... Wire EDMs give you SuperPowers 😎 ... note how you can see👀 straight through into the TranQuilo, with crazy good definition 🧐 ML
1,869 likesskoal7731 Kicking myself still for turning down free wire edm and conventional edm machines from my previous job. I didn't have a place for them and the owner just wanted me to pay for the rigging costs 😂😂😂 1 like
  -  laruetactical @skoal7731 ... Some things are to be left unsaid 😳 5 likes
shooterjosh3 Huh. So the ribs actually are for her pleasure. I always assumed they were part of the secret sauce of minimal blowback.
  -  laruetactical @shooterjosh3 ... They are there to aid in gripping (for removal) and also serve as strengthening ribs to stop the can from becoming a "balloon" 1 like
  -  shooterjosh3 @laruetactical alright, keep your secrets to yourself.
  -  laruetactical @shooterjosh3 ... ? 1 like
the.way.less.traveled So ML, looks like a can inside a can. Does the inner wall act as a heat barrier to the outer wall? Or does the inner wall vent in to the opening between walls to assist in gas expansion/flow?
  -  laruetactical @the.way.less.traveled ... Neither. Between the inner and outer wall is a thoroughfare for gas to escape from the rear of the can out to the front of the can, much like fire escape side doors would work at a crowded theater if someone yelled "FIRE !!" 3 likes
28bears Is the TranQuilo made in Texas? And therefore not regulated like other suppressors for Texas residents?
j_tweezy That's not how that works. Federal law trumps state law.
  -  28bears @j_tweezy I thought Abbott just signed into law that Texas made suppressors are legal to purchase for Texas residents?
  -  laruetactical @28bears ... That's akin to authorizing more rain. 3 likes
dvcasey03 Yes but no one will actually go along.
  -  hardpark_86 @j_tweezy and yet here we are with 44 states having some sort of legal weed laws the majority of which are recreational. 1 like
  -  hardpark_86 @j_tweezy in only 5 states is it still illegal, i never saw big brother come knocking when those states decided to do things over federal law.
  -  j_tweezy @hardpark_86 Yes, I'm aware. Don't know what to tell ya, bud.
  -  j_tweezy @hardpark_86 and yeah, they did fuck with people in Cali when they were first to pass it.
tx_saltydog So for us Texans with HB957 on the horizon. Getting our hands on a TranQuilo should be a simpler process I'm assuming. Is this correct? 1 like
  -  just_jeffing_around @tx_saltydog not if Texas doesn't back you in federal court 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @just_jeffing_around ... The 2nd Amendment is used primarily as a cash cow by both sides of the aisle, a campaign contribution tool. "Last chance to contribute if you want to stop gun violence !!" ... " Last chance to contribute if you want to stop them from enacting more of their crazy anti-gun laws!!". 45 likes
  -  jb_2012 @tx_saltydog read the bill…
  -  tx_saltydog @just_jeffing_around exactly. They make it sound too good to be true.
  -  tx_saltydog @laruetactical very true. I listen to our politicians as if they were selling used cars. Every word is taken with a grain of salt. I don't see this bill having the outcome that some of us are hoping for. Might as well pay up.
  -  doolittlelamar @laruetactical if in doubt, look up all the laws and regulations that are rolled back when republicans have the majority.
  -  kinetic_defense_tx @tx_saltydog the bill text says it has to pass federal muster. The atf just released a document stating that NFA rules still apply to any and all suppressors in TX due to the Supremacy clause. 3 likes
  -  jspryce @laruetactical 🎯
  -  tikkashooter @tx_saltydog it doesn't change anything other than hopefully if they follow through the state to challenge the federal government in court
nocornerman One day 🙏🔥 2 likes
longrangesurfer Yes! Does this mean you're starting on tranquilo back orders? 1 like
woelflp Make a can that looks like a fleshlight. Plz. 1 like
goodrich276 I don't even fully understand wire EDM but if gives me a chubby 1 like
  -  slangin_boolits @goodrich276 just think of it as electric cheese wire 2 likes
  -  goodrich276 @slangin_boolits instead of a hot knife through butter, it's an electrified wire through steel 🤘🏻 1 like
  -  mosin_gunner7.62x54r @goodrich276 sort of like controlled erosion of material, the tool never actually touches the part, but it has an electrical discharge around the tool that will eat or "burn" the material away. You can increase this electrical discharge zone by increasing the electrical current to the tool, which can be called overburn. 3 likes
  -  j_tweezy @mosin_gunner7.62x54r I had no idea
willkana Hoping my suurg kits comes in soon 4 likes
patrick.a.johnson314 Cool to see. I LOVE mine!!
whatarewedo1ng I love mine.
trailer_park_ginger u s
cmartina1 Pure wizardry
_esstac You need to EMD one of my Form 1 cans 😍
mmark_the_mk18 You guys know about any Texas made cans that use a QD system I can't find anything really
gkeye87 Send me mine please 🙏
thecodystone Patiently waiting on that one and the suurg version.
grizzflynn Wow!!! Looks like you can see through it!! 🤯
joeski556 ML when will the next run of tranquilos for the suurg uppers happen? Got a naked upper that needs completing! Thanks.
britosalejandro_ Wow
johnylompoc My my my, what a big chamber you have.
texas_marine @laruetactical are these made in Texas for Texans?
guardianfirearmco @laruetactical can I shoot a 28 Nosler though my Tranquilo???