... Somebody emailed me this. They got it off a Maryland shooting forum. If I'm reading it right, I'm dead last on 1st place. 🤷 Oh well, better than a stick in the eye. 👀 ML
3,332 likesjalkl Where do they place my Wilson Combat? 😂😂😂😂😂😂 1 like
upstate__n54 Where is Hodges ?! And stag arms is poverty really?! Stag Is actually super great quality :) still like your list though. Maybe a few changes to be made but we all have our personal preference !! u s
  -  upstate__n54 @laruetactical
bisonarmory You can't be reading it right. Stag Arms is way ahead of Anderson Mfg
texizonan84 @laruetactical Don't own any of your rifles...yet. But, love your mounts and the dillo opens my beers. Converted my Fudd neighbor into getting an ar recently and he picked up a lower kit off of yall.
whiskee_charlie Don't know from personal experience but many I trust vouch for the LaRue rifles. My wallet isn't that large. But someday. For now I can attest that the triggers and mounts are awesome. Awesome for me and what I like. That said, I'll keep buying them until the cows come home. Glad I got a single stage when they were available. Really really like that one
redline_bbq So @wilsoncombat is in a league of its own and that's why it's not on the chart???
j.w.ne Sometimes brand loyalty is more about justifying to yourself the money you've spent. But occasionally it is totally justified.
j.w.ne I can wholeheartedly say the my OBR and PredatOBR ARE worth the price. So is my Noveske and LWRC and SIGs but so is my Stag. Worth what I paid for them.
icecoldmn If it makes you feel better many years ago I sold 2 knights and bought 4 LaRue's,I have had outstanding accuracy and reliability from the LaRue's. For me it was a definite step up. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... Knight's sidestepped into NightVision stuff and all indicators say the killed it. Rifles are likely a shop distraction to them now. 🤷 1 like
jrhyne3 Or look at it as @laruetactical is one of the bookends of tier 1... 1 like
drkhorse16 Oh good god, Colt is NOT a higher tier! 😂
justin78064 This list is actual crap. So many that should be higher and lower
mauigold1 When I was in the Army, we had Colt, FN, and Bushmaster in out arms room. Go figure
laruetactical ... I own comment # 429 💪 3 likes
  -  user992774910r8 @laruetactical Any chance of a 15" Stealth handguard? Preferably with 45° MLOK slots like the 10.5"? Or hell, even adding 45° slot to the 13"?
  -  josh.macintyre @fbspamcrap everyone is waiting 6 months for uppers. It's a pretty big shit show. I doubt special requests are on the table. If that's the case I want a QD mount for my dillo dust! 😂
  -  laruetactical @fbspamcrap ... No
b_more___ Bcm high teir, lol
bahesse58 Well, I guess I'd better learn to make due with my poverty ar-10 from PSA. Only thing I could find in my price range.
  -  laruetactical @bahesse58 ... We have a speeding ticket payment plan at my facility, you work more hours, make more money, then pay your ticket. 2 likes
tide_and_timber's profile picture tide_and_timber Guess my old Rock River doesn't even rate...lol.
the_savant_savage Maryland Shooters most likely is the answer you seek. They're usually a good group of misfit fudds, Tactical Toms and anarchists.
kaylorfirearms I personally own 1 @laruetactical 6.5 Grendel rifle and would put it up against any on the list!!
jimbucknerjr I love my Larue stuf but this list lost me at LWRC mid tier lol.
revolt_tactical Damn I thought stag would be higher. Can anyone tell me why they're not?
  -  trigga_3_ @revolt_tactical they are.
joe_troubadour @leybeezy @opdsource Hmmm. 1 like
keep_it_loaded Mid-tier warrior here, lol
ubejane And where is @barrettfirearms ?😎
tacticalshootingconcepts Love it!!!!😳👍💪u s
peterhaessler pffft.... Maryland opinions
whatarewedo1ng Not if you read it right to left
ericlinnhoff That's fun and cute, but is it based in any facts or just the feels?
djcdan5.56_ Almost had a larue lmt knights mutt.. she got away from me.💥💥
ayyyyitsnick Missing black rain ordnance which should at least be in high tier and is what I have consistently out shot all others with
breedlove.ben I've shared this image many times. And many times I've been called an elitist lol
notorious_y_a_d @andyngarmon FYI...
trained_observer85 How is this accurate when SOCOM is using Daniel Defense
tacomacrasher I never see Sig in any of these...
mikeorourke77 Why does Rock River Arms always get lost in the shuffle on these kinds of lists? Not butt hurt, just wondering. Seems like they used to be relatively big player, and now crickets on the inter webs.
bourbon_bastard Radian doesn't belong there. Their customer service us abysmal and they are facing an AG investigation.
