... When is this long con we're all in supposed to end ? 🤷 ML ... Edited to add - This is not a crypto thread.
657 likesbruceshibley Investing in Larue triggers is a better investment than crypto. I see what they sell for on gunbroker. I am in no hurry so I buy direct. Buying one today. 2 likes
  -  onemoslice Ordered the MBT 2S last week. Hopefully I can get it soon
  -  bruceshibley @onemoslice I ordered last night and on back order now. I can wait. 1 like
nocornerman With that being said....Dillo'Coin coming soon #DilloCoin 3 likes
billsnearly Maybe because the government is talking about regulating it? Everyone knows everything they touch turns to shit.
know_thyself_and_see_truth If only the rest where that smart
kev396ss It'll be fine. Buy the dip!
lumberjacked_coder Crypto is protected against inflation with market caps and only a discrete number of coins, unlike the dollar which they keep printing with no end. 2 likes
  -  charliesclones @lumberjacked_coder I think you have drank the Kool Aide. There is no inflation protection with crypto. Might be interesting to speculate, but super high risk. More than Tesla stock 😂
  -  lumberjacked_coder @charliesclones do you have sources to back that up? It's not high risk if you only invest what you can afford.
  -  charliesclones @lumberjacked_coder it is opinion. Your opinion and mine. One of us is right, one is wrong. The fact is there is nothing to suggest crypto is inversely correlated with inflation. In fact crypto has declined in inflation reports. But we need more than a few months of data to understand the market. Gold has a long history to plot correlations with inflation. Crypto has no history and nothing fundamental to suggest crypto is a run to safety or a run to inflation hedge. .
I think crypto has such wild swings in value and such a complex definition of what a BitCoin is and is not. .
I would agree that if you are putting your speculative funds i to crypto, go for it. I like the Craps table at Las Vegas. .
Me, I think it is a bubble and will stay clear. The fact that foreign nations are "mining" crypto gives me even more pause. I admit, I do not understand the hype, nor the funds entails ir why anyone would buy a Bitcoin. I was also wrong for a few years and missed a huge build-up in price. Fir me, even more reason to be short crypto
  -  lumberjacked_coder @charliesclones I think the drive for it is you can't print more crypto like you can the dollar. So the inherent "inflation due to printing" does not apply. That's what market caps do. I despise the Federal Reserve as a whole, so if there's an alternative currency that has the protections against inflation that the dollar does not, I'm interested. Do I think crypto is a replacement for gold or silver or hard assets like real estate? Absolutely not, but I do think it's a good FU to the Federal Reserve...and we can see that it's making a mark because politicians are already trying to regulate it.
optimalpainter Crypto is a technological evolution. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @optimalpainter ... Until you wake up one morning and "There's no record of you in our system" 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @optimalpainter ... And you're supposed to say that every time "Crypto" is posted on the internet 😎 1 like
  -  commissar_larkin @laruetactical except it's a non centralized system. Crypto wallets exist outside any format of internet requirement. Ex: a british man is combing a landfill for a hard drive with 7k bitcoins on it becuase he accidentally threw it away. 5 likes
  -  jjfitter6176 @commissar_larkin i read about that too. Something like he threw away the wrong hard drive.
  -  olivedrab_project @commissar_larkin boomer is going to boomer, all this talk about a system yet he takes all his payments to his lil machine shop in inflated dollars that aren't worth shit and have depreciated farther than Bitcoin ever has. God forbid anyone tries to do anything about being taken advantage of. Nope let's just bitch about inflation and poo poo everything else.
  -  laruetactical @olivedrab_project ... Guess you missed my "this ain't a bitcoin thread" remark 6 likes
  -  olivedrab_project @laruetactical must of....
