... Snatched this MGU review off a thread over on AR15.com. Couple questions ... This Hornady Steel Match 75grain, any of you shot it in one of 600-700 MGUs we've shipped (Match Grade Uppers), if so, how's it shoot ? And notice this guy was shooting at 50 yards ... do many of you routinely shoot at 50 yards, and if so, why ? And yeah, I'm spoiled, I have my own private onsite 💯 yard underground range here at the facility 🎯 ML
566 likesbobjones1885 Steel match runs well I've used it out to 700 in a prs match. Never shot groups just zero and chrono at 100 then positional stuff 1 like
  -  laruetactical @bobjones1885 ... Is the "Steel" about shooting steel targets, or is it about "steel-cased" ammo ? Or neither ? 1 like
  -  bobjones1885 @laruetactical it's steel cased ammo with match bullets
  -  laruetactical @bobjones1885 ... ✅ 1 like
shartgraves What does FO'd mean? Asking for a friend.
  -  dmessenger18 @shartgraves it's ARF Classified. Need to know only 1 like
  -  laruetactical @dmessenger18 ... Damn, I was wanting to know too, for a friend. 1 like
  -  shartgraves @dmessenger18 Sounds good haha. I'll just be over here shooting, buying from Larue, and pondering this secret language.
  -  dmessenger18 @laruetactical you just keep churning out product so we have something to spend our money on
  -  dmessenger18 @shartgraves it's in the ARF Dictionary
  -  ryanemorris99 @shartgraves Either flipped out or fapped off? My guess is the latter. 1 like
  -  dmessenger18@ https://www.ar15.com/forums/general/ARFCOM_101/5-872990/ ? 1 like
  -  msproch @shartgraves it's a newer turn on FENT
  -  jrzj @laruetactical only shaunofthedead knows 😂
jsmith_409 Most of my 556's are zeroed at 50. I guess that means I shoot at 50 quite often🤷
  -  laruetactical @jsmith_409 ... Does that put you dead on at 200 yards ? 1 like
  -  andrew_.223 @laruetactical on my gun it's around 215 or so iirc.. height over bore affects it a bit too I believe. But it is annoying to be hitting high at 100 yards I haven't found the sweet spot I like yet 1 like
  -  jsmith_409 @laruetactical Completely dependant on which cartridge and optic I'm running. But on my primary comp gun it's about zero again at 245. With M193 on a 16" barrel I can hold center mass on an IPSC and be in the A box from 25-300.
shrek2_on_dvd Keep in mind it's ar15.com, where the average poster IQ is around that of a good size piece of lumber. I wouldn't take it as too much of a compliment. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @shrek2_on_dvd ... Hey numb nuts, I got 50,000 posts on ARFcom, and I resemble that remark. 1 like
  -  shrek2_on_dvd @laruetactical 😂😂😂😂
taylortcook Lack of access to longer distances in NH 3 likes
tacthiccalfun A lot of local ranges only go to 50 yards 2 likes
slariv9213 Only have access to 25yds here in RI. Its also all indoors because the noise is too scary for the population here. 1 like
thecodystone Larue's will shoot. Sell me a 14.5 CM. 😂 1 like
tenmoreto.50cal I regularly shoot at 25 yard indoor ranges because that's all that's around me for public ranges. 1 like
billsnearly I'll zero red dots at 50 then confirm at 200. Point blank out to about 300. Scopes get zeroed at 100 of course.
anglicomarine1990 Is this group at 50 yards?
tacticalslings I Zero all except my ELR and F Class rifles at 100 yards. It's for my old brain to remember. Then I only have to memorize drop/drift for the different calibers The F TR Class is 300 because that's the closest we shoot. The ELR zero is 1000 yards
customglock I use a 50y top edge zero for my defensive rifle with 6moa aimpoint. All rounds stay in the dot out to 350y. Don't have to do math or dope unless going past 350.
dean.ives I saw FO'd, and was like what the French toast?! Someone is using that in real life now?!
depredadorsolutions With my 556 PredatAR 16" , iron sights and 75gr Speer Gold Dot; I shoot at 40 yards. It should give me 40-200yard zero according to JBM calculator. However I have not confirmed the 200yards. Guess I have something to do this weekend.
pewpewvette No. Normally 300, only 100 if I have to or if I am shooting .22LR.
usingmyrights 100yd indoor range? Nice I'm stuck out in the FL heat and humidity. I got shipping notice today so it'll probably arrive at the end of my vacation. I can try it at around 200yds though. Unfortunately, it's not completely flat terrain for a true zero.
jdbailey375 I do. 50 yard zero.
dvcasey03 Optic dependent I either zero at 36 or 100
sebspeedcustoms Be happy to show 100, 200, and 300... just need to get it to me lol
reagan.911.991.c2 I get a "sorta" zero at 50 then go to 100. But then that's max at my range. Many people have even less. Don't be mad bro
tom_rakip Sometimes I get stuck at 25-50 ranges unless I can travel 90 minutes away @laruetactical
customglock @laruetactical steel match shoots 1 moa 5 round groups at 100y and 500y in my 3 gun rifle. Its good, not black hills 77otm good, but still good.
  -  customglock @customglock 308 steel match shoots sub moa 5 rounds groups at 500y in my scar