  -  laruetactical @bourbon_bastard ... I bet whatever that AG investigation is, it's totally on the up and up 🙄 5 likes
  -  breedlove.ben @bourbon_bastard More info please? I was getting ready to order a Radian this week actually
  -  bourbon_bastard @breedlove.ben I don't want to shit talk them here. Just go to their FB page and read their reviews. I would find another vendor.
  -  trigga_3_ @breedlove.ben I love my radian and it's had 0 issues so far.
  -  bourbon_bastard @trigga_3_ They make great weapons. They just need to learn more about business integrity, ethics and customer service. If you are willing to accept all of those as substandard, you will end up with a great weapon.... eventually 😗
  -  breedlove.ben @bourbon_bastard yea I never got a call back from their salesman who literally scheduled a call time with me to order. And then I noticed they jacked their prices up by like 500 or more
  -  bourbon_bastard @breedlove.ben Sounds like what most now expect from Radian. Like I said, good product but horrible customer service. There are better options out there in my opinion with much better customer service. When I am paying a premium price for weapons, I expect excellent customer service.
alpha_phil15 I don't understand Seekins and CMMG on the list but agree with the rest.
_jeffschultz This confirms Hodge as unobtanium.
nickdorgan all high tier and operator ...
baruch1hashem How about this for my current build? Anderson lower and upper, Larue MBT trigger, SOLGW BCG, Rosco 10.5 barrel, Laurie 9" quadrail, Vltor A5 w/SBA4. I'm all over the place😂
hkump45carbine This post...got some butts hurt 🙃🙃🙃
_tim_ballard @short_barrel_daddy the disrespect solgw gets and @forwardcontrols and @badgerordnance need to be toward the top and tbh radian can fall a tier or two
jdiazsr25_patriot1776 🔥k
jdiazsr25_patriot1776 🔥🙌👏🔥🔥🔥👏👏🙌🙌🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏🙌🙌🔥🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏🙌🙌🙌🙌🔥🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏👏👏🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌😂😂😂😂😂
joeyc0303 I'm a lefty so stag is really my only choice for wrong handed ARs so I'm a poor... @laruetactical
realmda13 All the people crying about some assembler(s) not being higher. 😂 you shouldn't even be on the list if you don't make your own barrels.
txrc51fatboy My sons will out run any of the top tier. Hell my dpms fraken gun will out run most of the top tier.
kaylorfirearms List is bs! Lmt, hk ,knights all crazy overpriced and no better than lot of others on the list @larue I'd take one of yours over most on the list 1 like
m3an_bmw LWRC and SOLGW should be bumped up and Noveske bumped down.
riddleofsteel81 Solgw and Larue are high tier
eadie.steve I see it as a 5 way tie...
boomstickbear No way is colt high tier 1 like
rotten1ndenmark @sonsoflibertygw y'all should be higher. I use your products a lot. 1 like
krisrogers37 I'm blind, where's Geissele... or am I uber poor 😑
k7714 Congrats @laruetactical
  -  laruetactical @k7714 ... Thanks, we're hellbent and fighting in the halls to provide what we think is the best in class. 5 likes
  -  jgrues @laruetactical it shows 👌🏻
_realfrankenstein Oh I bet Bill is mad
eugenestonerstriggerfinger I think Sons should be higher up
chad59 Colt that's comedy 👌
netchemica This list has been floating around for a minute and is fucking dumb.
we.decide 👌
jeremyronald_2_3 Not sure if I just got lucky or what but I had a pre Clinton ban DPMS AR that was an exact lookalike of the M16A2 and I dumped mag after mag through that thing with no issues. 8k rounds later I decided to clean it since it had black stuff leaving all sorts of residue on the mags at ejection. Maybe, just MAYBE I got a really well made DPMS or perhaps I just had gotten lucky by finding one for a great deal right before they started making crappy ARs 🤷
stanthegram JP & Cobalt kinetics just laughing
ie_socal_vw Really Lwrc didn't make tops?
storm_tactical_consulting The term "Operator " is highly subjective. 2 likes
etmunk Troy Ind?
