  -  laruetactical @rak_2626 ... After we ship it. 3 likes
  -  rak_2626 @laruetactical fair enough 👌 1 like
brazosbill Brown truck arrived around noon. God bless Texas. 1 like
osiris32 If I have not received a tracking #..... When will the next batch ship?
scott_leoncini Got mine! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @scott_leoncini ... Was hoping to see a flurry of "I GOT MINE !!" posts 🤷 2 likes
  -  scott_leoncini @laruetactical UPS doesn't deliver at the cyclic rate. Local folk get that freedom first😉
k_mcc836 Still waiting for a shipping notice, hoping that next day delivery charge pays off.
lablover114 UPS must "LOVE" you....lol
auav8tor I thought ordering on Friday, these would be in stock, guess I shouldn't have got my hopes up
jojosoninsta $200k of LOVE right there 1 like
iamtheheshlaw Dang do y'all still have any?