  -  colewhitton @optimalpainter cryptography is ancient
mucho_mas_tequila I know I am old when I remember the junk bond market crash because no value behind the self-driven increase as well as the mortgage lending for the same reason. Now we have virtual coins and nft's on meaningless value other that what you will pay today. History always repeats and everyone is always surprised. 1 like
cargo_mclovin Invest in crypto, pull out when you feel like it and invest in physical assets like land, guns and gardening. Crypto will only do so much for so long before it gets neutered. 4 likes
mntman6969 I will help and hang a Larue ar's in the safe..
aaronedwards843 Ukraine had a bunch of big mining companies. That the country has been shutting down. Also with the talk of war has effected the market.
optiskate They say recessions and depressions create millionaires... we shall see...
  -  laruetactical @optiskate ... Tom Watson kept making parts straight through the depression = IBM 5 likes
  -  pesty03 @laruetactical he kept the trains packed with Jews through the holocaust too. 1 like
  -  optiskate @laruetactical The only way to come out on top is to not quit. To quit is to die.
  -  pesty03 @gunsandsharpthings lol wow. 1 like
  -  mike_lee_9 @laruetactical all while playing professional golf 👏😂 1 like
mj_the_savage1 You must be new to crypto. 1 like
coloradobouldering42 It's a ponzy scheme. Get out while you can
jwoodybrown Should call it what it is crypto vapors 1 like
juicyj.556 Ignore the noise, buy the dip. BTC is greatest asset in our age. 3 likes
reagan.911.991.c2 Funny how everyone still values BTC in dollars when it's not supposed to be spent or used in... Dollars 😂
matthewdropco Crypto sell-offs were because of the effect of the stock market that a certain SPEAKER (and others) has been doing quite well with over the years and finds no problem with elected officials trading on insider information. The reason it affects Crypto (which I'm sure that same person has positions in too.) is many people with big stock portfolios use their crypto as sacrificial against any losses they may have. so if they have a margin call, it can be set up to automatically sell off their crypto before it affects their stock shares. Thus they don't lose their holdings in whatever stocks they posses. (If I understand it correctly, please correct me if I'm wrong anyone.). Personally, aside from looming threats of war, I think there may be some folks who want a golden parachute when they are voted out in the mid-terms. If they don't have a sweet lobbying gig or revolving door job into big pharma or whatever, they will be filling their portfolios with liquidator priced stocks and crypto currencies now, and cash them in later and make millions/billions. Again, I could be wrong about that. too. 1 like
  -  zato_ichi_ @matthewdropco Unless like most people , you don't know these "elected assmonkeys " retain their salaries that they are paid while in office , when they are voted out ie fired by the American People .for the rest of their natural lives .who loses here ? They could care less what happens . 1 like
  -  matthewdropco @zato_ichi_ well yeah, that part is pocket change to them. they also get a special healthcare plan too. Not the ACA kind, probably more like my dad had at Ford in the 70's before they ended up getting HMO'd, but even that was "okay". yeah, pretty crazy.
matt82robinson Amc/gme short interest causing the need for hedge funds to pull out crypto to stay above margin calls?
straightoutafucks I still havent met anyone whos made it off of crypto, just people saying they know someone who made it big... where are these rich crypto pathfinders at?
  -  laruetactical @modernmilitiaman ... Years ago there was a poster on AR15.com that was rumored to have scored big on BitCoin, cashed-out, quit his job, quit posting on ARFcom ... and disappeared. Never confirmed ... an urban legend. 1 like
  -  jerrwi888 @modernmilitiaman my coworker made a quarter mil on dogshit coin. he quit his 6 figure job with a major airline
  -  laruetactical @jerrwi888 ... So he got enough to cover two years of life ? 2 likes
  -  jerrwi888 @laruetactical well he also married a rich chick, $2 mil house paid for by his father in law😂
  -  80s_rug_dealer @modernmilitiaman I know a couple people that made a few million, but anyone who tells you it was anything but luck is a liar. 1 like
jacktatro It ends when we stop letting geriatrics in DC tell us how to live... So basically never. 5 likes
jb_phx @realbradthor this sounds just like a Brad Thor novel!