Rembrandt ;-) ML
717 likescsolstice032018 Looks like a Siete safety lever!!! 5 likes
ccarnel Thing of beauty..
governorperry Verified Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni.....🤓👀 12 likes
  -  longrangesurfer @governorperry hey Gov...good seeing you and @Dakota meyer0317 @lhcatx a few weeks ago.... 1 like
freakinout I hope you Siete it to safe 4 likes
kevinmichael_67 When? 1 like
thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow ...the LaRue boy is showing up traditional rifle makers again.... 2 likes
a3addon Is this thing ever going to be released? 5 likes
r_lamas Sexy....
mrdrewchandler Want; probably cannot obtain. 😠 2 likes
j_donica @laruetactical A safety switch for a custom boom stick? 1 like
storman_67 Need
phil.thompson.140 Nice work Mark!
yorick_drd Whennnnn 😓😓😓??? 1 like
mr.niceknife Your barrels are made in-house right? I'm in the market for a 20" in 223
  -  laruetactical @mr.niceknife ... Yes, and we make excellent barrels 20" 5.56 barrels. Your best best is to get one with the Ultimate Upper Kit ;-) ML 2 likes
  -  mr.niceknife @laruetactical I was curious do you guys lap the upper? Do you think it makes a difference?
wedgetail_industries Details matter