.... Here's how the three 16" 5.56 PredatOBRs grouped ... 100 yards, 68g FGMM, NF 5-25, Harris / LaRue HybridPod, 3-shot Proof Groups 🎯 ML
160 likeslights11056 Are those already bought or will we be seeing this up for grabs soon?????
  -  duckhnt @lights11056 just a guess, but id say it's been quite some time since the folks at LaRue have made something that wasn't already sold.
  -  lights11056 @duckhnt yes, I think I've known that in the back of my head for a while now. I've really been wanting a KAC SR15 but if you ordered one five years ago you probably still have a couple more to go and LaRue makes just as if not better stuff. Ya just can't get anything…
  -  duckhnt @lights11056 you will get LARUE much quicker. Just order and forget. You don't get charged until it ships... It will be a nice surprise in a few months.