... Prove me wrong ... ML
1,931 likesd_g_eastman They are all one party playing with y'alls hearts and minds. Get it together... 1 like
byrontabor TRUTH! They should have DEMANDED an immediate audit!
raymondgunsmith Well said!
frisco_rps13 TF is a rino? 1 like
  -  joe3gun @frisco_rps13 republican in name only 1 like
  -  brad_jackie55555 @frisco_rps13 - It's an animal in Africa with a big horn.
next_phase_construction You speak the truth
firing_device_electrical_m57 #1 RINO being Trump himself, a life long NYC democrat 🤷 8 likes
  -  hans_thecontra88 @firing_device_electrical_m57 his policy disagrees with this though, policy is what matters, jfk was a democrat, and he would wipe the floor with most neocons. 1 like
  -  timothyneal58 @firing_device_electrical_m57 wOW so ignorant, go get your vaccine boy
k2ingeorgia Two things can be true at once.
Was there enough illegal ballots in Georgia for a Biden will? YES. But!
President Trump lost in Georgia because voters that normally voted Republican against Trump (notice I said against Trump, not for Biden) Proof: John Ossoff received 99K fewer than Biden. The Libertarian candidate for the Senate recieved 52K more votes that the Libertarian candidate for President. Does anyone believe any Libertarian would vote for the big Govt candidate or that Democrats wouldn't vote for another Democrat?
It was all about President Trump. He wanted to be the story everyday & the Media demonizing every chance they got. Average people were tried of it.
sjscarrow Trump isn't president because presidents are only pawns of the shadow government and it doesn't matter who they "allow" you to elect. 1 like
soullessone_edc The really sad part is people are so fucking worried about arguing about shit and not the fact we have Bernie from weekend as Bernie's as the fucking president
freedomgunsmithing 👏
46wlf46 Is it too late to free Brittany?
andrewjones8373 Where's the lie.
bennymilewski Trump is not president because he's an idiot. He appointed swamp rats to his DOJ and they all sat back laughed at him while they stole election from him. Don't worry I'll still spend my hard earned money @laruetactical 1 like
billsnearly Don't forget the media, big tech and other generic morons. 1 like
clay4296 Accurate. Hope these folks are enjoying $4 a gallon gas, out of control inflation, a failing economy, job elimination, and a President threatening citizens with nukes. 2 likes
recruit_willer You forgot 1 other detail. They stole the election.
topher_silva It's posts like this that remind me why I love spending my hard earned $ at @laruetactical I love that you don't pull any punches with your beliefs. It doesn't hurt that you make amazing parts either 😉
dain_thegreat1776 I like y'all even more
kellyc3181 It runs deep
stephencrumley Trump gassed everyone up to go to capital, then ignored them when they rallied for him in Washington DC , and when they got arrested he turned his back. He pardoned Kodak black and Lil Wayne but not Julian Assange or Edward Snowden, he didn't arrest a single person after becoming president in 4 years, he issued a communist lockdown on the entire country, shut small businesses down causing them die while promoting the enormous corporations. He then tripled our debt 2 times by printing trillions out of thin air, funded, promoted & all but forced and still is trying to persuade everyone into taking gill Bates demon semen injected into their veins. Trump Trojan horsed all of us, he forced more democratic policy than Obama ever could. Don't forget trump having the clintons at dinner only days after winnning the presidential (S)election Although sniffin J0e is even worse and without a doubt part of the same exact group of tyrannical psychopaths. The truth of how trump buried his supporters can not be ignored and left out of history. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @stephencrumley ... Writing it from a hater's eyes 💀
  -  matchkey77 @stephencrumley preach!
  -  timothyneal58 @stephencrumley incredibly ignorant and uniformed statements
  -  stephencrumley @timothyneal58 what part of what I said was a ignorant? What part wasn't true? It's 100% factual whether you want to admit it or not
xtremegunworx Trump isn't president right now because he didn't deliver what he promised. 1 like
retromodern_oper8in move on, he's done. stop supporting anti gun politicians. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @retromodern_oper8in ... Name a politician who hasn't compromised in some way or the other.
