... Like I said "Pallets of accuracy going onto the UPS truck/trucks ... every day" 💪 ML
866 likesnigelbrown597 Thing of beauty 👍🏼u s
whopperator I love the pride and confidence in your company. It definitely shows in your products. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @whopperator ... "A rifle behind every blade of grass ..." We made a decision to swamp America with extremely accurate rifles ... Affordable Overkill (TM) - ML 8 likes
rhodie333 They are some fantastic rifles. I love my PredatOBR! 2 likes
abellbrian One of them is mine. Got my shipping notification about an hour ago 😍🔥😍 3 likes
  -  thecodystone @abellbrian nobody likes a bragger. 2 likes
kyles_korner Maaayyybbbeee you sneak a 13.2 inch LAT handguard on the truck for a special someone? 1 like
somedude1151 Any .308 18" UU kits in there? 2 likes
chumbief Love seeing this UPS truck come into the building. 😍😍
fireman4180 Can't wait to see mine ship.
sasquatch264 I've been a customer for many years. I even sold your products for a couple of years (Big Dawg Tactical, remember me?) I love seeing you still thrive. I got my upper a couple weeks back. I've got more LaRue barrels in rifles than any other brand, and I've got 5 Proof barrels of that tells you something. Keep being a great American, Mark! 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @sasquatch264 ... How do we stack up against the big dawgs ? 1 like
  -  sasquatch264 @laruetactical Gas gun to gas gun with match ammo I get as good if not better performance than the carbon fiber barrels costing 3x as much. One of my favorite guns is an ultra lightweight I built with one of your 16" .625 barrels. All your .750's print 3/4MOA or better. ALL OF THEM. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @sasquatch264 ... Made my day 👊 2 likes
  -  a_a_ron_d86 @laruetactical I've always thought larue WAS one of the big dawgs lol 🤷
  -  laruetactical @aaron_d86 ... If we are ... it snuck up on me 😎
  -  sp0kanistani @laruetactical #HumbleBrag 😍 hehe
ohsnapzombies Finalllllllyyyyy. Got tracking. Now the anxious UPS wait! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @ohsnapzombies ... All hands 💪 are on deck here u s 2 likes
______campo Looking forward!!!!
peter.noowin Mr. Larue, what would be the consequences or disciplinary actions taken against the person that fails to operate the fork lift causing that entire delivery to topple over
  -  laruetactical @peter.noowin ... Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? 6 likes
  -  bsmithsjbakh @laruetactical I do love Donald Sutherland 1 like
jdg0707 I think there is something secret that goes into your barrels!!!
  -  laruetactical @jdg0707 ... Yeah, and it's called elbow grease 5 likes
auav8tor Any hope soon for uppers ordered 2 hours after the Friday release? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @auav8tor ... Re-read my post 3 likes
  -  mckeonekert @laruetactical "going out every day"
  -  terryhuiskens @auav8tor - mine took 2 weeks for delivery. My first LaRue, looks perfect.
thecodystone Those boxes look way to big for suppressors. 😢 1 like
crppilot Dang, must be nice! Been waiting 9 months as a loyal Texas customer 1 like
lost.with.the.map2 Got my shipping notification today! It feels like Christmas morning!
armcore762 Daewoo!! A company that made rifles to supply to the South Korean military.
claymorebrandon2020 🤞