... Was looking to see what the heck "Fentanyl" is all about, but like most Boomer Conundrums, that lead to more questions, one being who the hell is Mac Miller ? 🤷 ML
1,670 likesnewenglandsprts I guess Georgie Floyd was impervious.
parallax_error1 Fentanyl is asymmetrical chemical warfare by the CCP.
squ1rp @laruetactical If you want a feel for Mac Miller look up "Mac Miller Tiny Desk" on YouTube it's not everybody's thing but I think nobody can argue how innovative he was in his approach to Hip Hop towards the end 1 like
gunnvulcan_v2 George Groid as well
eric__houston Honestly ... he was a decent musician. 😬 But yeah. Fuck drugs
guerrilla_chinchilla Wait Tom Petty dead???
grizzlyarctos This title forgot George Floyd
dreamsofblood Don't forget George Floyd 1 like
  -  realmda13 @dreamsofblood chauvin's sentence disagrees with your assessment... 😂 1 like
bpage_actual Lucifer came and collected most. IYKYK .
plugmarketxpress You was Easy Mac with the cheesy raps Who the fuck is Mac Miller? This name says "Crack dealin' trap nigga slash cap peeler Back with a black stripper Ass thicker than a snack wrap snicker, too fat to snap zippers" In half is what I'll do to Mac Miller Now my mind's first track figured A nigga who treats his yak richer than elixir, taps liquor Then pass 'til it goes around the room, like his casket finna Oh, you Mac Miller?
devinejd China sends it here @scottadams925 1 like
kcampbell057 💔💔 My youngest, sweetest, nephew has been in a battle with fentanyl for several years. He's currently in his most recent rehab. I have high hopes for him, without holding expectations. I love him so. Sending prayers out to the universe for his recovery and him finding wholeness. 😢 1 like
thrasher_tactical And my pain doctor wants to switch me from morphine to fentanyl! Ain't happening!!!
breedlove.ben I am far from a big fan of rap music but Mac Miller was pretty legit
johndoer1 Just search up his song called Donald Trump. It's a good song like most of his songs. It's a shame he passed away like that.
madhorn78 @laruetactical And guess who traffics more fentanyl and carfentanil into the US for illegal use? Rhymes with Hyna
  -  holy_guacamole710 @madhorn78 well, China produces it. The actual trafficking and distribution is primarily not Chinese people. Mostly white guys and Latin American organizations.
  -  madhorn78 @holy_guacamole710 the illegal importation is one thing, and yes there is a fair amount of DTOs in South/Central America that import from China but trust me there are operations going on that'll never see the light of day because prosecuting a Chinese national rarely happens. You are right in part and I was narrow in my original post.
  -  holy_guacamole710 @madhorn78 yes. It is almost impossible for the US to prosecute a Chinese national but that kind of attempt at solving the problem from the supply end has a long history of nothing but failure. The only way to reduce any drug problem is to find a way to reduce the demand. Its a lot more complicated than just trying to arrest everyone but w
  -  holy_guacamole710 @holy_guacamole710 but again, that has never worked.
imodinsrealson @laruetactical Mac Miller is a burger from McDonald's
m4ttwick press B to give banan to monke
disappointeddan He was a talented musician. 1 like
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @disappointeddan you spelled untalented wrong
-Boomer 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @theathomeffl ... In the early 70s, my sister sold amazing tomatoes from our garden to the local Piggly Wiggly. You could slice 4 tomato steaks out of each one. Salad days indeed. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @theathomeffl ... R.I.P. to your friend. How do you reckon he came in contact with the fentanyl that killed him ? 1 like
  -  theathomeffl @laruetactical I was impersonating an average boomer, CAPs-lock and all....
