... Some of you will be getting shipping notices ... ML
883 likesfullbore115b 2 weeks...
mkivbb @laruetactical HANDGUARDS!!!!!!!!!
edc3304 Any ultimate upper kits in there? 1 like
  -  billsnearly @edclore Mine is. Got the message today. 1 like
pmvanwie Pretty sure handguards don't ship in those boxes...
papazulu16 @laruetactical when will y'all have your single stage triggers in stock? And how can you get put on a wait list?
1gunsmith Suurge kits!?!😍👀💥🤞
tonyleal84 I "retire" in 4.5 years. Maybe you'll be accepting applications then.
justinwivey Hope it's me!!!!🙌
lsbtexas4l I'm just want my 2 muzzle brakes I ordered. Haha!!
ram_dmc Trijicon MRO w/ @laruetactical mount?
bagman01 Freedom inbound!
jre_87 Ha! Yeah right.
eskamfo 🤞
gavltron Got mine today !
axeonoptics Ah, shipping jenga! Careful with that lift!
ccpnw541 I see mine!
southpawin512 Still waiting for the gas block ordered in April - Mother's Day gift for my wife is threatening to turn into a Christmas gift.
derrick_sowers Those don't look like magazines, still waiting.😢
sightsplusllc Got my notice!
thedogeoftheyear Been waiting on a handguard for like 6 months
jeromy001 That's awesome. Been waiting on a my LTB308-B for six months. Fingers crossed it will ship soon.
cartouche61 i knee if i just held out a bit longer.
akscott60 Hell yes.
mesooohoppy Single stage flat triggers please!! 2 likes
  -  lone__renegade @mesooohoppy I have one! You'll love it!
  -  mesooohoppy @lone__renegade I have one and that's the problem. I only have one. 2 likes
jancarlo.nesto Hell yes!!!!!
lazykrogan883 Can't wait to get my AR from y'all u s
ghostmanacat @laruetactical what's the current turnaround time for one of your ar15 ultimate upper kits assembled right now?
  -  bahn112 I would assume it all depends on the configuration. I ordered a .308 UU Kit a couple of months back and it took 4 business days to get to my door. Crazy fast! Whatever the wait, it'll be worth it! 1 like
  -  luis3rd Ordered my 556 uu kit 2 months ago, it'll be delivered in 2 days 3 likes
  -  ghostmanacat @bahn112 right on. Appreciate your comment. Im attempting my first build and leaning heavily toward choosing Larue for the upper. 1 like
  -  ghostmanacat @luis3rd wow so 2 month wait? I was just curious how long it was with everything going on in the world... I'm sure it'll be worth the wait!
  -  fullbore115b 2 weeks 😎 1 like
  -  lone__renegade When I called they said 1-3 months 1 like
  -  jjfitter6176 I ordered the 308 kit 6/3 received it 7/11 and it's awesome. Even came in an FDE plastic rifle case which was a great surprise to me! 1 like
  -  adrianhlam I have one and I'm also building a Frankenstein build, for the price the kit can't be beat. I waited about 1.5 months for mine 1 like
  -  ghostmanacat @adrianhlam that's what drew me to them... their complete rifles are badass but way out of my price range, but when you start to price out parts lists or other complete uppers... Larue just stood out for the quality and features you get for the price! 1 like
  -  luis3rd Yea, I placed the order May 25th, delivery date is this coming Saturday. I don't mind waiting for a quality product!! 1 like
  -  billsnearly 4- 6 weeks. 1 like
46wlf46 I didn't order anything, but please send the notification anyway. 4 likes
mattbmclean6f Ready👌🏻
lkcrome Man if I had a pallet full of 34 tobr's sitting outside my gun shed, I wouldn't even gripe that I didn't have a fork lift to mov'im inside... I'd just suck it up and thank the gun fairy for the blessing😎
torchytt For those of you that ordered back in 1988... that's what this pic looks like😜 10 likes
agw_fl Got my last week!!!!!!🔥
frisco_rps13 Got excited thinking it might be the mlok handguard I ordered in April...aaand then the picture loaded 😂