... "God Bless Our Troops, Especially Our Snipers", yes, yes, I can read that he was an SAS long-gunner, he's "ours" in the War On Terror. ML
2,998 likessoar_wave One shot-five kills, guess going above and beyond is why he is sas
novemberlennox Play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.
nelly2alpha That is fucking tits
samwrc01 Ahhhh good old daily fail...
aaronhunts_ A solid use of tax payer dollars! 1 shot and 5 killed at "3000 ft" lol. Waiting for them to break that down into inches for a more dramatic effect!
sailorripley55 "Had ear-pro." So he could hear that bad-gay say, "ohhhhh, ffffuuuuuddddge!" Except he didn't say, "fudge."
whiskey_bravo_m2 @fatboy_aint_slim @thomas_doyle1 4 shit birds, one stone 1 like
gingergunz wAr On TeRrOr
mckeonekert Wack em and stack em. 👏
snoopdoubledd So technically that sniper gets all their virgins right? What is that 72x5?
ronintactical_llc Great
bwestlake78 @ibvanillagorilla 1 like
patrick.a.johnson314 FUCK!
kevin_nagle63 I love a story with a happy ending. 1 like
poseyk01 US snipers: One shot one kill. SAS: Hold my beer 👍🏻😁
hobbit0717 If you have never shot a Barrett do yourself a favor and go do it. It's a blast. 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @hobbit0717 ... This. 2 likes
  -  him72984 @hobbit0717 😂😂 I see what you did there!! 1 like
b.d.flow I love stories with a happy ending. 1 like
parrman37 Really wish there was video.
first_strike_consultancy 💪who dares wins!
j_keebz @kenny.861 @davelindorff fark talk it up, 3000ft... not even 1km 😆 still five for one good on him 🤟
  -  davelindorff @j_keebz haha you need to deploy 😂
  -  j_keebz @davelindorff missed out on that one brother.. good shooting though
maxfieldjoshua "Fury Kill" achievement unlocked
pewtential ... he's a #PepePinguo in #Miami slang
tonysslime 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
m4colt223 "God bless all trigger pullers"
mal1nis Most impressive 1 like
mb_338winmag3 The bullet is just starting to stabilize at that distance 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 1 like
vquvdox 5 birds with 1 stone 🤣
billsnearly Nice. One shot - five kills. Because ammo expensive.
peakpg03 ***call of duty clan recruiters have entered the chat***
martinjms_ A Canadian sniper was later quoted as say "eh, that still only counts as one kill"
warrior_of_the_weekend One shot...5 killz
nurse_holliday Special Apology Service did well on this one! 1 like
thumblessprimate 💣💣💣💣💣👍
crzdwookie Guess he unlocked the "collateral" badge
aberle1 @laruetactical are you guys going to be re printing those stickers??
grassblade23 100G: Collect All Five (insert cheevo noise)
drewrade3 👌💓 1 like
rdam_defense_ross 3000ft 🤣🤣🤣 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @rdam_defense_ross ... An even thousand yards with that rifle is good enough for me. And I hope he had ear-pro on. 12 likes
  -  rdam_defense_ross @laruetactical I know, I'm just laughing at that part.
  -  46wlf46 @laruetactical hopefully the spotter too.
  -  rollingsolodolo @rdam_defense_ross Sounds a lot cooler than "1 kilometer"
dantheruggedman Wow! That must have been a pleasant surprise! 1 like
tommy.a_m1a1 Gotta love it! 1 like
ebdt2 Nice shot! 🤘 1 like
therealbill36 Achievement unlocked 100 gamerscore 2 likes
dommytuzzit Full send 1 like
jdouble67 u s 1 like
blk.raven_actual_ I see a @sineatersguild & @christian_craighead have a brother out doing some quality work... 2 likes
hackhaston Thousand yard club member nice going. 1 like
specialopsxcursions Amen 🔥🔥🔥💥u s 1 like
def3va 1,000y with a .50 BMG and a like a chip shot. 5 likes
sorenstone They come out with a new fantastic, scantly detailed story about the SAS every year. Remember the breacher blowing the scared Taliban's heads off? 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @sorenstone Piss off, this is a gun forum, not the Skeptics, Haters, Idiots, and Tactless society. 23 likes
  -  sorenstone @laruetactical lmao, didn't mean to upset your delicate sensibilities!
  -  for_whom_the_beall_tolls @sorenstone who cares? If it isn't true, it's a fun yarn. If it IS true, then it's phenomenal. Both because it's about awesome dudes killing terrorists. 3 likes
  -  sorenstone @for_whom_the_beall_tolls It probably is true, 1000 yards is sneezing distance for a .50 BMG; I just find it interesting that the Daily Mail comes out with yearly stories about the SAS's best multi-kill like clockwork. I wonder if the UK government pays for it? 1 like
  -  jspryce @laruetactical damn, @laruetactical with the kill shot! Man down...😂
  -  for_whom_the_beall_tolls @sorenstone agreed. I kinda wish ours would do some of the stories for our dudes. 1 like
outdoordad1776 Awesome shot, even better collateral damage 1 like
motorcitymunitions Human Tannerite 5 likes
quinndraz Bet he didnt see that comin 🤪 1 like
kodiak_precision Fantastic!!! 1 like
a3addon The only thing I got from that is that @laruetactical needs to make a .50 cal. 2 likes
  -  udakine @a3addon I second that 1 like
d_m_g_3 Just was going through my stickers from you! 🔥 1 like
connelldad Now that's what I call conserving ammo 1 like
deo_vindice1984 @green_beret_fitness Was this you, m8? 💪 1 like
  -  green_beret_fitness @deo_vindice1984 negative... but great shot G B
cletus.james.walker Salsa !!! 1 like
lost_soul12151791 🤘 1 like
claytonjilliums Have a nice dirt nap. 1 like
pete.hellenicstrength That's good for at least a UAV and care package killstreak. 16 likes
  -  mal1nis @pete.hellenicstrength definitely a predator with 5 killstreak 2 likes
the.necro.maker If he was a scout sniper, the baddie would have just dropped. It's the extra SAS fortitude that caused the explosion. 4 likes
grav.__ Sick collat bro 2 likes
ganesha.football 50 cal is expensive, need to conserve ammo. Good fiscal control. 3 likes
grayghostforge Taking out the trash is a shared chore. 4 likes
oscarinthewoods Those SAS guys sure know how to stretch a buck, or a pound. All those kills dropped the cost of that round to less than $1.00. That's getting your money's worth. 5 likes
voodoo13fox Imagine the pink mist from that one! 😳 3 likes