... New sheriff in town, and he's a cigar chompin 5S'er. 5S's ain't the same as 3S's, but I suppose you might use the occasional 3S to achieve 5S, but I digress. Anyhow, just before locking up last night, this section of the building got the floors fresh painted. Cigar chomper said the floors didn't do the million dollar aisle of new Haas's justice. Voila' ! Happy 4th u s u s u s
1,486 likesgwerkin88 That's a whole mess of Haas
chlv0ter Get some o 'dat!
2_utah Cool.. can I have my rifle now lol 😆 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @2_utah ... Paint takes 2 weeks to dry🤷 42 likes
  -  2_utah @laruetactical 😂 1 like
  -  todd_t1 @laruetactical 🤣🤣
ohio_outcast Love @haas_automation machines. Shop looks great!
brittzter13 Great. So long as those little mothers kept grinding out ARs!!
harkentriptych One of, if not the, great manufacturers of firearms and firearm accessories, using Haas machines. Everyone I know gives me shit because I want a Haas. Proof that it can in fact be used to create quality products. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @harkentriptych ... It can't be questioned. I bought my first Haas in 1992, serial #1492,. It's still running great parts, day and night. We have over 100 Haas CNC machining centers. 5 likes
  -  carlos_a_martine.z @harkentriptych they make great avocados too. 1 like
dadofthreee I was wondering when you'd redo the floors. They never looked Tex Spec before.
clintgovols "And brother..... business is a boomin..." Lt. Aldo Raine. 1 like
brown_pietro When do you think your standard mbt-2s are shipping? I placed an order a month ago.. :)
  -  laruetactical @brown_pietro ... LaRue MBT triggers are shipping 5 days a week. We're playing catch-up, but there's light at the end of the tunnel. 1 like
gunsknivesandcoffee This is beautiful
james_siler Awesome! 👍👍c l u s
james_siler Still waiting patiently for my 762 UU. 🤨👍👍c l u s
flieger I will happily lend my dollars to you for a beautiful shop like that. 👍
korobob Amazing factory🧡🔥🔥🔥
avalonriflewerx Hey y'all, what's with all dem robots?
duckhnt Winning! Congrats, Mark. Happy 4th! 2 likes
tadacad Main street usa! 1 like
alpha_phil15 I don't have any idea what any of that means but keep building great rifles. And mounts.
old_man_strong Holy crap Mark! Love to see how big the lines are feeding the shop! That's a lot of juice! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @old_man_strong ... I know the diameter of the shop's electric bill ... $30K a month👀 3 likes
  -  old_man_strong @laruetactical Damnnnnnnnn!
  -  the_sultan_of_sausage @laruetactical holy shit balls. Never bitching about $1400/month again. 1 like
s.weatherby The problem is your products are too good for the price. The value is too high for us to chose to spend our money elsewhere. Now you are stuck in an endless loop never being able to meet the demand! What's harder, finding the machines or the operators? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @s.weatherby ... Finding folks with a built-in work ethic is the hard part. 3 likes
  -  s.weatherby @laruetactical I know some hard working youngsters, do you have guidance on how I can help them determine if machining is a direction that would be a good fit for them?
  -  laruetactical @s.weatherby ... Good question Mr. Weatherby. Perhaps school them up on Roy Weatherby's rifle-making history. They already have a famous name of a famous machinist 🤷
bsbitw3 Mr. LaRue, When you speak of 5S'ers are you referring to the Six Sigma principle of manufacturing workplace organization and cleaniness?
  -  laruetactical @bsbitw3 ... Si
bsbitw3 I have 3 of your great products and they are absolute hammers. 1. .556 predatober...2. .308 predatober...3. 6.5 Creedmoor on order. And various mounts, buis, sling attachments and other accessories. The quality is hard to beat. 1 like
liaztraht Now to just Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain an MBT-2S into my mail box. I kid, I kid. Cabinet shop I work in follows that and lean mfg in general. If I lived nearby I would apply to help get parts out. Not sure how well quality tech would translate from cabinets to firearms and parts lol.
haas_automation Thanks for sharing! Do we have permission to repost this on our social media platforms? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @haas_automation ... By all means, please do u s u s u s u s u s 1 like
peakpg03 Ayyyy Lean Six-sigma for the win 1 like
stukahuna So much bling!
oneasteriskindustries Such a beautiful scene of HAAS🔥🔥🔥
popeofglass Beautiful 🙌👏
old_grasshoppa SHITSUKE!!!!! 1 like
dbaz88 Nice @laruetactical ... add some visual workplace and daily accountability to that and you'll be on your way.
bradtully7 Would love to hear the story of how you started until now!! I bet that's a wild ride!! 1 like
mikeb945 most people lose it on the last S cause it takes constant energy to do it. Ya gotta live 5S. Looks great 👍 3 likes
mrktrn Clean floor to do more.
scvdannyboi Amazing no one's dropped the Dykem 🔴🔵 on that nice floor yet. 1 like