sir_wyatt_of_carlsbad I've built many ARs in both 556 and 308 and it is more of a consistency factor that many companies lack. One of my "high tier" uppers on this list has tons of slop. It is a nice upper but I've tried slapping it on a dozen lowers and it rattles. When I open my rear takedown pin on my Predatobr, I have to use my knee for leverage to crack that sucker open. It has zero slop. You could damn near run it without takedown pins. Those tolerances are unmatched.
brandon_is_second92 No Barnes Precision in that list. Not sure where people think they'd be.
chase_b4444 You're still Operator/Gucci though 🤷🤷🤷
ghostofwalker And where does PWS fall? It's gotta be in there somewhere?
helenkellertactical This list is.......a joke 4 likes
steviej309 The butthurt must flow
strokersdiesel Sweet! I'm an operator when I'm operationally operating my SUURGE
richardmac37 I own 2 larue triggers a seekins cmt doublestar and bushmaster. Lol never thought yall were gun snobs. Your triggers aren't much better than cmc triggers.
  -  laruetactical @richardmac37 ... I'll take "better" as win. 🎯 10 likes
  -  tdstwotone @laruetactical that's a win. Better than a great trigger is awesome I'd say. 1 like
houndz308 @laruetactical where would @iwi.us be? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @houndz308 ... Dunno, I didn't make this list. I know all about what my team makes, but I got no time to keep track of how others are doing. I will say this, America needs rifle factories running full tilt right now, so it's good more didn't die off during the Great 2017 downturn. 8 likes
vee70arr Radian is good but not that good. 🤣
shinsundown Geissele?
eric__houston I concur...He concurs
dwc032 Ha Noveske shouldn't even be in that list at all. Since the man died, they have turned to complete garbage.
kstimberghost Damn... Gunna do LWRC like that?
clinthumphrey @triarcsystems guess you guys aren't competition 🤷🏿😂
codyy05 @lj_guns we started at the bottom and now look at us lol
  -  lj_guns @codyy05 that's no shit!! Hell even my .22 is Larue now!! 1 like
yukon_716 There is a lot wrong with this. Not to mention Many didn't even get a mention. I could be wrong, but UTG and Midwest don't build rifles, just parts.
tactiwop I disagree with this list... @sonsoflibertygw needs to replace Seekins and Colt bc they're better than both.
tdm20969 A lot of thin skinned people got triggered with this post...
mdunkin75 😂
amills3428 in no world is FN tier 2
bredfearn79 What about DPMS pre freedom. Group. My Becker and St.Cloud guns run beautiful and I customized them from factory. I miss those days!
habanero_joe So I'm good if I use LaRue, BCM and Daniel Defence parts in my PSA lower??? 😁
seanodonnell211 According to this list I have 3 @laruetactical Operators! I'm Stoked!
johnthecloser 🤣🤣🤣
angrygingertx They all buy the same raw forging for one of like 5 companies, the put it in a machine, they all plug in the same CNC program except for a few frivolous doodads that different companies add and they press "start". LMT=Anderson=Colt=Aero= WGAF? Build your own ARs like anyone with any damn sense at all does. 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @angrygingertx ... You're sigline is spot on 😂 8 likes
  -  angrygingertx @angrygingertx my typical route would be to buy Aero upper and lower, Colt M16 BC and BC parts except the bolt itself, buy barrel with bolt included from Faxon usually if I'm looking for just reasonable good accuracy, someone else probably and more $$$ for my next build which will be a heavy barrel .204, a Geissele SD3G if I want a borderline dangerous trigger or your trigger if I don't, superlative arms gas blocks will be all I buy from now on, they are 🔥, the rest of it doesn't matter much, personal preference and whatever works for the application. I could substitute those Aero parts for almost any name on that list and I could spend less or quadruple and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference to accuracy or reliability. 🤷 2 likes
  -  alexanderrcharles @angrygingertx you're forgetting about the bcg and barrel. Way more critical. Different companies perform different QA
  -  angrygingertx @alexanderrcharles that's where the build your own part comes in. I totally agree. 2 likes
  -  tonymatthiesen @angrygingertx 😂😂😂😂
gr3g_d4y I didn't even know BLM made guns, let alone "High Tier" ones.
rester_13 @laruetactical so with all my parts I am poverty-mid tier-operator. Hahaha
ryanconstco LaRue OBR762💪...and mags...for when it must run
te0051 Sig Sauer didn't make the list?
