It's hot in Texas ... I walked by this old steel BBQ today sitting in the sun and it smelled like it was cooking. I backed up and looked at the temp ... Whoa! 200 degrees inside! Invention time ... we make a heavy steel 2 foot X 2 foot X 6" thick Solar Grill for burgers. Paint heavy steel lid black to soak up sun's heat, throw frozen burgers on in the morning, pull 'em off for dinner. ML #larue #texasforever #barbeque
546 likesmikeb945 Pair that with some sun tea and you got a meal 3 likes
m_dodson23 Helluva idea 👍u s c l
katos_dad Damn. You ain't even gotta build a fire.
xdo3x Wow, we can comment now lol 2 likes
mysteryofthedesert Same in Az
doorgunner065 My phone didn't ring
whatarewedo1ng Wouldn't take much to get it to cooking temp
frisco_rps13 That's a brilliant idea!
asavage79 Yay comments! Why not before? For the record, thank you for a great rifle.
boblee1775 Yeah my wife keeps telling I can't do that because of salmonella or something like that... I was busy thinking of outdoor slow cooker ideas
mckeonekert Are you going to call it a solar grill?
justn84 Nice patina.
redoak.sooner Toss in a little match and throw on a steak. Doneskies! 1 like