Cad/Cam ain't what it used to be. We use SolidWorks for our day-to-day layout needs. Here you see us pulling the trigger on a full-auto trigger project. More of our Billet S7 tool steel series ... America's Warfighters deserve a trigger that some real effort was put into. Fun stuff and it keeps us constantly chasing "shiny things"... ML #larue #laruetactical #behindthescenes #howitsmade #gunofinstagram #precisionmachining #triggers
900 likesnelson_shooting_concepts If only I could own full auto! 1 like
b_weaver96 @laruetactical any update on the flat triggers? 11 likes
korobob Waiting long Time for full auto trigger... can't wait....
kraken_colin Ah SolidWorks, my favorite CAD... Though I've been working with Solid Edge on the side and been pretty impressed too!
blackfoot11b SolidQuirks! So damn buggy, but when it works, it's great! Great work!
  -  46wlf46 @blackfoot11b curious what program you prefer?
  -  blackfoot11b @46wlf46 SW is basically a watered down version of Catia, and since it's from the same company I think Catia gets all the attention while SW gets push to the back burner even though SW is still very much an industry standard. 1 like
  -  46wlf46 @blackfoot11b thanks for the response. I run SW 2014/2015 because that's what I purchased and because that's what the majority of my clients use. Being a "single chair" office I can't justify multiple cad programs. I used catia a little bit back around 2012 and ProE or whatever they call it now. Compared to ProE everything is much more user friendly/intuitive.
  -  blackfoot11b @46wlf46 I absolutely agree. Most of the features on Catia are not utilized, and SW works perfectly well for most CAD work. I just get annoyed when bugs pop up version after version for what would appear to be a simple operation. Luckily there are usually 20 different ways to complete any task in SW so it's usually just a matter of going down the list until one works, even though theoretically they should all work. 🍻 1 like
oldsman360 @justin.cifreo
86x70lm You need to make it available to NFA crowd. 1 like
davidewade @topshotdustin you need to review this 3 likes
  -  topshotdustin Verified @davidewade yes!!! 1 like
thejaysituation Can I purchase this for my registered receiver? 1 like
jtac_tard I've used ProE with edgecam seems most are using solid works and mastercam these days.
everett.l.hunt.10 Stop teasing.
divingdriver Amazing the differences between the MBT trigger and the one your working on.
storman_67 You have taken the AR trigger market by storm!!! Now for the PredatOBR in 6.5 or 6mm Creedmore😐
smokylungjuice Maybe your next project can be a single stage trigger 😉 Cool to see that you're using SolidWorks though, that's what we use in my engineering classes. 1 like
rhinocable When is the flatty coming out ?? 2 likes
crazycruzer78 Make enough for when it kicks off.
tactical_brass_recovery 🔥 1 like
potomac_gun_trusts Redemption from the gun purse post 👏
aeros_face I was always under the impression the hammer spring leads sat under the trigger pin not on top.
terryccason Hammer spring legs ride on the trigger pin, in the notches so that they also act as retainers for the pin.