nelson_shooting_concepts We know it's bs when @hodgedefense doesn't make the list
tonyjoepen Incoming jUsT aS gOoD bois
richman6972 Yeah I've owned Noveske and Daniel Defense... accuracy is the same
wardjm1 Haha quality on my Larue lower is second to none, even my beloved KAC guns....
devinreeve Best I've ever had. Thank you🙏
awareandalive Spikes makes good stuff. I run Larue on all my Spikes 1 like
greg_delaney Solgw LWRC and even Bills 11.5-14.5 SD should be up in operator tier since they are used in operations.
reagan.911.991.c2 I love this meme so much lol
valinorion LWRC should be top tier in all honesty... 👍😎
robhunt64 @rah__253
the_jay_vinci Where would pre-Freedom Group, Windham Maine era Bushmaster go?
labronze17 😂😂😂
chlv0ter Not sure thats in order of badassness. Just listed out you know... If you know LaRue, you KNOW. 💪💪u s 💪💪
thejerrymagnet I like how Faxon Firearms isn't on that list 😏
bigrobeg Couple operator parts where they count some high and mid tier parts and let's not talk about the rest 🤣. But I definitely love my LaRue triggers!
jrodpaul I'm running Smith and Wesson performance center AR-15 in 300 blackout... Failsafe BCG, CMC trigger, cut the 14.5 with a pinned silencerco muzzle brake and silencer co Omega suppressor. Only had issues with a few reloads 🤷
thetsieck One simple package to my ffl from you and you can raise the poverty line. Just saying.....
cobrocommander @laruetactical I see it as all the brands are equal on whatever level they're on. Ruger isn't better than Stag Arms they're just as shitty as Stag Arms. HK isn't better than Larue they're equally as good as Larue.
kickstarttv I'm not a liberal or nothing, just not big into guns brands, but the only ones I knew were BCM, palmetto armory, and larue
philipwirtz PSA all day
shooter_mcswag Cries in bill wilson
brodylan Lmao imagine thinking colt is high tier😅😅
iamtheheshlaw I'll have some Gucci gear when my order ships.
unicorn_brass No BG Defense or Troy industry 😮
freedoms_glory Lol literally DD and BCM have contracts and are bing used by operators. This list is trash.
mdpologunchannel 👏👏 very good
jeepin4l1fe Colt above SOLGW? Yeah a total fudd made this 😂😂
joshworkman4 Someone who doesn't own a good set of pin and thread gauges and works in marketing made this chart. LaRue is awesome, though.
longrangesurfer Operator level. Check. I always knew it anyway...
915ruz Texas is always first place
scotttjenkins Gucci gang 🙌
low_sider_r Oh no. Where's Mr. Bill?! 😂 @geissele
  -  tonymatthiesen @low_sider_r too busy worrying about stabby mounts and flipping mags for 100%+ profit 1 like
jewlsrtk So y'all have any upper receivers available?
    jewlsrtk @jewlsrtk do
funky_on_fly Geiselle?
jarjarplinks Where is @centurionarms on this list?😂
zellar_315 Wilson Combat?
gunnutmike All my parts are from mid tier or poverty, and I built them myself. That's what I can afford, and all four run just fine. I don't give two fucks what whoever made this list thinks. 20 likes
  -  laruetactical @gunnutmike ... So you don't own any LaRue parts ? As in none ? 🧐 39 likes
  -  furcouch69 @gunnutmike Peasant 16 likes
  -  seaskihunt @laruetactical I've only got a couple Larue MBTs. Saving my pennies for a full Larue rifle. 1 like
  -  billisticbill @laruetactical with the MBT at 80 bucks there absolutely no reason not to own one lol. I won't buy another trigger ever again. 11 likes
  -  rascal90630 @laruetactical I've got a couple of Colts I built with with LaRue parts. Every time I've taken it to a gun shop or gunsmith it's gets admired and only gets positive comments.
