... Nobody on the house range, so I thought I'd see how long it takes before that upper I've been posting about should be cleaned. Meh, the 0.649 moa four group average didn't tell me anything 🤷 Plus I'm topped off with coffee followed by Diet Coke chasers, shakin' like a cat shittin' on a sheet of ice. Do you guys clean your barrels after any shooting event, or when you feel like it, or ... never? Let me know 🎯 ML *** Hey, just noticed I kept every shot inside the 1" square white box ***
304 likesgap122129 Well....one of the Karen's said you didn't hit the bulls eye 😂😂😂 so it doesn't count!
s.weatherby I clean when I feel like it. As long as it is shooting good that's not too often. I see people cleaning after each shot, that's not for me. 2 likes
tmiller67 Is there a cleaning process you use when you shoot a barrel for the first time?
sebspeedcustoms I run a bore snake once in a while, but I KISS and don't mess with success till my groups tell me otherwise 3 likes
frogman_4evr2 I count two dicks on that paper 4 likes
sommere.54 Bore snake if I know it's going to be a few weeks before shooting again. Otherwise let it ride until groups tell me it needs a makeover. 1 like
builders_best_coils I clean my guns after every range session, carry pistols get a once over and re-lube once a week to knock out any dirt or lint from the weeks carry. Rifle gets looked at every week on weeks i dont make it to the range. Probably a bit excessive but i like to keep em clean and make sure they are well lubed 1 like
midwest_jeepguy Every time I use a rifle it's cleaned before he goes back in the cabinet case. 👍 1 like
fibesboy Don't clean mine that much. Some guys spend more time cleaning than shooting. 😂😂😂😂 1 like
bizego1 The 880" though.😂