... There's a Texas ranch that has kept impeccable weather records. Search "Fly Gap Weather" to find the page this came from ... a treasure trove. I think the mid-90s drought put the kabosh on the quail. If there's no small bugs when the chicks hatch, the chicks have a piss-poor survival rate. ML
236 likesmattandrews87 Any eta on vortex scope and mount that was ordered in November? 1 like
pumbaajk If 2011 is not seared into your brains I don't know what will...
  -  laruetactical @pumbaajk ... It quit raining in central Texas October 2010, then rained again in February 2012
  -  pumbaajk @laruetactical 100 straight days of 100 degree days. Shallow wells were nonexistent for that year and a half. Be my luck that's what will happen this summer when shit hits the fan.
  -  laruetactical @pumbaajk ... It's happening. Search "ENSO Recent evolution" ... https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/lanina/enso_evolution-status-fcsts-web.pdf 1 like
nahum.cabello Nice, can we get those mbt's shipped though? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @nahum.cabello ... 100s of MBTs ship every day, and you got your order in before the price increase. 6 likes
  -  nahum.cabello @laruetactical yeah I did, do you have an ETA on it?
  -  azlatrans @nahum.cabello don't screw with perfection that is the MBT2s. I have ordered and installed "many" or these and your "letter of concern" (read whine) does not promote perfection nor happiness. Adieu. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @nahum.cabello ... Are you simple ? If hundreds are shipping per day, how the hell am I supposed to know if some random Instagram screen got his ? 3 likes
  -  nahum.cabello @laruetactical thanks, insulting customers is a great way to retain them i guess.
  -  nahum.cabello @azlatrans thanks I was losing sleep worried about your opinion.
  -  laruetactical @nahum.cabello ... You dodged my question. 2 likes
  -  nahum.cabello @laruetactical i misunderstood you saying i got mine before the price increase as you knowing my order that's why I asked. I just got an email today saying it's a minimum of 4-6 weeks before triggers are in stock, so you might want to let them know about those 100's of triggers shipped daily.
  -  laruetactical @nahum.cabello ... No, I don't have to check jackshit to know hundreds are going out daily (5 days a week). Give me your order number and I'll get yours cancelled so you can go argue with someone else and act as if everyone is well stocked and there's no gun rush going on. 2 likes
  -  nahum.cabello @laruetactical lol you're the one saying there's 100's shipped out daily, but I'm the one acting like everyone is well stocked? Ok buddy. I'll cancel it myself, you can relax and calm down now, the mean customer asking for an update on his order is going away now.
  -  realmda13 @laruetactical I freaking love you sometimes. 😂🔥😂 2 likes
  -  carsincvw @laruetactical I feel the need to go buy something from you 3 likes
  -  benjernigan @carsincvw agreed this is the kind of customer support I like to see. That MRO mount combo is looking real nice in my cart 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @nahum.cabello ... Pot calling the kettle black. You've now somehow assumed I'm upset and need to calm down. While I do admit to enjoying slapping you around on the internet, I was also able to squeeze a keto lunch in. Meh, multitasking with one arm behind my back. 2 likes
  -  realmda13 @laruetactical I bought a straight bow and hat because you don't suffer fools. And I promise you I won't bother you if they aren't in my hands Monday at 8am.
  -  nahum.cabello @laruetactical lol i guess congrats on the lunch? Maybe use that arm behind your back to hold a logic book and read it? 😂
  -  nahum.cabello @carsincvw doooo it! This guy will say 100's will ship every day and then you'll get an email saying it'll be minimum 4-6 weeks. So make sure you don't need that item soon 😂👍
  -  nahum.cabello @realmda13 oh just wait a couple weeks after your order, you're gunna love them a whole lot more 😂
  -  realmda13 @nahum.cabello guess what? I didn't wait til a pandemic infused election year to get the stuff I needed, so if it comes in 2 days or 2 months it makes zero difference. Plan better and stop blaming others for your lack of foresight. 2 likes
  -  realmda13 @nahum.cabello you do realize that means the line is THOUSANDS deep? You probably missed the part where you haven't even paid for it yet, you're here whining about not getting your damn trigger. This isn't too complicated, but keep digging yourself deeper. 😂 1 like
  -  carsincvw @nahum.cabello I'm not a noob, this ain't my first go round. I've bought from mark before and will again. @laruetactical is one of the most respected and reliable names in the firearm industry. 2 likes
  -  nahum.cabello @carsincvw i agree with that, i have bought from them before and that dilo dust is my favorite thing to put on a ribeye. i was just asking about my order not sure why the social media guy took it personal.
  -  carsincvw @nahum.cabello that's mark
  -  laruetactical @carsincvw ... ^^^ He's right ya know. 1 like
  -  carsincvw @laruetactical he will never reply now, and won't cancel the order either, back to his basement to hide.
  -  nahum.cabello @carsincvw lol if you have to absolutely know yes i cancelled the order 😂. I never questioned the product's quality, if I'm ordering from them I obviously think they are products worth using, not even sure why that was brought up. I did assume it was someone related to the owner based on his not caring about being profesional, hey I guess knowing about guns and knowing how to respond to customers are not the same thing. That's cool you keep buying from whoever you like and so will I. You can have the last word, I actually got a life.
  -  azlatrans @laruetactical just add whatever he thought he was going to buy to my order. I won't build a custom AR w/o an MBT2s. 1 like
mckeonekert The drought in western Nebraska put the hammer on the pheasant population.
mlnorth.oh Up here in NW Ohio, it was the Blizzard of 78. Quail pretty much vanished. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mlnorth.oh ... 😕 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mlnorth.oh ... My brother was in bootcamp at Ft. Knox in the mid 70s. I drove up from Tennessee to pick him up and the Ohio River was froze over. He was fine having run a trapline in high school, but them city kids had a rough go of it it in that brutal weather.
  -  mlnorth.oh @laruetactical I am 68, was born here. Never saw the depth of snow that landed overnight in the Blizzard of 78. US 6 was closed for 5 days. Snow was so deep and stayed so long that a lot of critters starved to death, because they couldn't dig through as they normally could.
_capt_obvious There's a lot of good info about the worm research in Texas Tech's Wildlife Biology department. My place has been a testbed for them and after some treatments, my populations have been doing very well. Almost to the point of not even needing a shotgun. They have been so thick, a tennis racket ia all you need. DM me an email address and I can send you a bunch of the PDFs of the research. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @_capt_obvious ... Sent ✅
thesolowing How are your guys kit builds so cost effective? Whats the difference between them and your complete rifles aside from not coming with a lower receiver?
  -  laruetactical @thesolowing ... Our UU Kit was DFM'd with the goal being something we could steadily produce in our facility, without having to assemble and shoot them (which slows things way down). We achieved our goal, but then along comes another critical election and blew demand through the roof. 🔥🔥🔥 4 likes