... Another day, another scope - Burris RT-15, 3-15 power. MGU 16" 5.56, last pic is groups shot with this rifle 🎯 New MGU showing good potential 😎 ML
977 likesjnoahheafner How does Burris compare to Nightforce/higher end glass?
  -  laruetactical @jnoahheafner ... I'm the last guy to ask about glass quality. First thing I think of when looking through a scope is - "Damn, this sure beats the hell out of a peep sight !!" 14 likes
  -  jpatrickbateman @jnoahheafner It's serviceable. 1 like
  -  high5.56 @jnoahheafner if you want something like nightforce from Burris they make that... the xtr lineup and others are premium glass... they win lots of long distance matches with their high end stuff. they also make cheap China trash like the msr scopes and others. Like vortex... there's good and there's trash. 3 likes
  -  dommytuzzit @high5.56 *cries in diamondback tactical*
  -  jnoahheafner @high5.56 I've never considered Burris but seeing Mark shoot it made me think "maybe he knows something I don't". Generally I see him using NF so I was curious.
  -  high5.56 @dommytuzzit 😂 you could still do worse but yeah... 1 like
  -  laruetactical @high5.56 ... Thanks for the good input.👊 2 likes
  -  thecodystone @dommytuzzit as you should. Definitely chyna 🗑.
  -  dommytuzzit @thecodystone chyyyyyyyneezy fur sheeeezy
prestondw Is that a standard lower? @laruetactical 1 like
angrygingertx Burris does not compare favorably to high end stuff in low light. But if you shoot in good daylight all the time it's a perfectly great scope. And their warranty is no joke. I believe you could call them and tell them you got mad and cut your scope in half with a band saw on purpose and they'd probably replace it. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @angrygingertx ... LOL, that's a warranty and a half !!! 5 likes
  -  dommytuzzit @angrygingertx *bandsaw noises intensifes* 3 likes
jdg0707 What mount should I get for my new 14.5 predatobr?
  -  johnnybwildered @jdg0707 definitely a Larue QD.
awareandalive Best Fooking products on planet Earth!!!! 🙌🔥🧡🤘 1 like
auav8tor @laruetactical How do you like that scope? Anything else in that price range you like better for sub 400 yards?
ufgators68 Have one of those on my Stealth 2.0 upper. Very nice for the money.
windsoc_1911 Wish my 1.93 34mm QD scope mount was heading to Arkansas.. nothing like $1800.00 worth of glass looking for a rifle to mate with.u s
  -  whatarewedo1ng @windsoc_1911 you waiting on a mount?
  -  windsoc_1911 @_cars_be_broke_ indeed