  -  mannymedico @gunnutmike buy a kac you peasant 2 likes
  -  tennesseetaco17 @laruetactical I've longed for the day I can share the Larue experience but I only harvest a furniture set and a few dillows just to support what you all are about🔥
  -  tdstwotone @laruetactical you know how many people i lnow that just think you guys make triggers and mounts. Too many. 4 likes
  -  jmhill2469 @laruetactical are MBT 2 instock? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tdstwotone ... Ha! Imagine how backed up we'd be if I wasn't an online horse's ass 🤷 14 likes
  -  laruetactical @alligators_gonna_alligate ... Post me an order number. ML 6 likes
  -  gh_arms @laruetactical Admitting is the first step. Wait no- admitting Navions might have an AD is the first... I dunno. Keep it up. Quality and Performance don't apologize.
  -  tdstwotone @laruetactical screw em if they don't like it. Say what you want and keep making cool stuff.
  -  jeremy_w89 @alligators_gonna_alligate i think.... check your DM 1 like
  -  jeremy_w89 @alligators_gonna_alligate nvm. I can't send you. I think he's checking, and might be able to help. Maybe. 1 like
  -  titan_rook @alligators_gonna_alligate Thieves suck! I think The Man is asking for a prior order #. Some precision Texas goodness to help restart your collection might be the idea. 1 like
  -  trigga_3_ @furcouch69 😂😂😂😂😂 just spilled my coffee at this 1 like
grassblade23 I'd take some of those "Mid tier" brands over some the next level up 🤔. Also how is a mag finicky item like HK in the top tier? 1 like
ii_open I'm calling the cops.
modena1983 Big H missing from that list.....
saltwerx So what tier does my Delton lower(with PSA parts kit), with @laruetactical trigger, Hodge S-lock rail, and Anderson barrel land me??? Was going to get a @sonsoflibertygw charging handle but that UTG one was FDE! Just sayin.
lowlite007 So If you have a Larue and Noveske as well as 2 S&W's are you an operator/poverty or just a frugal operator?
karl.koch.71 Your operator level. Best of the best
t1smu It's a little wrong. I mean probably most American operators use DD. Most operators abroad use Colts and have used Colts. Also Belgium issued weapons are FN. 2 likes
parabellumoutfitters When most people aren't catching the edit... lol.
yeet_tactical First larue I ever built was for my pops. Gotta do it right. 2 likes
damien_5.4 Spikes tactical ?
yeet_tactical #operatorstatus 1 like
sonsoflibertygw Mark, you make better guns than this guy makes charts. So, +1 for Larue, -5 for chart maker. Sionics, Centurion belong up there, too. I give credit to people making performance driven rifles ahead of margin driven rifles. Hope you guys are doing well. We're all in for a bizarre few years. Take care. @mikemihalski Fellow Texas Rifle Maker. 130 likes
  -  gearreport_caleb @sonsoflibertygw spot on! I've disagreed with SOLGW's placement on this chart ever since I first laid eyes on it. Unfortunately I've never finger banged a LaRue but I've been eyeing their Ultimate Upper build kits! 4 likes
  -  hoffroggegreg @sonsoflibertygw @laruetactical SOLGW definitely should be a tier up.. at least.. I wanted to cerakote one of my sons guns but wouldn't because the finish was so freaking nice. Not to forget the lifetime warranty on normal wear.. and these bad boys run run run... so I'll give ya a "close" on the chart.. but it definitely needs some adjustments.. 1 like
  -  jrons76 @sonsoflibertygw all of the top 2 tiers are great. BCM should be up one though. 1 like
  -  aaron_quick85 @sonsoflibertygw this chart is wrong because y'all belong at the top! 3 likes
  -  mattjo2 @gearreport_caleb prepare for a 6month wait for one 1 like
  -  gearreport_caleb @mattjo2 I've heard. No rush. 2 likes
  -  chaucer22 @sonsoflibertygw the fact they put you guys equal to Aero and brownells 🤣 man, you guys must just be robbing me of all my money. Guess I got duped by your cool roll marks 😭 2 likes
  -  _realfrankenstein @sonsoflibertygw @laruetactical on my list I have both you two Texas guys on my operator list at the top. Both my larue and SOLGW rifles could hang and I believe surpass with any of the other manufacturers 1 like
  -  _realfrankenstein @sonsoflibertygw colt is definitely not up there anymore maybe back 10 years and on they were but not anymore. They have been awful lately and especially when they quit selling to the civilian market. I get the military market pays for their business but the largest army in the world is the US population
  -  jmnbar19 @sonsoflibertygw Picked up an East India starter kit & Rebellious Stripes stripped lower last month. Waiting on @laruetactical to send me my furniture & trigger. First time using either of yalls products, I'm very excited. 1 like
  -  sonsoflibertygw @jmnbar19 it's a solid trigger. 2 likes
  -  jalkl @sonsoflibertygw you got any available??