GOBLESS GHD u s u s usa
  -  laruetactical @theathomeffl ... I am the self-proclaimed King of the Boomers and never use nor see my fellow Boomers using caps-lock. We're too lazy/busy for that silliness. 7 likes
  -  crooklyncat718 @theathomeffl ur joking, right? Mac was a str8 pill head. 2 likes
  -  grapangell0 @laruetactical he was taking dirty Percocets, the dealer knew and still sold them. The trial either just finished or is ongoing.
unumetsuperare Mass produced by our friends in Communist China too, and then imported here to the States by our friends in Mexico.
dain_thegreat1776 Max Miller is a rapper, you'ed love his song about Donald Trump! 💯
dain_thegreat1776 You will like Mac Miller's song about Donald Trump!
slappin_steel It's natural selection in a physical form 1 like
flyingpig1023 I guess I'll have to be the one to point this out...#georgefloyd
midwest_jeepguy George Floyd died from fentanyl plain and simple. The media made it into a big freaking hype. And the fact that dumb ass held his knee on the man's back a little too long didn't help things. But he got screwed
javagoblinarms What's funny is he has a pretty well known skit at the end of one of his songs and it starts with "who the fuck is Mac Miller." 😂😂
  -  javagoblinarms @java_goblin well known to fans of course.
maxximus2012 Took down ye Saint of Race Riots
laruetactical Too the anesthesiologists and other fentanyl SMEs, thank y'all, nothing better than a boots-on-the-ground sitrep. ML 1 like
jointdocshields You should read "Empire of Pain" if you have an interest - gives a complete history of the narcotics industry and marketing practices - truly eye opening
greg_delaney Mac is one of the most underrated musicians of my generation. He wasn't about all the flash and BS that "thug rappers" are about. Kid was pure talent. Made all of his own beats and everything. Check out Swimming and Circles. His last two albums recorded. Kid was incredibly gifted and it's a damn shame that he is gone. 5 likes
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @greg_delaney yeah, gifted shouldn't be applied to rappers. Just trash noise. 1 like
  -  greg_delaney @guns_jeeps_beer should probably go listen before you make a statement like that. But then again, wouldn't expect more from a boomer. 1 like
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @greg_delaney lol....ignorant statement to assume I don't know who Mac is or have never heard it. But, that's too be expected from your generation. 2 likes
  -  greg_delaney @guns_jeeps_beer sick boomerism, remember, this generation is going to be wiping your ass in a few years 😂 1 like
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @greg_delaney lol.... as if your generation even wants to work. Hahaha 1 like
  -  greg_delaney @guns_jeeps_beer I don't think you have a clear understanding of my age group but that's fine. Hopefully you don't have kids, otherwise you're going to have a tough time. 1 like
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @greg_delaney I know your age group just fine, don't go around thinking your age group is special and hard to understand. And don't worry about me or what kids I may or may not have or have already raised. I did just fine. Your generation is the ones wanting to feed the little one's hormones so they can "change" their gender when they are 7. God help this planet when your generation starts running shit even more. Hormones, safe spaces, sexual indecision, open boarders, socialism..... I'll be glad when I'm gone. Y'all about to fuck this place up. 1 like
  -  greg_delaney @guns_jeeps_beer 😂 oh he's big mad. Im not reading all that. But i hope you find happiness in life. You clearly don't have it now. 1 like
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @greg_delaney lol. Don't act like you know me or my happiness. Grow up.... all this because I shit on some crappy dead rapper. Pathetic really. Yeah, don't worry about reading any of what I wrote.... you wouldn't understand anyway.
  -  greg_delaney @guns_jeeps_beer 😢 you're easily triggered. No wonder, you're an ex cop. I hope you didn't beat your spouse too bad when she burnt dinner. 2 likes
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @greg_delaney typical response when you got nothing, boy.
  -  greg_delaney @guns_jeeps_beer at least I have happiness 😂😂
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @greg_delaney you're soft, go away 1 like
  -  greg_delaney @guns_jeeps_beer 😂 you're on my comment, smooth brain. Your boomer is showing, bad.
