... A disgruntled Accuracy Package customer chimed into a gun-forum thread about his search for an ammo his 16" LaRue would like. He posted this group shot with Hornady 73g ELD ... saying his search continues. Any of y'all that want somewhat-guaranteed tight groups should roll their own with 73g Bergers and slap some magnification up on top. Incidentally, I found this group in a thread where the OP's gunsmith's go/no-go gage failed in his new LaRue barrel. Best I could tell is we dropped the ball on customer service. I seem to remember that barrel ... it was sent back without the bolt he wanted to run in it. We checked headspace with our bolt and no issues. FYI, for quite awhile, we've had our toolmakers qualify every headspace gage we get in. The gages are all over the map and we now consider them "roughed-in" when we get them but they are a snap to fix. Know this - we're hellbent here at LaRue on puttin' out nuttin' but the best 🎯 ML
460 likesrhammock3 Lol, just got your 18" 6.5 Grendel and sighted it in. I was pissed after the second shot at 100 thinking it wasn't even on paper after hitting bulls eye first shot. As I got closer it was nearly through the same hole. I was highly impressed with the accuracy out of an AR platform at 100 yards! Love it! 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @rhammock3 ... I need a "💯 Therapist". Putting first two in one hole ... I do the same thing quite often, but then change my tempo, thinking all the while, and I put the 3rd shot slightly separate of the first two (2). Piss !!
el_jefe_556 I had a nice range day in southern New Hampshire with my MGU and 50 rounds of 69 grain SMKs vs 50 rounds of 77 grain SMKs. 5 different powder charges for each and it was a dead heat for accuracy. Both had a best group under .5 MOA. Pictures available on request! 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @el_jefe_556 ... Make a post with pics and hashtag it. Did one charge weight clearly outshoot the other 4 ?
  -  el_jefe_556 @laruetactical ironically 25.3 of Varget for the 69's and 25.3 of Varget for the 77s worked best. Loaded both to magazine COL. Breezy day in the low 30's. I would post but have one of those white collar jobs in a liberal industry that frowns on boom sticks in social media. Skynet monitoring isn't just for government anymore 2 likes
  -  m_hammond207 @el_jefe_556 that's some buuuuullshit right there. Eff that anti boomstick company malarkey I say.
  -  jmhill_2469 @el_jefe_556 pics or it didn't happen. Haha
tacticalslings Mark, I had a friend who ran NorCal Precision A custom bolt rifle maker. He guaranteed the rifles would all shoot sub .50 moa three shot groups. When he got older and had the shakes he started calling me up and getting me to shoot any rifle the customer said would not shoot. He always bought me lunch for my trouble. Only once did a rifle have a real problem and that was from changes the customer did on his own afterward. We put it back the way it was shipped and it was a one hole weapon. I first shot one of your barrels after another smith asked me to shoot it because a customer said the chamber was not to his liking. Well after ten rounds at 200 yards@in a dime sized group I just bought that barrel for myself. Lol 1 like
tubefitter61 The problem with selling to the public. Is the public. 😮 6 likes
jpyro69 So quick to blame the equipment. Some people don't deserve a LaRue.
mrrogers226 What is the twist on your accuracy package barrels? Seems like such a steal as far as cost! Thanks
  -  laruetactical @mrrogers226 ... 1-in-8" 1 like
  -  laruetactical @laruetactical ... Look 5 posts back, the one with the bright red ammo box ... 1/4" group. 1 like
jsmith_409 I've yet to find an ammo any of my Stealth 16's don't like. Even going sub-MOA with cheap Monarch 55's 🤷
  -  j_a_g_05 @jsmith_409 with 55gr FMJ huh? At what distance?
  -  jsmith_409 @j_a_g_05 50, 100, 200, 300..you pick. 1 like
  -  j_a_g_05 @jsmith_409 man, consistent sub-MOA with 55gr FMJ out to 300 yards. Crazy. Almost unbelievable!
  -  jsmith_409 @j_a_g_05 300 is about the limit for M193. But, yeah, it'll do it.
pugntug Get me this guys contact info and I will ask if he wants to sell it for 1/2 price since it won't shoot. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @pugntug ... LOL, somebody tried that and got no response 2 likes
laurahollis1958 73bergers but what powder and charge?
  -  laruetactical @laurahollis1958 ... Does your momma still bathe you ? 4 likes
duckhnt @laruetactical missed seeing you in Vegas, even checked the stairs. Taylor was very nice and did a great job with the Dillos. 1 like
custos_willis Looking forward to grabbing an ultimate .308 upper kit when they come in stock. @laruetactical 2 likes
tom_rakip There's always one... @laruetactical 1 like