... Mark Fingar whipped us up a new 1 MOA Target ... the "bolt face" one was hard to see what was happening. The 1/2" squares should be "dead nuts on" (0.500") ... you can see by the 6" ruler that my printer's scale needs tweakin'. ML
424 likesjtwendel02 Can a guy get a copy of this?
  -  topshotdustin Verified @jtwendel02 usually on the download Tab on the LaRue website
  -  jtwendel02 @topshotdustin Thanks for the info. 1 like
def3va Nice! If you could post it once you get it right I'd be appreciative.
  -  redoak.sooner @def3va as far as the page being printed to 1:1 scale, that's up to the pilot of each printer
wtsmith3159 Use Alaska not the little state 1 like
  -  laruetactical @wtsmith3159 ... Aim small, miss small 💯 6 likes
a.shokr Why shoot texas?
  -  lkcrome @a.shokr exactly! There be a shit ton of other states that border water (oceans) that to my way of thinkin would be calming and relaxing to blast off the paper, not all but some...
topshotdustin Verified Nice. Ready to download?
agave_vulture Yo, ML! If someone had a 12" Pic Rail on backorder, any idea on when they might ship? Asking for a friend.
  -  laruetactical @lognarshartbrook ... No, I'm on the range testing this target. Gonna want the Texas a shade or two darker. 3 likes
ivanbland @laruetactical can you sell these on the nice paper stock your other paper targets are made of? Printing from cheap office paper is okay but the thicker stock makes for easy measurements! 1 like
  -  dude_of_the_desert @ivanbland You could always just print them on nicer paper. 1 like
jointdocshields Like the new targets ML
treylillich Took a picture of your billboard today!
  -  laruetactical @treylillich ... Cool ! Which one !?!?
  -  treylillich @laruetactical hwy 6 just out of Hempstead. I posted a picture of it
thiswildadventure That dot is too big and the Texas doesn't need to be darker. My $0.02.
jjfitter6176 Thanks for offering these.