... Let's switch gears - I cut this quail article out of a Texas hunting fishing newspaper. It tells about feeding quail medicated feed to get rid of "eye worms" 🤷Texas' quail heyday was back in the early 90s. Then they crashed. Anyhow, article of interest to you upland bird guys. ML - P.S. I put a pic of a tight group in it as an attention grabber. Sex sells ;-)
410 likestexan.right You should make a printable LaRue pdf target just like that, so we can represent :)
  -  texan.right @icecoldmn I must have overlooked it, thanks for the info! I've been thinking about this for awhile now, and it was right under my nose
will_dissent Louisiana & Arkansas guail pop. hayday for me was back in late '70s thru to mid '80s. I was hooked by then, but by '92 quail were gone. Only northwest part of LA had any quail to hunt. Now, any bobwhites seen are an apparition.
will_dissent Glad Texans are workung to keep those glorious birds viable!
mckeonekert We had some epic Tx quail hunts in the 80's!
rj_mcready You must be doing your IG posting while in bed. Lol
jarjarplinks I love all of your guys' products. That is all. Have a nice day.