  -  the_savant_savage @sonsoflibertygw This came out a LONG time ago on MDS (Maryland Shooters) I think during the Obama era if I recall correctly, though I do agree with ya. 1 like
jhayes2645 I don't care what the guy next to me is running as long as he hits his targets and doesn't hit me....
chief_chilote_ What about VLTOR?
teddyfonze They forgot to include Patriot Ordnance Firearms in the High Tier Group. 1 like
k_bash88 Does seekins even make complete rifles?
k_bash88 They forgot to add @lwrci too 1 like
  -  k_bash88 @ttb_jcb oh shit lol
  -  schwertogawd @k_bash88 i just wanna know why colt and spikes are a tier higher than they should be lol 1 like
onehandedwonder One day 🙏😞
ii_open 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
barnegat16 I have no issue with Anderson lowers. But my Noveskes just got hard.
gr8abini Proud member of a death squad I guess.
jhayes2645 Some encampment circa 1775: "Hey Samuel your Brown Bess is shit... I got me a Jager..."
fishthakid Y'all gonna piss off ole bendy bill
a556nato I agree 100%
pptxranger @cwaddle17 look at you with your Gucci radian build 😂 1 like
  -  cwaddle17 @pptxranger 🤤🤤🤤
theuncommonline.podcast Add Triarc Systems to top tier everything in the middle tier move down one!! 2 likes
  -  theuncommonline.podcast @dhruvin6405 must be you cuz i am 9700 rounds on my duty gun and 11,000 on another one and shoots lights out. FACTS
  -  theuncommonline.podcast @dhruvin6405 but then sons is on their and have seen fall to pieces lol. But everyones got their opinion i run what works for us!
  -  theuncommonline.podcast @dhruvin6405 but if the ATF is reading this I hate guns and don't own shit ool
  -  tonymatthiesen @dhruvin6405 you one of the lucky ones to get the ambi reciever set today?🤔
  -  tonymatthiesen @dhruvin6405 similar to what I got lol, ill eventually get me a set
  -  sonsoflibertygw @theuncommonline.podcast where have you seen a SOLGW rifle fall to pieces? 1 like
  -  theuncommonline.podcast @sonsoflibertygw not that I need to explain to myself but seen two bolt carrier groups fail early round count two different people as an instructor. Was just disappointed with quality for being what they are. But like stated everyone has an opinion.
  -  theuncommonline.podcast @theuncommonline.podcast and they laugh. Another reason right there. So glad our agencies made different decisions. Quality matters!
  -  sonsoflibertygw @theuncommonline.podcast That's interesting. Nobody's asking you to "explain" yourself. I'm asking about a supposed performance issue with our rifle. If you could provide the details I'd love to reach out to these folks and examine that. We're pretty accessible and if someone experienced a premature bolt failure I'm sure they'd let us know... considering we replace components from people who blow up their guns with the wrong ammo...you can bet we'd replace a part if it failed by some defect. Saying you witnessed 2 premature bolt failures isnt an opinion. That's you stating a fact. As the owner of the company you're talking about I'm asking where you witnessed this. You're welcome to PM me if you'd rather provide the info there. 2 likes
  -  theuncommonline.podcast @sonsoflibertygw I am sure they did reach out as was their instruction to do so. I am just stating my opinion on facts observed. Every company has a failure at some point, I just hated that I saw it twice in one qualification year. But hey good for you being the owner of the company and being accessible on such a forum as instagram when people have concerns. Trust me if they were my guns I would have quickly had yall address the concern. I can't speak for other people what they do after the fact. And I always enjoy a good conversation so feel free to PM
cb_lewis90 @steelarmsind 😂😂😂 1 like
peakpg03 What about Geissele? 3 likes
jajonesapf Really glad you're top tier - you've earned it - but lists like this are lame. SOLGW and Colt need to switch. Where is Triarc? Geissele???
john_wick_jr_357 PSA should be higher but I agree with the rest. 1 like
zackmando No @triarcsystems .... smh 🤨 1 like
krisinpudding @laruetactical, about how long is the wait on a lower receiver these days?
