... "On April 18, 1775, British troops march out of Boston on a mission to confiscate the American arsenal at Concord and to capture Patriot leaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock" ........... So, in reality, Paul Revere's famous night ride was about Gun Control. The British intended to capture the Settler's powder magazine, effectively starving them out when they were robbed of the ability to hunt for protein. Whelp, this makes his famous ride about both gun control ... and hunting. But these are the musings of a simple ol' Texas machine shop owner - - > ML. P.S. Good thing they stopped teaching real history, or Boston might have authorized wiping Paul Revere from history, statues et al.
1,026 likesj_perry69 And now here in commie Mass we have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @j_perry69 ... Irony at work. 5 likes
  -  moy_bueno @j_perry69 try living in Jersey 😂 1 like
  -  laruetactical @moy_bueno ... Jersey scares me. Crossing the "American" (?) bridge into Jersey is like entering a high security prison. 9 likes
  -  laru.e @laruetactical in 2014 a mom with two kids crossed from Philly to Jersey and was arrested during a traffic stop because she had a .308. She almost went to prison but Christie pardoned her thankfully. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @laru.e ... "Top Men" 5 likes
  -  dingusjr @j_perry69 come on up here to NH we still have a couple years of freedom until we fully realize our destiny of becoming northern MA 1 like
  -  dingusjr @laruetactical a high security prison that smells to boot
  -  j_perry69 I actually considered going to NH but yeah it is turning into MA 1 like
  -  brad_jackie55555 @j_perry69 - The northeast is turning into a hot mess. Even New Hampshire is changing. 1 like
  -  dingusjr @brad_jackie55555 NH has changed already. We had some redonkulous redflag laws nearly pass last year. If not for the governor's veto. And they almost had the majority to jam it passed the veto. My area in southern NH basically the group of towns in our school district are consistently voting red but we are surrounded by blue and further more so are our neighboring states.
  -  the_northwesterner_ @laruetactical that's exactly how I felt crossing from Philly to Camden while there a few months ago lol. I hadn't been since I was a kid
  -  brad_jackie55555 Dingus - Sorry to hear that dude. Man, what an insane and horrible time we've living in. I hope things get better but somehow I feel they won't. I hope I'm wrong.
ralph124c41 Listen, my children, and you shall hear, of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, on the eighteenth of April, in seventy five, hardly a man is now alive, who remembers that famous day and year. One of Longfellow's best poems-worth a read! 8 likes
spectre_haus I have been long uncomfortable with the fact that hunting for personal food is not a protected right in all states. 4 likes
  -  jdo.23 @doc.trine.dark Not only is it not a protected right, the government "licenses" the right back to you. 2 likes
  -  spectre_haus @jdo.23 Not only that, DNR officers typically have the ability to search and seize without a warrant in a lot of states. They also have universal jurisdiction, making them typically the most powerful agency in the state. 2 likes
revere95 And schools today teach that they were a bunch of domestic terrorists when indeed the ones teaching are the real enemies of the Republic! 👊u s 2 likes
thecodystone There's no telling what the fabricated history books will contain, for the many years to come, under the Biden administration.
brad_jackie55555 Still can't believe they are taking down the Lincoln statues. Total insanity. 1 like
mikemccausley Give it a few weeks msm will have all American history painted racist.
reluctant_hobby_farmer True story. Good post.
stevberta I'd like to think the future will remember the movement coming that will take down this corrupt government and the people and their sacrifices! Revolution is coming!
  -  laruetactical @stevberta ... We'll have to fight their big brother that resides behind Hong Kong. 1 like
frankcastlesgrandson Needs to happen here already
jamacdon 60%+ of assachusets is full communist. The other 30-40% haven't done anything but bitch.