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @greg_delaney its social media, you don't own your comment. Now go switch your kids genders like your generation enjoys. 1 like
  -  greg_delaney @guns_jeeps_beer 😂 you're so mad it's hilarious. Does your boyfriend like your temper? I bet your wife's boyfriend does.😂 1 like
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @greg_delaney keyboard warrior with his big words making up things to win some imaginary battle he's having with me in his head. You're a joke dude. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @greg_delaney ... Say "boomer" again, I dare ya. 4 likes
  -  greg_delaney @laruetactical does that rattle your bones Mark 😂
  -  laruetactical @greg_delaney ... No, but I've said it before, my Instagram page is my dinner table. Everyone is invited until they lose their invite. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @greg_delaney ... And I have the ban button set to a 2 ounce trigger. Say "what" again SFB 7 likes
  -  realmda13 @laruetactical what's sfb?
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @realmda13 my guess...."stupid fucki*g bitch" 1 like
  -  laruetactical @guns_jeeps_beer ... ends with "brains" 2 likes
  -  guns_jeeps_beer @laruetactical lol, that works well too. 👍
  -  greg_delaney @laruetactical wouldn't expect anything less from "ML" 😂
hangry_dave Killed George Floyd also.
swainsonjames Will families who have had loved ones OD and or life's ruined from fentanyl coming across the southern border sue the Biden administration
ah_merikah Hahahah
thatthinbluelinetho They forgot to add George Floyd in that title 😉🍿🍿
cletus.james.walker Fentanyl is a Chinese chemical attack, Covid was the bio attack.
stephengstrange Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid. Like all things in this world, it is deadly in the right amounts. It's not all bad. Some people "metaoblize" morphine or similar pain killers faster than normal people, thereby requiring Fentanyl in hospital settings. I'm one such person. Morphine gives me 15 minutes of relief and then 2 hours of a massive headache. Fentanyl is the only pain med that worked for me.
diablo_blanco7 Nothing about killing George Floyd? Huh 🤔
fibesboy Us rockers learned in the 80's to not use drugs. Well , the smart ones at least. 😎
45shooter2 The worst thing is that "normal" drugs like marijuana are now laced with fentanyl in my area. As is cocaine and heroin. We average one Overdose per week, over the past three years, in eastern NC.
  -  holy_guacamole710 @45shooter2 there's not a major issue with cannabis being laced with fentanyl. Cocaine, ecstasy, fake prescription pills, etc are a different story but there's not a major, statistically important number of cases of cannabis being laced with fentanyl.
arizona_twelve_sixtysix Yes. Fentanyl. The big elephant in the room nobody wants to talk about. Practically 99% of our homeless we see on the streets, fentanyl users. That's no exaggeration. High School and college student overdoses, practically all fentanyl. People are so easily duped to have believed by legalizing weed, the cartels would simply dry up. They are not in the weed business. They were always in the black market business. If there wasn't a demand for a drug before they will create one. Almost all fentanyl comes from Mexico. 2 likes
  -  chainsawbayonet @arizona_twelve_sixtysix fentanyl is very common in AZ but a substantial portion of the homeless population are meth users who rarely or never use opioids, or have schizophrenia
  -  oni_scar @arizona_twelve_sixtysix comes from China, just passes thru Mexico on its way to the end user
  -  arizona_twelve_sixtysix @oni_scar no. Some comes direct from China in small amounts. The vast bulk is Mexico. Guess how i know this. There is no China - Mex cartel cooperation.
lincolnlogga We use it to sedate people on ventilators in the ICU. A little bit on a set rate with an IV pump is not enough to completely knock their respiratory drive but it doesn't take much to completely make them ride the ventilator rate. We use it with other drugs like propofol but still. Why anyone would think they can give themselves just enough to feel good and not die without an IV pump set at a rate is beyond me. And why would they want to just fall asleep? That's all it does really.
oneasteriskindustries We are seeing a large influx of blue M30 fentanyl pills coming in from mexico to colorado. They either give you a good ride or kill you. Quality control is not the best.