dommytuzzit Solgw is definitely higher up. IMO
xaverworks Definitely don't agree with where @sonsoflibertygw fell on this. Clearly the person making this never ran one and doesn't know the amount of effort/time/attention to detail that company drops into its rifles. I hate to reference a video but even @garand_thumb put a SOLGW with the likes of BCM and other duty quality rifles. 2 likes
ironbucee oPeRaToR go bbbbbrrrrrrr
powerpuff5567 👌👌👌💖✊🎉
boxed_mac_n_cheese I feel like stag and psa should be in their own tier between poverty and mid tier. Theyre better than the other brands in their bracket but worse than the ones above it 1 like
amassey503 This should be a sliding scale, lots of brands change hands and have quality control issues. Never buy a car or gun put together on a Friday afternoon...
k.jeffcoat72 @dbfirearms y'all didn't make the cut either 🤷
ephraim_awakening Lots of disagreement here 😅
burlster24 I've always wanted high end shit. Bitch, I'm Gucci!!😜 1 like
stillsaltyaf_ Well 5th 1st place is definitely better than anything below it. I thought my Colt would be like in the middle or lower ranks 🤣 guess I'll have to upgrade one day and get a LaRue. That's my plan anyways.
boutthatlifeyoda 😂😂🤘 hey @laruetactical ... I've been hunting one of your single stage triggers forever (preferably flat bow) and can never catch them in stock. Are they still available?
just_an_heir But Windham Weaponry ain't cheap🤔 1 like
  -  jaylaroux @just_an_heir that's because they're the polls bushmaster guys before the company sold. Windham makes good rifles. 1 like
  -  just_an_heir @jaylaroux ahhh yeah, forgot about that, good call
brownings_ghost 😂😂😂
avaloschristian41 @zac_p94
pptxranger @bap2139
  -  bap2139 @pptxranger Radian! Yes!! Surprised DD didn't make the operator list. Also surprised to not see PWS on this list.
  -  bap2139 @pptxranger i would also swap places with BCM and SOLGW's
isplityourwig Where's @hodgedefense ? 3 likes
  -  getmemarlowe @isplityourwig I ask myself this question every time their parts/rifles "drop" and I get cart-sniped. 😩 2 likes
  -  isplityourwig @getmemarlowe I feel your pain 😭 1 like
roll84chi No Wilson combat?? 🤔 1 like
beboworks Technically, Radian is in the second row of the first tier 😂 1 like
k.jeffcoat72 @blackrainordnance y'all did not make the cut🤷
unumetsuperare Genuine pre-2016 Colt should be Operator tier.
wreck_it_rody Solgw does not belong in the same tier as Aero, or Spikes. 2 likes
j_galt_1337 Rainier arms barrels not on the list?
gr3g_d4y I love how Sig isn't even a consideration 🤣
peter351 Woohoo!! Go DPMS! Lol 3 likes
badkarma187 Where does CMT fall?🤔
medrano_saul74 @johnalvarez4263 @68gohawks
spectre_haus Still, nobody can tell me what you get for a 200 lower vs a 100 lower.
  -  angrygingertx @doc.trine.dark 100 less dollars in ass National bank
zack_adams55 Current Knights is garbage. I hate to say it, but their new SR16s suck. Older ones I love though.
chesterfieldhideout Fake news!! 1 like
sotexwhiskeyguy No S&W? 1 like
  -  liam_r_moffett @sotexwhiskeyguy poverty tier 1 like
  -  sotexwhiskeyguy @liam_r_moffett oops, now I see it. 1 like
  -  grassblade23 @liam_r_moffett I'd take an M&P over a PSA 🤔 2 likes
  -  liam_r_moffett @grassblade23 it's not my opinion, just pointing out where it is on the chart. No judgments here. 1 like
  -  grassblade23 @liam_r_moffett yep, I misunderstood, but I see what you meant.
tom_rakip You're in good company on that list, last place or not 😉 @laruetactical
grockinu Rating is vertical only. Not along same row. AERO/SOLGW makes that crystal clear. 1 like
jon41302 Drop Colt a tier, drop spikes a tier, and put SOLGW at the top along with Hodge and I'd agree for the most part 4 likes
mzmbk45 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
goodrich276 No love for @sionics or @centurionarms? Lameeee 4 likes
pre_ban_andy Solgw mid tier?.... Uh, I think not 2 likes
mikecheckmike KAC, BCM, and DD here. Never had a chance to get my hands on a Larue rifle.