  -  retromodern_oper8in @laruetactical not the point. he blatantly infringed. don't make excuses for his NY anti gun ass.
surfinnh Fuck chris sununu and the rest of the pos #nhgop rinos
texasrodandrifle No lies detected.
kodiak_precision In total agreement!
byrdprecision Trump isn't president for the same reason he was president: it ain't up to us. There's too much money at stake to let Americans choose their leaders. The fix has been in since at least the early 1900's and the advent of federal reserve banking.
jspryce Love Trump or hate him, we Republicans need to set aside the petty bullshit and vote this current regime out! 1 like
lcaseyl This I not republican versus Democrat. Bipartisan politics is just a guise.
turtle_d115 Time magazine agrees 😮
hobbit0717 You are correct sir!
burlster24 Biden may have the title of "President" but he's definitely not in charge. Prove me wrong...
petenpb Absolutely agreed
keegan.asher Trump really wasn't someone people should worship the way they do. However he was unfortunately someone very easy to worship if you're not capable of critical thinking. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @keegan.asher ... We didn't worship shit, what we liked is that one of us chased Uncle Sam's favorite horse down, swung up on it, and dug their spurs in. 3 likes
  -  keegan.asher @laruetactical favorite horse being? Couldn't have been freedom or 🗽. Don't get me wrong, I liked some of the stuff he did, and loved his social media game. But if we're all being real, there were no good options that received any attention during either of his elections. Definitely better than sleepy man in office now.
tonymarazzo 100%
mcy.tm Yep! They had skeletons in the closet he was going to expose!
squirrely405 And libertarians lol
nursegunsandsoles Fuck Trump 😂 1 like
ben_e_smalls Can't because you are not.
ct_defiance Trump isn't our president because of election fraud, a main stream media collusion with the dnc to oust him, weak Republicans, our faith in big government trying to limit itself, us rejecting liberty and small limited government. We can do better than trump also. 3 likes
sandy_dog_09 Anyone who voted for Biden because the big orange man Trump hurt their feelings, deserve every bit of the ass reaming that Biden AOC and their clan shove up their ass with the new green deal.
spoonmann8 It's true. He also willingly surrounded himself with back stabbers. You got a 4 year taste of prosperity.. then back to business as usual.
hobosalt Truth.
trail.ready.designs Trump pardoned a millionaire that was serving 845yr term for destroying thousands of people lives simply because the guy was Israeli and had ties with him. Trump never helped us. Trump never will... no one is coming to save us this is a humiliation ritual and we are the losers as long as we sit idle. 2 likes
whoaintalbertbeamon If you're gonna post stuff like this, at least name all the rhinos so we can vote them out, other wise it's just crying.
threeper_g Yep.
whiteyxholmes I believe this is a factual statement...
ogonzales11 Sorry, i don't worish false idols. Also keep defending a man that kept shooting himself in the foot through his entire presidency and was his own worse enemy. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @ogonzales11 ... Piss off. I shoot myself in the foot now and then and make no apologies for it. 2 likes
stillsaltyaf_ 🙌
charliestrickland93 You're right. If the movement had been stronger and solidified it would have been harder to stop. Too bad these career politicians don't give af about America, just their bank account
adman_45 Trump's admin did nothing to further second amendment rights in the US, prove me wrong 24 likes
  -  laruetactical @adman_45 ... Medic ! Medic ! Man cuts nose off to spite his face !!! 27 likes
  -  sean.cain.85 @laruetactical sadly that is the truth. He allowed bump stocks to be given up. Which has now been overturned. He didn't get the hearing protection act pushed through. It would have been nice to see some positive changes to protect second amendment rights. But he didn't win his 2nd presidency because he didn't realize he had to appeal to Republicans, democrats, and independents. And with ballots sent to homes, a large majority of voters who do not make it to the polls actually voted. There is a large amount of democrats that are elderly and younger. The elderly use the socialistic programs of Medicare, medicaid, and social security and struggle with cost of living changes. And the youth want to see a better environment and concentration on making college affordable. Because the government had mandated increased education stion requirements and tuition costs have skyrocketed. If he recognized those concerns, he could have won. 12 likes
  -  adman_45 @milspecretard the lesser of two evils argument is the exact reason why we're in this mess in the first place. I'm not saying Trump is worse, but his admin created a sense of complacency in the 2A community because he is a "republican". At least people see the danger with Biden. I agree that the libertarians need to pick it up though. 6 likes
  -  brad_jackie55555 @sean.cain.85 - The reason they HPA didn't pass was because Paul Ryan didn't submit the bill because he was afraid because the Las Vegas mass shooting had just happened. Trump has said he would have passed it had it landed on his desk. 1 like
  -  topher_silva @adman_45 I'll give you 3 three things he did...Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and ACB. 1 like
  -  timothyneal58 @adman_45 appointment of two pro second amendment Supreme Court judges and dozens of pro second amendment federal judges, please remember the president is a elected representative not a dictator, there are limits on what the president can do
naft69 Truth!
realmda13 ML you are one shrewd motherf$cker when it comes to marketing.
timothyneal58 Yes the "Twit Romneys" of the world
jacku106 We actually had a decent president for once.
caseymac78 So, let me get this straight. You folks wanna claim your freedom loving capitalists, while you support a guy who spent over 7 trillion in 4 years, banned guns, created the largest trade deficit in 2 decades and is literally the reason steel and wood are through the roof right now; but it's the equally socialist rino's fault? Got it. Smh.
