... Sunday Morning news ... and there's enough info in the pic to find and read it. There's gonna be a quiz.
"Ivermectin, used in Delhi beginning April 20, obliterated their COVID crisis. Cases dropped by 97% over 6 weeks. The fatal mistake would have been to NOT use Ivermectin. They used it and it saved Delhi. But tragically, Tamil Nadu did not, and their state was devastated. Their new cases rose from 10,986 to 36,184 – a tripling. Their refusal to use Ivermectin harmed them. Not only did Tamil Nadu's cases rise to the highest in India, but their deaths skyrocketed from 48 on April 20 to 474 on May 27 – a rise of ten-fold."
2,052 likesspoonmann8 Examples must be made. If you have the death penalty, use it!
squirrelysrt Oh pls do it
parallax_error1 My question is why hasn't the COVID had any effect on the large homeless populations around the country? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @parallax_error1 ... A fatality rate of next to nothing = nothing 5 likes
  -  johnylompoc @parallax_error1 They are the most diverse exposed group in the us. They poison themselves daily.
  -  parallax_error1 @laruetactical Just wait until the public realizes HCQ would have saved granny.
  -  red_dirt_cyclist @laruetactical LOL! Maybe the cure is Crystal Meth!
  -  laruetactical @parallax_error1 ... 👀
wpatertr India has been getting really based lately and I love it. Any enemy if China is a friend to me!!! 2 likes
its559am Fauci next
johnmichaelburns On that place the picture came from, looks like the next day it came true...
  -  laruetactical @johnmichaelburns ... Icing on the cake
  -  laruetactical @johnmichaelburns ... I found it and read it. They don't mince words over there in India.💪 1 like
kraken6.5 Because it is all BS
gordonfactor Maybe we should send "Tony" over there for some naan?
johnylompoc Can we send Faucci over to India? Asking for a friend.
joeytippit19 Don't get Ivermectin on your nut sack. Don't ask me how I know....
  -  laruetactical @joeytippit19 .. LOL, it's an oral medication and it has instructions 😂😂😂
  -  joeytippit19 @laruetactical we use it on our cattle. I had to tackle a heifer that just had it applied to her back....and it soaked through my drawers. Most discouraging.....
unslicedmatt The Who is owned by China and China and India are enemies. Makes sense 11 likes
  -  laruetactical @unslicedmatt ... Thanks, makes sense 1 like
  -  unslicedmatt @laruetactical the who is trying to cause as much death and damage as possible. Not to mention the fact that I read that the person who's accused has an interest in selling vaccines to India so there's a monetary incentive to make the situation as dire as possible to swoop in and sell the cure. 1 like
blackhawk8806 😂
magiper84 Now do Fauci
sausageinazipper Fluvoxamin is another solid treatment
sausageinazipper .
midwest_jeepguy I posted a video last year on YouTube about Dr. Pierre Kory At the University of Madison Wisconsin, testifying at the US Senate about ivermectin. I got a second strike out by YouTube for it. Everybody's trying to suppress that information 1 like
misswhatalife Same happened in Mexico, emptied their hospitals!
  -  laruetactical @misswhatalife ... And here we had health professionals making hay out of it. Wanting hero status and ticker tape parades for them "bravely shutting down Ivermectin and the malaraia drug". 7 likes
  -  misswhatalife @laruetactical ugh!!! I tried while I was still in hospital, they shut me down fast!! It was awful but so worth the trouble, I had to stop being a part of that.And it made me very mad when they were being interviewed and talking about how rough it was, GROW UP AND DO YOUR JOB!! Oh man don't get me started on the bullying. I love my teams around me, but the drama was hideous in some cases. Glad I left when I did
wes_r_09 Good...Hang him. The WHO were purchased by CHYNA a long time ago. The WHO are China's bootlickers
gtlamans Lets hope
eyebalz_margo The truth is starting to come out, and there will be hell to pay for the liars on the Left.
mikebusta6 Do it...
hobbit0717 I don't believe the CDC,WHO, or the new Dr Death Fauci 2 likes
bredfearn79 This is what's really messed up with this whole thing. There was an effective and cheap solution to the problem when it first started. Treatment could have been given and the majority of what people of this world have endured wouldn't have needed to take place! I say hang the MFer and broadcast it on YouTube for the world to watch! Examples need to be made! 4 likes
vaders_child I did notice a decrease in scam calls, didn't get any IRS or car warranty calls this year 6 likes
  -  marcknapp @vaders_child hey, look kids, casual racism wrapped in humor at the expense of human life. Ha! HAHAHAHAH. 🙄
  -  vaders_child @marcknapp and India largest producer of covid vaccine....cmon now
  -  marcknapp @vaders_child try again to form a sentence, but with a subject and predicate this time. What are you saying?