timothyneal58 Just ask George Floyd
tribe_sc I use fentanyl in my anesthesia everyday, it's no more dangerous than any other opioid , the problem with fentanyl is it's high respiratory depressant profile , you drift off to oblivion and you stop breathing
hobosalt Not my problem! 1 like
  -  a._rush @hobosalt well that's certainly a way to be a bluntly un-empathetic pos for no reason 🤷🏽
  -  hobosalt @a._rush I disagree. Any number of people would gladly switch lives with those people right or wrong. They can check out anyway they want to. Also, stick to decaf.
  -  a._rush @hobosalt I feel you, and yes ofc many regular ppl would switch places with rich famous ppl.. That doesn't mean they aren't human or don't have their own struggles as well. Often times the best 'art' comes from ppl with deep rooted issues. Just saying a little empathy goes a longer way than brushing those ppl off so nonchalantly is all.
  -  hobosalt @a._rush I agree with empathy when it's needed. Everyone hurts sometimes and more than others. Life-long drug abusers/users do not deserve empathy. Plenty of us would love to make it all go away, instead we man up and carry on providing an example to the younger generstion. You have your point of view, I have mine. God bless America. Have a great day. 2 likes
  -  a._rush @hobosalt you're not wrong either, god bless dude u s
canada.dri And George Floyd
ralph124c41 This is why I keep 3 doses of narcan in my first aid bag. I live in Pennsylvania and you can get narcan in any pharmacy without a prescription. Many states have similar programs and offer free/ low cost doses to first responders. There are several online training programs on how to administer it and how to handle an opiate overdose. 1 like
willkana And George Floyd
dspennn Ever seen what happened at the jail down in I want to say Ohio. All the staff responding started ODing because the inmates were smoking it... also lost a friend to fentanyl. Nasty stuff.
mike.kossman They forgot to add George Floyd 1 like
goingthatway That crap killed my best friend
dommytuzzit China is producing massive amounts of unregulated fern alt and passing it off as standard painkillers all over the USA by pill press and the cartels are bringing it up.
4bore The politicians are worried about our guns. And how "unsafe "they are but they ok'd the bills for fentanyl to be everywhere. . It's a magic show the politicians use our guns as a distraction . 4 likes
joe.numbers That headline is retarded. Heroin is diamorphine, much more "potent" than morphine. This shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the drugs. Shock journalism. Yes, fentanyl is dangerous and it makes street drugs significantly more deadly but that's like saying 7.62 is 80x more powerful than 5.56 and 100x more powerful than .338. 3 likes
  -  a._rush @joe.numbers I think it's more so referring to the lethality in dose quantity. Bc yes, a few grains of sand worth of fentanyl will kill someone with no tolerance, while it would take more heroin or oxy to cause the same OD. Comparing opiate potency to ammunition caliber lethality isn't exactly a apples to apples comparison.. idk just my 2 cents..
  -  joe.numbers @a._rush The comparison is flawed to make a point that the author made a completely flawed analysis. Heroin is stronger than morphine for the same dosage. So how is fentanyl only 80x stronger than morphine but "hundreds of times stronger" than heroin? That makes absolutely no sense. You completely missed the point. It doesn't matter, anyway.
  -  a._rush @joe.numbers i see your point. Might be that bc heroin is 2-4ish times more potent than morphine, and fent is thus much, much more potent than morphine. Now, 80x stronger, who knows.. it may boil down to tolerance, which batch or who made or who did / didn't cut it. Idk not tryna argue semantics bro, all the shits dangerous and has caused tragedy everywhere..
bamabreeze75 They tried to put me on it...so glad I refused.
chasingainz77 How have you not heard of fentanyl 1 like
  -  laruetactical @chasingainz77 ... Didn't say I hadn't heard of it ... reread my post. 8 likes
  -  lincolnlogga @laruetactical Mac Miller was a white rapper that only had a couple of moderately popular songs. Never really took off 1 like
sorentheswede You might want to check out The Pharmacist on Netflix. It's about Oxy, but same same...