Stop supporting socialists and maybe things could be better. However, I doubt it. 13 likes
  -  plugwach @caseymac78 that moment when the massive looming inflation lags a little bit and just starts to take effect within months of the next guy taking over but its definitely his fault and nothing to do with the wreckless spending of both. Still glad i didnt vote 1 like
  -  caseymac78 @plugwach same here. I couldn't justify voting at all, and for the first time in my 43 years of life.
bwillis1978 And Mike Pence is just another backstabbing swamp rat!
wpatertr Well that and the republicans were too chicken shit to stand up to the Chinese takeover. We are living behind enemy lines. The battle for what we knew as America has been lost, the war against evil continues though and is still winnable. 2 likes
atticus.lamoreaux This may come as a shock, but they're all crooked man.. they eat their own..
falcontx89 He's not president because he has a big mouth and also because mail in voting.
Also he wasn't even pro 2nd A. Fuck him. 1 like
csolstice032018 And China, Russia, the media, the unions, George Soros and the Democrat party... it's an exhaustive list but that's a good start. 1 like
thatjackonfire Crash the GOP 1 like
chei_alexander Trump is Not president right now cause he could Not keep his mouth shut 🤫 and wore his heart on his sleeve anytime media would challenge him on something. 11 likes
  -  dustyel74 @chei_alexander 😂 is that how you explain shutting down the vote count in a few key cities, in a few key states, kicking out all the observers, blocking windows with pizza boxes, and then repeatedly scanning pre-printed inkjet filled ballots until you got enough votes to overcome the failed fractional vote software algorithms? Learn the difference between "recount" and "forensic audit" because Maricopa is moving East like a freight train. 13 likes
  -  hugefungus @chei_alexander 👆🏼what Chei said. Spot on. Voted for policy because his policy was right. Don't really care about the man himself, only care about policy because when it comes to voting that's what matters. Donny couldn't keep his suck shut and America is paying the price for that.
dustyel74 You spelled "massive vote fraud" wrong but I'm with you Mark. 12 likes
vine_matt Agree
getupusa While it's kinda like a sports game *you can't blame the teams loss on one single person or play* your statement is true. Also republicans as a big generalization are not going to save us - the republican party would take the power and run with it just as fast as the democrats want to do. There is no party that is all righteous but if we have to choose side i know damn sure where I stand as a free thinking individual
peter_skellen Thats part of it. But soros, bloomberg, and other powerful rich socialists banded together to destroy our country and did it by corrupting the voting system. 3 likes
javagoblinarms I'm not sure what rhinos have to do with politics but they seem fairly shady.
wes_r_09 Truth, all of the Mitt Romney's
philipwith1l Trump is not the president because a handful of activist poll workers in a few cities in strategically significant swing states manufactured several hundred thousand fraudulent ballots for Joe Biden. 27 likes
  -  charliestrickland93 @philipwith1l it wouldn't have been possible without every dem in power refusing to investigate. Along with Republicans being bitches about it and conceding while there were obvious irregularities 5 likes
  -  philipwith1l @charliestrickland93 Correct. The Republicans and the Democrats are both working toward the same goal. And it isn't your wellbeing. 8 likes
  -  burlster24 @philipwith1l "handful" is an understatement to say the least.. 1 like
maga_arms Trump is not President because God wills it. 7 likes
  -  whiskey_church @maga_arms it's a sad state of an America when I'm not religious at all and this is the most rational answer I've seen on this post lmao. 3 likes
  -  whiskey_church @maga_arms also you got yourself a new follower 👀 1 like
  -  socalmarlow @maga_arms inshallah 1 like
  -  burlster24 @maga_arms wait so god willed pedo Joe and kamel toe?😂 3 likes
  -  maga_arms @burlster24 Surely: "The Lord works out everything to its proper end even the wicked for a day of disaster." Proverbs 16:4 1 like
  -  eastsidesilverprint @maga_arms best sane remark here and you page is great!! 2 likes
ermahgerk Don't forget every single dirty ass Democrat who tried to destroy everything to hurt him
  -  laruetactical @ermahgerk ... But that's no surprise, that's what they do. 2 likes
milspecspook trump was a failure, a fraud