... I dug up another great example of 3-shot vs 5-shot groups ... three (3) 6.5CM PredatAR variants, NightForce 5.5-22 power, Hornady 140ELD, 100 yards, Harris/LaRue bipod, shot off a bench (with a small rear cloth bag). 1st rifle / 0.556 avg, 2nd rifle / 0.699 avg., 3rd rifle / 0.588 avg. ML
506 likesbriarbfirearms 6.5CM PredatAR? Same barrel as the UUs or a pencil profile? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @briarbfirearms ... Same as the tOBR profile. 4 likes
tim_etgearco What do we need to do to acquire a barrel for our tOBRs 1 like
uhleal Nice can... 😁
depredadorsolutions Those are nice groups! Why am I hungry for some Mexican chicken soup?
thecodystone Is the complete tact 6.5 gren fde going to be available any time soon?
varuume Hahaha
justn84 I bought an UUR 16" 556 and put it on my predOBR lower, call it a predatUUR 🤷🏻 1 like
dreauxmire Goya 👍🏻 1 like
him72984 Is the Grendel barrel kinda like the OBR?
axeonoptics Go ya! 🔥🔥🔥