blazierrotsolaire Fentanyl is active in micrograms (millions of a gram) and can be mixed into any other drug to enhance potency. A barely visible amount of it can kill, which is why it's so dangerous. Doctors need specialized equipment to measure it accurately but your average street dealer just blends it with mostly inactive filler compounds and sells it as "heroin"
oliphant6320 One of my employees died last week from injuries in a severe accident. They kept him sedated for a week before he passed with Fentanyl while they were trying to control his ICP. If he had made it, I was worried about the long term effects he would have suffered from the Fentanyl. In an ICU, I suppose it is a good drug, anywhere else, definitely not...
lupe_ramirez86 China is the biggest supplier of this crap for the cartels
michael_mitchell_ Its a diaster dropping people like flies
theunexpectedtactics That stuff is super dangerous...but "There are many reasons adolescents use these substances, including the desire for new experiences, an attempt to deal with problems or perform better in school, and simple peer pressure. Adolescents are "biologically wired" to seek new experiences and take risks, as well as to carve out their own identity. Trying drugs may fulfill all of these normal developmental drives, but in an unhealthy way that can have very serious long-term consequences.
Many factors influence whether an adolescent tries drugs, including the availability of drugs within the neighborhood, community, and school and whether the adolescent's friends are using them. The family environment is also important: Violence, physical or emotional abuse, mental illness, or drug use in the household increase the likelihood an adolescent will use drugs." RESPONSIBLY PARENT YOUR CHILDREN! 1 like
angelavanisidavies You just double boomered
covid_9mm I'm an anesthesiologist. Fentanyl is a commonly used IV opioid pain medication that is a mainstay of a lot of anesthesia practice. It is very good at blunting the sympathetic response to things like airway instrumentation and surgical stimulation. It allows us to be in control of hemodynamics during surgery. It is pretty safe in the right setting. But once we administer it, it can stop spontaneous respiration very quickly. When that happens, I just take over breathing for the patient. But if someone is just using this stuff recreationally, there's not going to be anyone there with airway equipment to do this for you. It is also incredibly addictive. It is not uncommon to hear about an anesthesia resident, nurse anesthetist, anesthesiologist assistant, or attending anesthesiologist dying from an overdose, just because they got curious. Bottom line: if you don't treat this stuff with the respect it deserves, it is remarkably dangerous. 37 likes
  -  bret_shipley @covid_9mm truth 1 like
  -  s.r.mcafee @covid_9mm I'm also an anesthesiologist and came to say basically this. Thanks boss. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @covid_9mm ... "... it can stop spontaneous respiration very quickly." ... If "spontaneous respiration" = "breathing", and George Floyd was heard saying "I can't breathe, I can't breathe" ... then perhaps George Floyd was a textbook example 🤷 19 likes
  -  cncappsjames @laruetactical [sarcasm] ...except in George Floyd's case, if you point out the anesthesiologist's/pharmacological facts related to fentanyl you're a racist. [/sarcasm] 3 likes
  -  covid_9mm @laruetactical I don't believe so. That presentation is not consistent with fentanyl overdose. You wouldn't panic and stop breathing. You'd most likely calmly lose consciousness and stop breathing. That said, not everyone is the same, and there was a lot going on there. But that was not the picture of a "textbook" fentanyl OD. 3 likes
  -  holy_guacamole710 @laruetactical no. If you ever witnessed an opioid overdose you would understand how dumb that comment sounds. Fentanyl probably didn't help but that guy definitely didn't die solely because of a Fentanyl overdose.
  -  schonebergperformance @laruetactical as a former medic....if they can say "I can't breathe"...they are breathing just fine 1 like
  -  laruetactical @schonebergperformance ... As a lifelong asthmatic, when I say "I can't breathe", it means I need off the baler and onto the rake. 3 likes
  -  iradiatdsquirel @covid_9mm what you just described is exactly why I left medicine. I don't want to be the person deciding whether or not I should give an 8 year old or a recovering addict a medication like that.
