... Oops, there was one 6.5CM in the batch. I had to pound a 308 back out of it as my reminder that it was a 6.5CM. As for the 308s ... they all shot great 🎯 ML
298 likesoathkeepercoffee So that's mine and it'll be ready to finalize tomorrow? 😂 I'm hoping so.
_viking_43 🔥Love it
a_a_ron_d86 Can we get any 6.5 cm barrels this year? 1 like
1striker4life Dang it that's seeet
jedi_wombat Can you pound the wrong round out of one of mine and get it to shoot .18? Great shooting!
stevieb117 🔥🔥🔥🔥
txcycleguy Makes my heart race seeing this!
eadie.steve That'll do!