... Secretary Perry stopped by to look at our Siete and this pic reminds me I gotta cut out the carbs - ML
1,237 likesdjrppvt It's just the angle 🤷
  -  shqype_ @djrppvt yes. Very wide angles 😂 1 like
him72984 Do it. We need you alive and healthy for at least 100 years. 2 likes
  -  hugo_z71 @him72984 you must be on the GTG list too lmao 1 like
j_frank24_ I could cut about 9#out of that picture right now if you sold me a Siete. 😬 7 likes
  -  laruetactical @j_frank24_ ... The problem is Governor / Secretary Perry is ripped and can damn near do 1-armed pull-ups 🔥 9 likes
  -  j_frank24_ @laruetactical So what you're saying is that I'm not arm wrestling him for it...
raptortraxxaz 😅
r_lamas 🤣😂 2 likes
jason_bright2 👏👏👏👏👏👏 Our Gov!! 2 likes
imaafw Toss that piece of shit. His ass is the reason Harris County is blue now. He invited half of California to move to Texas and got paid huge to do it. Check it out. His ass is no friend of the Lone Star State.
trapshootb HELL YEAH! Didn't,He take out a coyote ! while on a morning run?
  -  phil.thompson.140 @trapshootb roger that!
thiswildadventure "Stopped by"? Lol he's literally wearing a LT nametag. 3 likes
  -  icecoldmn @thiswildadventure even the governor needs connections
miggidymurph Figured overalls had a more slimming effect. I'm gonna swing by Friday with cash Incase you have anything you're not planning on packing back to Texas 1 like
brass_daddy_tx One of the most down to earth dudes 1 like
realmda13 Excellent trigger discipline Sec.
joe.shelby88 The camera always adds about 20 lbs. Don't worry about it. Keep the dillo dust flowing 2 likes
phil.thompson.140 Give my best to Secretary Perry, Good man and a Texas treasure! 2 likes
7fprecisionrifletraining ML, you've been saying something like that since 2010! Of course that was while you were eating a breakfast taco at the range day with Todd Hodnett 2 likes
todd.ritz Love that my elected official is @ SHOT!
owenmartin1911 WE still love you no matter what
jeremewade How cool is this pic!!! 🔥🔥🔥