  -  occamdefensesolutions @covid_9mm with respect to presentation, he was speedballing w meth as well. The "real" autopsy had his lungs at 3x normal weight. I'm barely a medic but with the extreme blockage of arteries he had it sounded a lot like congestive heart failure. Between poly pharmacy and heart issues I can imagine a whole range of legit responses- but again- not a doctor!!
  -  covid_9mm @occamdefensesolutions my theory was always that he was probably having an MI or malignant tachydysrhythmia at the time of his arrest, possibly secondary to drug use, and/or exacerbation of a chronic condition. 2 likes
jay3076 And carfentanil is about 100 times more potent than fentanyl 4 likes
  -  drop_tine_investments_llc @jay3076 yup 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jay3076 ... That sounds like a very potent poison 😳😳 4 likes
  -  a._rush @jay3076 this is primarily supposed to be used in veterinary medicine, i.e. elephants .. which kinda makes sense size wise, however turn that to human street use, and that's got tragedy written all over it 2 likes
  -  jay3076 @laruetactical poison is the right word 2 likes
dieseldoc17 Mac Miller is an awesome white rapper #ripmac 12 likes
  -  greg_delaney @dieseldoc17 😭😭 absolute shame he's gone. Thankfully his family has been releasing some songs. But we got lucky to have Swimming then Circles. Works of art those two are. Growing up listening to him and watching his style change from KIDS, Larry, to Circles, he found himself, then went out. An absolute, fucking shame. 😢 3 likes
  -  dieseldoc17 @greg_delaney I second that brother!!! 2 likes
  -  dieseldoc17 @greg_delaney I got to see him live in 2012 with Wiz Khalifa!!! Glad I did before it was to late 1 like
  -  alienlovedoll @dieseldoc17 "awesome white rapper" only applies to Beastie Boys 3 likes
  -  dieseldoc17 @alienlovedoll untrue! 2 likes
  -  shooter_mcswag @dieseldoc17 yikes
  -  dain_thegreat1776 @dieseldoc17 he be on his Donald Trump Shitt!!! 1 like
  -  memoandres95 @dieseldoc17 he was trash at rapping but he was awesome at producing beats lol
evergreenrider Heroin is stronger than morphine, somebody skipped math day
capablegentleman 😂😂 @ who the hell is @mac miller 1 like
byrdprecision Mac Miller was a talented guy. Made some really enjoyable music. Unfortunately he liked substance abuse more than living. 4 likes
  -  manning_motorsports @byrdprecision idk about enjoyable but he was recording some noise.
  -  byrdprecision @manning_motorsports he was universally regarded as being "good" by anyone whose opinion matters
  -  manning_motorsports @byrdprecision they all say that after you OD
  -  byrdprecision @manning_motorsports even before. But like I said, "anyone whose opinion matters" 1 like
  -  a._rush @manning_motorsports @byrdprecision he was a pretty dang talented guy and musician. He didn't just 'rap'. He was also very open and honest about his struggles which helped countless others in their darkest times. It doesn't take a lotta effort to show even a minimal amount of empathy, even to ppl you don't know. 1 like
  -  byrdprecision @a._rush before I listened to him I had formed the opinion that the probably sucked. I had to eat crow after listening to Good Morning. He was way more than I expected. Very talented fella. Light years ahead of his contemporaries 1 like
  -  a._rush @byrdprecision right, very much so. I'm not even a 'fan boy' of his. I liked a lotta of his stuff and heard a lotta his music back growing up years back but wasn't a fanatic.. I'm just sayin you can't deny his talent nor take away from the impact he had, regardless of your opinion on music. A tragic ending nonetheless 1 like
nurse_holliday @byrdprecision I agree with this statement. Not a huge fan but Mac Miller wasn't afraid to do something different with rap. 1 like
griggsknives It's an elephant tranquilizer.
ticket2valhalla Interesting subject but really don't care who Mac Miller was 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @ticket2valhalla ... Were you aware that "Fentayl is hundreds of times more potent than heroin" ?👀 10 likes
  -  ticket2valhalla @laruetactical yes, they use it to spike heroine because they can cut it down further, add a touch of fentanyl, and still give it a hard punch.
