Can't sling a dead cat in this shop without hitting a cart full of UltraPrecision. ML #larue #laruetactical #precisionmachining #behindthescenes #howitsmade
741 likesagw_fl 👏🏻
brotomas What's going on with those slickatinny handguards? You're still planning on manufacturing those correct? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @brotomas ... Yeppers, Slickatinnys are running balls-out on 2 or 3 CNCs right now. ML 14 likes
  -  brotomas Thanks ML!
  -  seany_utah @laruetactical I'm looking forward to those. I've already decided that will be my next gun purchase. Love at first sight. 🧡
81tactical 😍💦💦
freakinout I love uppers 1 like
casadenewman Still the best comment ever made. F the pirate 4x4
kyleburrough1 @laruetactical any time estimate on ultimate upper kits? Just curious
davidn134 Are you guy going to do another special FDE? 1 like
shqype_ They look nut-bustin gorgeous. Waiting for the next BuildAR.
easyeastsails @laruetactical Could you do a post comparing one of your rifles or uppers in FDE vs UDE. The perfectionist in me loves seeing carts of pristine parts as well🤙🛠u s
ro.clappo.35k Looks great. Do you guys only coat the external display surfaces?
thetrufe You guys bring your receiver manufacturing in house?