... Boomer alert - We may not want to get comfortable using at-home stool tests to assure us we are free of colon cancer. At my last physical, Doc said it was time for my second colonoscopy. I said, "Not so fast Doc, I can do that ColoGuard thing." He said "Yeah, but slow growing colon cancer springs from polops, which we weedeat out during the colonoscopy." Oh. So, by dodging a colonoscopy, we leave a little garden of polops slowly growing into potential cancers. ML ... out.
384 likesstevenmcclay6921 Good advice for the matures. I was recently corrected by my Dr that the PSA blood work is no substitute for the digital exam. Digital sound so high tech. 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @stevenmcclay6921 ... "Doc, I need a second opinion ..". So he slapped two fingers together ... 💀 12 likes
  -  cwelton101980 @stevenmcclay6921 My doctor asked if I would mind if he did a digital exam. I said, hell ya, I would mind, but if you have to do it get after it.
j_perry69 Worst part is the night before lol otherwise you're asleep the whole time so it's not bad at all.
ckweez Mark's looking out for us. Who woulda known we'd get health tips on here too? 4 likes
shartgraves Great public service announcement! Just hope that thinking man statue doesn't get pulled down! jk 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @shartgraves ... I needed one with a roll of toilet paper hanging on the stump 🤷 2 likes
themendotaranch Thanks for the heads up. 💩 in a little bucket was a new one 👍🏾
william_andrew_edwards 😜
axeonoptics 🙏🙏🙏
esqphoto If there was OBR or Tranquilo at the end that would make it a happy ending - of sorts! 🤡 1 like
stillsaltyaf_ Thanks! I'm of the "age" where I have to get checked out. My last gut check tells me I'm scared of a colonoscopy but if you can get, a a business man with an awesome and smart products can see sense in getting one than maybe I can schedule for you 😂 not me jk no seriously imma have to get one now. Thanks for the insight. I have my annual reminder from 2018. I just have to call and schedule which I'm now setting alarms on my phone to remember to get this done thanks to you. My colon thanks you for this😂
  -  vicktorvolpe @ye_ole_fart dude get it done. Hate to say it I know plenty of guys under the age of 40 who wound up with late stage colorectal cancer. Better to know and treat than ignore and too late.
  -  stillsaltyaf_ @vicktorvolpe I made a phone call this morning to get one in September.
j_frank24_ I love the disclaimer on those home test kits...
stillsaltyaf_ I just made appointment in September 8 th for a colonoscopy because of your post. 👍👍
mhasenstaub @laruetactical I sent you a dm,I had a technical question. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mhasenstaub ... Hmm a technical question in a colonoscopy thread ... 23 likes
  -  mhasenstaub @laruetactical 🤣🤣🤣 2 likes
  -  sparkygreen @laruetactical I bet it's "can you install mbt-2s on colonoscopy machine?"
bigbrassenergy @laruetactical ain't that what a bore scope is for??? 1 like
  -  divingdriver @bigbrassenergy we have a winner! 😂🤣 1 like
mikenotgonnagetit /poopthread 😁
vicktorvolpe Ain't just the boomers.....colorectal cancer is way way up in the below 40 crowd.
elliotsmith222 "For the third time, we don't advertise lead times"-ML
isplityourwig Just let them get you drunk first 😉
beetlebzz Not gonna lie, I look forward to mine. Best nap ever.
  -  macman_lifestyle @beetlebzz No doubt! I woke up like I had my best sleep ever and didn't feel or remember anything.
charles_helm Yes, the benefit of the scope is the scoop...removal of pre-cancerous polyps. And if you have a family history of even just polyps do not wait until you are 50 for the first colonoscopy. That cost me more than I can measure.