... Wyoming Siete 6.5 Creedmoor beta-tester put a B5 stock on it and sent me a pic. Said his boy made a 454 yard hit on a "gopher". Said a "gopher" is a 1/4th the size of a prairie dog. Years ago I saw ground squirrels in Wasco, CA ... not sure if ground squirrels are the same as 'gophers' 🤷
992 likesdthomas4 When can we see this hit the market? 3 likes
  -  mikecampbell734 ☝need this answered. Been waiting a long time 2 likes
  -  whatarewedo1ng 2 weeks 3 likes
  -  texan.right I've been holding off on my bolt action purchase to get one of these! 1 like
  -  perez2021juan Anyone have any idea what the 6.5 CM will weigh?
csolstice032018 It would make my year to beta test one this coming hunting season!
rynoz27 I need some Siete in my life. What's production timeframe looking like? 2 likes
  -  whatarewedo1ng @rynoz27 2 weeks
stretch415 Striped gopher? Skinny little guys. Used to idle around with Dad and spot them running across the gravel. Stop and whistle them up to a stand and pop them with the ruger Mkii. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @stretch415 ... That sounds like a Tennessee chipmunk 🤷 2 likes
saltydogphoto Not sure if Siete's are the same as Sasquatch 4 likes
avboys_cocainefrank A gopher is about half the size of the ground squirrels here in Commifornia. 2 likes
yeah_trout_that That looks good.
rplhvac Is it going to use AR pistol grips and triggers? When can we expect this bad boy to release. I want one!
adamethridge Interesting
esqphoto I can test you some beta if you'd like? 😂😂
codyy05 @laruetactical curious how many are in the wild being beta tested. Would love to see some of their reviews.
j_frank24_ Man I knew a few VA guys that would have been good beta testers! 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @j_frank24_ ... Yep, and got it "Jump Certified" too 💯🔥 3 likes
duckhnt @laruetactical Wyoming!? No no no.... These need to be tested in Idaho. 1 like
  -  mrdrewchandler @duckhnt you spelled Kentucky wrong. 1 like
justa_jake_ Is 2 weeks for release valid? Seen it in some replies.
  -  regularprecisiondude @justa_jake_ nope ....it's just the running joke. 1 like
treylillich When is the Siete going to be available? I would love to have one.
americanroninllc After shooting the 6.5 PRC, Creedmoor speeds just don't impress anymore, not that the really ever did.
  -  laruetactical @americanroninllc ... In the 70s, I ran 120 grain Sierra Spitzers in my 7mmMag with 75 gr of 4831. 4 likes
  -  americanroninllc @laruetactical that sounds like a really fast round!
joseph5myers They are the same thing.
rileyjp If you need a mediocre tester that's local let me know. My buddies would attest that if I can be accurate with it, it has to be good! 😂 I'm available for pickups to save on shipping. 😉
pjcane Oh man!! Can't wait to get one of these one of these days! 👏 1 like
realmda13 🧡 Thanks ML. Exactly what I asked for! Now just send me one!
lenchowoll I would like to become a beta tester!
eadie.steve In MT we called the ground squirrels gophers. Shot the shit out of them there and here in OR. Technically they are CA ground squirrels. Just one more thing to blame on CA!