... This is my 1-paragraph tutorial on how to shoot tight groups. It's buried deep in that "My gun no shoot good" thread a few threads back. I took the time to find it deep in amongst those 200+ comments. Imagine how hard it would be to find in the comments if I wasn't such a horse's ass ?? 😎😂 ML P.S. Take a screen shot of the tight-group paragraph above, and refer to it next time you're snuggled in behind a rifle on the shooting bench.
1,192 likesblue_collar_savage My dad always taught me growing up that it should be a surprise when the gun goes off. Slow and steady 2 likes
sgt._full_auto Easy peasy trigger squeezy. 1 like
gunsmithlee Magic button make boom stick go boom! Hard math thingy make boom go in special place 🤦
kyles_korner Day 1 of requesting that the merciful ML knock out some 13.2-inch LAT handguards so I can finish my mostly LaRue build.
  -  fanorwood @kyles_korner That and some Stealth uppers (That I've had back ordered since May '20...) @laruetactical
oneasteriskindustries Love it🔥 1 like
garry_mcpeak Who knew....👏👏 2 likes
perez2021juan @laruetactical I'm fairly new to the rifle world and I'll take this advice. Ty! 1 like
m4ttwick some other ig gunposter made a fudd meme about "letting it surprise you", and they clearly missed the point of that saying 1 like
will_r_dean Add a little "breathing control" in with that and perfecto! 1 like
  -  m4ttwick @will_r_dean Truth. inhale/exhale/pause & squeeze. I always try to have my natural point of aim align with where the reticle falls during the natural pause after an exhale. breathing control, neutral position & not muscling the gun to get on target, and trigger control = tiny holes 1 like
  -  laruetactical @will_r_dean ... Thanks, I forgot to mention breathing. I take a breath, exhale half of it, then settle and shoot. 2 likes
matthew_oregonlife I bought a @laruetactical ultimate upper kit with the 12 inch 556 and with my @trijicon 4x tao2 it groups great. The rifle is more accurate then I am.
  -  laruetactical @matthew_oregonlife ... I see constant evidence that rifles we make shoot better than my proof-groups show. It could be they just needed a few more rounds to shine, or it could be that guys loading their own, striving to find what she likes are just plain better at it than I am. Meh, I'm in a rush, with people yelling at me "WHERE'S MY DAMN RIFLE I ORDERED LAST FALL ?!?!" 😳😳😳 2 likes
  -  matthew_oregonlife @laruetactical I ordered an upper going on 7 months ago now and I will not fuss about it. Good things are worth waiting for and your product is are the best on the market, i have the lower already and it's gunna be my first @laruetactical 308 and I can't be more excited for it!
laruetactical @precisionundergroundriflegear ... And no, the followers of my IG page are not strangers ... the vast majority are LaRue customers. Which just happens to be the best gun group on the internet. They are discerning enthusiasts. They buy better bourbons, high-end flyrods, etc., and a lot of them are fellow pilots. Now pick up your hand drill and hit the pike. ML 17 likes
  -  theflyinghouse @laruetactical the fact that aviation and fly fishing snuck in there 🍻 1 like
  -  laruetactical @theflyinghouse ...😎
julsbieniek "Change your last name to LaRue, and pull the trigger." 1 like
bmosing All fine and dandy until that hog pack storms onto the deer feeder 😈 no finesse, only volume
  -  laruetactical @bmosing ... Make every shot a well placed anchor shot. It's damn hard to find a wounded wild hog in the dark to finish it off.
tylermims Kills me how easy of a concept this is. 1 like
blck10th I find when I'm shooting a customers gun single stage triggers are MY issue. The two stage I feel more comfortable with because i have that prep/take up
dmr_llc I've noticed a lot of shooters who believe they are a "good trigger puller" lack a foundation in marksmanship. 1 like
frank_c_1234 When I shoot for grouping that basically it! Get into a meditation zone with your crosshairs, then start on the trigger and let that snap you out of the zone. Then repeat 3 likes
zroluk Simple and easy are not the same thing 2 likes