... Wearing a similar bright orange collar, this Griffon's step-sister died of a gunshot wound at the hands of a deer hunter on New Year's morning in the late 90s. I found her with the help of a buzzard. Thanks for the closure buzzard. That particular Griffon once went eye-to-eye with me over a disagreement on standing. She had momentarily wrongly assumed she was the alpha. Her back was against a North Platte friend's garage wall with my hands around her throat. We sorted it out. Anyhow, I still recommend using bright orange collars at all times 🐕 ML
343 likesjarretthale2002 Ol pup looks tuckered out
prodog102 I may or may not have had my hands around the throat of dog in the past. 🤐
  -  laruetactical @prodog102 ... Gotta sort stuff out or nobody's in charge 😎 7 likes
ladandadog1619 Good advice. Unfortunately there are a good number of folks around who'll shoot a dog on sight in the woods. Orange collar or no. 1 like
  -  mk.superck @ladandadog1619 shoot back. It's the right thing to do. 5 likes
  -  kevin.young.77582 @ladandadog1619 They certainly do Had that happen to somebody in the neighborhood. The poor dog did nothing .
mckeonekert I remember the conflagration. 🔥
ballisticveritas Sad story. Should never happen. Losing a good dog is always hard. Missed seeing you in Vegas this week
romeo__foxtrot Happy doggy 😁