  -  laruetactical @marcknapp ... I consider myself semi-intelligent, but I can't find racism in his post 🤷 6 likes
  -  whatarewedo1ng @laruetactical I don't either but both of us are white 1 like
  -  laruetactical @_cars_be_broke_ ... "UN World Population Study Shows the Declining White "Race" is Less than 10% of the World's 7.7 Billion Population". 2 likes
  -  whatarewedo1ng @laruetactical is it racist to think that's sad? 1 like
  -  vaders_child @laruetactical I could be wrong, but of that population of 7.7 billion China, Pakistan and India take up half alone
  -  vaders_child @_cars_be_broke_ no, but unfortunately the days of thick skinned people are dwindling 1 like
talltxidiot 👏
b_inspireddesigns I'll pay for the rope with the money saved after buying that sweet Upper you just released. Id also reluctantantly donate that upper if the firing squad needed some accuracy... Someone needs to start setting an example. Thank you for all you do!!! 1 like
usmcgunnz And Dr fauci??? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @usmcgunnz ... Not sure about his Dr. title after watching him work around the Hippocratic Oath. 20 likes
  -  usmcgunnz @laruetactical 😂 2 likes
  -  tomc19054 @laruetactical Actually in Fauci's case, it's known as the Hypocrisy Oath... 1 like
ndifilipp I pray this catches on worldwide
dusty_silhavey_atxrealtor Have you listened to the Joe Rogan podcast with Dr. Kory and Brett Weinstein? They discuss the success and censorship they have had with the same drug treatment 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @dusty_silhavey_atxrealtor ... My first Ivermectin IG post was during the Christmas holidays last year. 10 likes
  -  ryan_thecarguy @dusty_silhavey_atxrealtor that podcast was pretty eye opening 2 likes
  -  jblifts_ @dusty_silhavey_atxrealtor you're the third person I've heard mention this. I need to watch it today 1 like
  -  rob7089465_md @dusty_silhavey_atxrealtor was it on Rogan's podcast or on Weinstein's?
  -  steviej309 @rob7089465_md Rogan's podcast. 1 like
  -  rob7089465_md @steviej309 I'm going to look it for it now. You should also listen to Dr Kory on Weinstein's podcast. 1 like
  -  kurtcwarner @rob7089465_md warning: it will piss you off. Basis = ivermectin could have ended the pandemic immediately, but there's no money to be made on ivermectin 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @kurtcwarner ... True thst ... the local feed store charges $6 fir the apple flavored 1.87% Ivermectin and there's seven 200lb. doses of it in it, meaning less than a $1 per dose at retail. 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @kurtcwarner ... Excuse the typos, I'm at the range 🎯 6 likes
  -  brad_jackie55555 @laruetactical - The local Costco over here charges $300 for it (with insurance). Idk why it's so expensive. 1 like
gunmaniausa @trinatheone
marcknapp Me and my dad use that to worm our dogs and cows. So you can use a heart worm medicine to cure Covid???
  -  laruetactical @marcknapp ... Yep, that's the word. 1 like
  -  robbywille @marcknapp there's also one for human consumption. Used as a precaution against covid19 in poorer countries. Also, highly effective during the initial days of infection. 1 like
matthewdropco No agenda show has been talking about therapeutics since last year. They did a story about a month or so ago in regards to the sudden breakout in India. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @matthewdropco ... "Agenda Show" 😂 5 likes
  -  matthewdropco @laruetactical No Agenda, I mean. The live stream starts at 12. Read up about them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Agenda
threeper_g Those in the CDC, WHO, NIH, NIAID, Fauci, Baric, Danczak, Gates et al that pushed lockdowns, intimidated physicians from treating patients with remedies such as hydroxychloruquine and ivermectin should face trial as they did in Nuremberg. Not only that, but their gain of function funded research led to this whole tragedy. They need to be brought up on charges. There is blood on their hands. 3 likes
str8sh00ter79_ HCQ has also shown to be effective in treatment when used for people with severe COVID symptoms, then big pharma had to squash that, they said their trials showed too many adverse reactions with HCQ...but they used 800mg starting dose with 600mg follow up doses, which seems fair right?!...no, this trial set HCQ up to fail, they knew the safest and most used doses are at 400mg, with higher doses known to produce side effects...they doubled the known safe dose and not one "journalist" or "government healthcare official questioned this. It's always been about the rona shot, if they allowed a treatment that is successful then the vax wouldn't be able to get that emergency authorization use label, which would then make them go through all the proper trials, where it would probably not pass because previous mRNA corona vax trials did not go well in the animal studies...ferrets, rabbits and mice usually died after the vax treatment when exposed to the wild virus. It's always been about this damn vax! 7 likes
  -  kevin.young.77582 @str8sh00ter79_ My Aunt who has severe respiratory problems and is seventy four used HCQ.Within a week she was fine.We also had three other members of our family use it and guess what within seven days they we're better. 1 like
  -  str8sh00ter79_ @kevin.young.77582 sounds like your family had a real doctor that didn't blindly follow politicians and bureaucrats. Glad your family got good help 👍 1 like
  -  kevin.young.77582 @str8sh00ter79_ thank you for the kind response.
  -  laruetactical @kevin.young.77582 ... Does your grandma show any sign of "brain fog" ? 1 like
  -  kevin.young.77582 @laruetactical No not at all. Her behavior hasn't changed in the slightest. Only thing she is battling is Parkinson.
nspiralsmemes Hey Fauci... are you watching? 2 likes