... Turns out a large percentage of licensed hunters haven't voted lately. You know who you are. Roust out, get registered to vote, then let your pro-hunting voice be heard in November. I have a Lifetime Texas Hunting license ... and I vote. ML
502 likesj_frank24_ Done!
musicmankaraoke2002 Entered. I will exercise my freedom in November and vote for the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Trump 2020
cpl0313 Done
devildog_5701 Entered and voting for my 2A rights in November.
ukulele_shillelagh Dang, I wish I could afford some of that fine Texan craftsmanship
wchollar Following in my families history of military service, I enlisted in the USAF and served my country with honor, doing my part to defend this country and those countries where people didn't have the freedoms we have. If you sit idle, you're rights will be slowly stripped away and before you know it, you will have none. You must exercise your rights or you will loose them. My great uncle was in France in 1942 and received the French version of our Medal of Honor. I don't want to see his sacrifice wasted because we sat idle and let our freedoms go. Vote God, family, country!
jivesturkey Done
tonymarazzo Yes sir!
murdock_mcinnis Ultimate upper 6.5creed kit all put together with one of your lowers, it's short cycling, will eject empty casing but wont chamber a new round. Any advice in how to fix this?
  -  murdock_mcinnis @murdock_mcinnis still shoots sub MOA but is practically a bolt gun right now haha
  -  laruetactical @murdock_mcinnis ... I'll take "Will LaRue Armorer's class help me?" for $200 Alex
  -  murdock_mcinnis @laruetactical hey, i feel like its gotta be a gas system problem, it was shipped to me already assembled 🤷
  -  laruetactical @murdock_mcinnis ... Well hell, maybe social distancing kept the assembler too far away from it to see what he was doing.
  -  laruetactical @murdock_mcinnis ... All fun aside ... what ammo is shortstroking ?
  -  murdock_mcinnis @laruetactical both types I tried, 120 gr hornady eld match and 140 gr eld match
  -  murdock_mcinnis @laruetactical sometimes it would eject the casing then only lock the bolt halfway back, meaning the bolt catch would catch on the bcg not the bolt itself.
  -  laruetactical @murdock_mcinnis ... Change to different mag, oil it since "everything's better wetter", put your shoulder into it, or all of the above. Something, anything, that will let us get back to getting the vote out. 2 likes
joseph5myers I have voted in every presidential election since 1988 and I am going to continue to!
wardjm1 @laruetactical just bought my son a lifetime license! Little man doesn't know how good he has it! Kudos to @ncwildlife for a great program!
claytonbretveld Does it still count if we did this over a month ago?
morbidbattlecry I'm going to need a optic for it too mark
paul.moreau.31586 Damn where do i enter ?