  -  rightplacerighttime_official @laruetactical yes, a Fayetteville LEO Samuel Cook was revived with narcan after accidental exposure a couple of years ago. That brought it into heightened awareness in our region. Evidently there is also an oft-repeated misperception that it transmits through the dermis. 2 likes
protectiveops @igxgear @laruetactical were you aware the Russians used aerosolized fentanyl in 2002 in response to the Moscow theater host@ge crisis: Russia acknowledged today that it pumped an aerosol version of a powerful painkiller, Fentanyl, into a Moscow theater to end a hostage crisis last Saturday, breaking a four-day silence on the drug's identity that had drawn mounting criticism in the United States and Europe. Russia's health minister, Yuri L. Shevchenko, identified the gas. Meanwhile, the death toll of victims in the 57-hour hostage siege rose by 2 to 120. All but two of the victims apparently died from effects of the Fentanyl derivative. Source: NYT More reading: https://www.vice.com/en/article/8xk4jk/touching-fentanyl-absorbed-through-skin 6 likes
  -  derek558 @igxgear Thats not a misperception. They do make fentanyl transdermal patches. 2 likes
  -  ticket2valhalla @protectiveops 😮 1 like
  -  rightplacerighttime_official @derek558 Thanks. However, our comment was made regarding the form which affected the LEO. The linked Vice article addresses the misperception. (Our information on exposure risks came from a briefing, not the article)
  -  southie_02127 @laruetactical Got a Dilauid addiction after multiple surgeries due to VA misdiagnosis . Dilauid, Fentanyl are truly tools of the devil.
  -  derek558 @igxgear Ah, gotcha. My mistake. 👍 2 likes
  -  alienlovedoll @protectiveops sounds like a typical Russian "success " 2 likes
  -  j_tweezy @igxgear there are fentanyl patches out there, so that's not completely inaccurate. 1 like
  -  rightplacerighttime_official @j_tweezy 👍 (Derek was a class act [seriously] in discussing this with us elsewhere in the comments if you're interested)
perro_y_bombero Mac Miller? I think he's two types of laryngoscopes blades. 9 likes
  -  nurse_holliday @perro_y_bombero every time we do RSI and they ask for a Mack and a Miller I always whisper "rip" 1 like
  -  the_tacticallopath @perro_y_bombero this is now my actual favorite comment that I've ever read on IG 🤣😂🤣 1 like
roofkittyactual Chinese made fentanyl and the deaths it is responsible for is a plague on American youth. Don't think for a minute this isn't by design. There is blood on the hands of the CCP and their Democrat party enablers as Fentanyl pours over the unchecked southern border 1 like
  -  holy_guacamole710 @roofkittyactual fentanyl doesn't need Mexican cartels to get it into the US. EMS/USPS deliver tons of it directly from China to the US without touching ever touching Mexican soil. Also, if you really want to stop drugs from coming across the border, you better get ready for your taxes to double or triple or more and even then, it wouldn't come close to actually stopping the issue.
  -  roofkittyactual @holy_guacamole710 ah the Democrat apologist crawls out from under its rock
  -  holy_guacamole710 @roofkittyactual who said I like democrats? You seem to think that we can just police our way out of this. You're the one that seems to be suggesting we raise taxes to pay for socialist bullshit like ineffective border patrol. Arresting our way out of problems like this has never worked and never will.
