... New 16" 7.62 barrel. Twelve 3-shot groups in a row with 168 FGMM, Nightforce, 16" PredatOBR. Couple flyers, meh, new, unbroken-in barrel. Also, as a barrel breaks in, it's point of impact changes ever so slightly, and I don't care why, but I do sometimes hold at different aiming points for the next group if I see it trending ... to keep 'em in the white. ETA - All 12 groups averaged 0.512 moa ... ML
424 likescoladonato18
gunner_texas_03 Not bad 1 like
  -  laruetactical @gunner_texas_03 ... I'll send you a bar of barrel material for you to drill out and make a 308 barrel from. Post pic of target when you're done. 2 likes
  -  presscheckwolf @gunner_texas_03 I thought the same thing till I realized half inch scale 👏. My only question is how can you not take a kill... mm "fouling" shot at that crow everything.
presscheckwolf Every time.
gunner_texas_03 LMAO, okay okay that's better than not bad, pretty sweet shooting there 1 like
gunner_texas_03 Plus when I got done with that blank it would look more like a Smoothbore Civil war barrel 1 like
teamtomlyn 🧡🧡🧡
kodiak_precision Damn great average MOA... not surprised there too much though. Never have had a LaRue that wasn't a great performer. Accuracy and reliability, You Win!!!
justinwivey Let's see some 556 shots!
billbee235 Looking back I would've just bought an OBR instead of building a custom gas gun if I knew better 🤦
lkcrome My tobr's are depressed, their handler can't make em shine that same way. Keep telling them it's not their fault...😏
billsnearly Darn good for a gas gun. 👍 1 like
icecoldmn Now let's see what it will do with the 175's. Dam I love my 308 obr
alpha_phil15 Real nice! Now if you can, stop by the UU packaging department and see where they are hiding my missing mags they left behind. 😐 1 like