... These gauze-like "toed" socks are showing promise on my hikes. I pull regular socks over them and head out hiking. Bought on Amazommie 😎 ML
212 likeszero_effs_oneone Try the Injinji wool versions. Best liner socks ever. 6 likes
  -  spawn334 @zero_effs_oneone agreed. Like silk and work great at keeping the sores away. 2 likes
charles_helm I've used the Wrightsock with built-in liners. Not perfect but helpful. 1 like
def3va Always had blister problems. Wife bought me the Injinji toe socks and I've never looked back. 1 like
realbryanharris I have been wearing toe socks for years because they do not slip around on my feet like regular socks do. also the perfect thing for preventing blisters during hiking is called leukotape. You can get it on Amazon. but do not put the tape on a blister that has already formed or it will rip the skin right off. I ran 34 miles using Leuko tape and sandals one time. I also used it every time during IDPA to prevent the same thing on my hands. 1 like
mrktrn You should check out Altra hiking boots. Nice and wide and flat. Great shoes. 1 like
cgc75023 Mark, many years ago my wife tricked me into hiking in trail running shoes. Not hiking boots. If you haven't made the switch, give it a try. You'll thank me later! 1 like
josh.macintyre Us mountaineers use Moreno wool socks. Moisture wickening. Looks like a nice pair of socks you have their sir! 1 like
shartgraves You ever hike Balcones Canyonlands out Bertram way? Not a bad change of scenery from the pasture hikes.
  -  laruetactical @shartgraves ... Too many communist wannabes on that trail 1 like
  -  shartgraves @laruetactical Haha can't disagree with that. Guess my scowl keeps em away.
blancom223 Try these, REI Co-op COOLMAX EcoMade Liner Crew Socks 1 like
james_breig I just bought some toe socks and I did not expect to like them as much as I do 😂 1 like