  -  roofkittyactual @holy_guacamole710 right. Because why try to stop the Cartels and the CCP (the two primary parties responsible) from flooding our country with fentanyl right? Just crawl back under your rock.
  -  holy_guacamole710 @roofkittyactual the only way to have any real impact is to work to reduce the demand. Especially with a drug as potent and therefore, easy to smuggle, as fentanyl, you will never make a considerable dent in the flow by trying to arrest dealers and importers. Unfortunately, finding ways to reduce drug use and demand is not easy or as straightforward as just trying to arrest as many people as possible but poverty is a major contributing factor and, while that's difficult to solve as well, I would imagine that reducing taxes by reducing military and law enforcement spending would be a good start but I guess you're too much of a communist to understand that.
  -  roofkittyactual @holy_guacamole710 yes im sure your genius plan will stop the CCPs from flooding our streets with cheap fentanyl. And im sure it will totally stop the Democrats and corrupt Rinos from enabling the CCP at every turn. Americans will do drugs regardless of your moralizing. Period. Fentanyl is even found in thc vapes. Proliferation of the killer substance is the problem not the drug use itself. But i guess youre too much of a Chinese bot to understand that.
  -  holy_guacamole710 @roofkittyactual you're literally making the same kind of argument that democrats make to support stricter gun control. The US will probably always be the world's largest consumer of drugs and intoxicating substances but there are definitely substantial changes over time in the types of drugs that are most commonly used. Trends and changes in popularity happen just as much in the drug market as anywhere else. It doesn't matter how much of a certain drug a supplier has if demand in their market shifts towards something else. Its hard to flood the streets with something that nobody wants to buy. Yes, its a much more complicated approach but your suggested approach has been tried and failed massively for over 100 years in this country. Clearly, it's time to change the approach. 1 like
  -  roofkittyactual @holy_guacamole710 your reading comprehension needs some work comrade. Here I'll make it easier for you. FENTANYL IS LITERALLY FOUND IN ALL ILLICIT STREET DRUGS. Its proliferation has nothing to do with "popularity " . Your knowledge of this subject is circa 1969. My only argument is that its proliferation is mostly due to our politicians enabling the CCP and their lapdog Mexican cartels. Your comparison to the Democrats argument for gun control only highlights your lack of knowledge on the subject
kodiak_precision Fentanyl, The worst of the worst. Seems to be prolific nowadays...... where's the "War on Drugs" ???????????? 1 like
genericcc_usernameee_     @kodiak_precision it's been over for years, we lost 1 like
  -  46wlf46 @kodiak_precision drugs is the winner. 1 like
  -  holy_guacamole710 @kodiak_precision the war on drugs is definitely still happening and definitely wasting massive amounts of taxpayer dollars. Sorry you never grasped the fact that it's a war that was always impossible to win. People with functioning brains figured that out by the 30s when they realized alcohol prohibition was a huge failure.
nondescript01010110 Killed George fentanyl floyd too 21 likes
agoristalex Big pharma
$hwacked 7 likes
dracob__ Fentanyls a plague here in the coal towns of PA. RIP to Mac one of the few who put out a decent message 13 likes
  -  greg_delaney @dracob__ 😭😭😭😭 1 like
tomcollins03253 Thank Mexico and China. 3 likes
  -  skipjack86 @tomcollins03253 quit blaming them, they just are fulfilling an u s consumer's demand (simple economics) if you bomb the shit and disappear Mexico or China, someone else will pick up that production if there still a demand.
  -  tomcollins03253 @skipjack86 I agree, we should let a couple lethal loads through and the problem will solve itself like a self cleaning oven.
  -  skipjack86 @tomcollins03253 smh 🤦 that was figurative ... the problem won't be solved until we stop our demand for those narcotics
  -  tomcollins03253 @skipjack86 if the addicts die...so does the demand.
  -  tomcollins03253 @tomcollins03253 if people are injecting fentanyl face it, they're already the walking dead it's just a matter of time.
fbgrobdapope Dead rappwr