pre_ban_andy @mikemihalski
  -  mikemihalski @pre_ban_andy lol
outofspec.mojo facts
randyg409 The fact that bcm and DD is above solgw proves this rating is useless. 9 likes
sonofstate Current colt should probably be dropped a tier 46 likes
  -  freedoms_glory @sonofstate at least until the CZ buyout goes through😂 6 likes
  -  sonofstate @freedoms_glory agreed 1 like
  -  brandon_is_second92 @sonofstate A tier. From what I've been hearing they are bottom tier worthy in current state.
leviathon_ac Poor boi 👊🤟🤟 1 like
thecodystone FYI, This list has been going around for several years and there are still guys defending their Anderson and PSA junk. 1 like
sgtbsimms SOLGW should be a tier higher 4 likes
stevenmcclay6921 My UU is arriving today! Please tell the folks that make that happen thank you!
  -  willdavisfishing @stevenmcclay6921 how long was your wait?
  -  stevenmcclay6921 @willdavisfishing Let's say it was well worth it! My wait time was several months BUT if you order now there is no way to guess. I have waited longer... for Larue in 2008, tax stamps, MP5 build, even babies take 9 months, but you get what you pay for and don't pay till you get it. I hope yours gets here soon! 1 like
craig_blockhead Think LWRC should be top tier 15 likes
  -  venomfirearmsimaging @craig_blockhead who uses it? Lol
  -  freedoms_glory @muh_name_bocefus *thinks it should be higher, hasn't even used it yet😂 2 likes
  -  nomad03xx @venomfirearmsimaging Gov. Agency's. No I don't think it should be higher. 1 like
  -  craig_blockhead @venomfirearmsimaging I do ! I also have LMT and it's right there as far as quality, accuracy & reliability. I guess because a special ops group or military don't use it or when they submitted there gun they were under priced and did not get the contract. Guess nobody can make anything better then what's listed on the top tier uh ?
  -  craig_blockhead @muh_name_bocefus I don't think you'll be disappointed.
  -  venomfirearmsimaging @craig_blockhead making a pretty rifle and making a rifle that will survive SOF use are different things. That said, it's not as if the models used by SOF are those available to the public, so it's more about the manufacturer, development, quality, and any carry-over reliability from those models used by SOF. Knights, HK, Wilson, FNH are known for doing just that to the degree they can. LMT is nice stuff, they're going after more MIL contracts and I know they have a few under their belt. LWRC, I'll be honest, I see a pretty gun with little backstory.
  -  craig_blockhead @tx_gunnut I would think someone does
  -  qbanwarrior305 @venomfirearmsimaging Till you own an LWRC. Very well overbuilt. Their barrels have phenomenal accuracy. I used to think the same till I purchased one. They are overbuilt. I own an M6 IC SPR self regulating piston system. Downfall is She's a heavy bitch 3 likes
  -  shaun.iles @venomfirearmsimaging LWRC M6 rifles were issued to GRS to replace the HK 416. So there's that. They've now switched to DD. 1 like
  -  joshwars @craig_blockhead it was...circa 2008 🤷 1 like
  -  craig_blockhead @joshwars exactly
playingwithyourcleetus Springfield?
2eztactical 😂😂
johnny.556mm Colt is Junk, as me how I know, SOLGW is pretty good shit...🤷 3 likes
  -  alexanderrcharles @john.lowther.568 how do you know
  -  jaylaroux @alexanderrcharles he touches pps 2 likes
spacykc92 Looks like shots fired at SOLGW 🤐 2 likes
mauigold1 I can't believe radian made it up there 2 likes
  -  gr3g_d4y @mauigold1 believe it 🤣 1 like
  -  tonymatthiesen @mauigold1 besides the fact they are a little heavy, they are def top tier
  -  breedlove.ben @mauigold1 radian is high end shit...
the.necro.maker I would bump Noveske off the top, Mark, your lowers have been that high quality since the beginning. 4 likes
cam_9295 Why is spikes so low on the list?? 2 likes
  -  briarbfirearms @cam_9295 really? You have to ask that? 16 likes
  -  grassblade23 @cam_9295 Do you mean why is it so high on the list? 2 likes
  -  mannymedico @grassblade23 I'm dying 😂 1 like
  -  cam_9295 @grassblade23 hell I would put them one step higher. And replace DDM that is over priced. Everything else looks straight 💯 1 like
andrew_the_machinist I can say I have parts from everyone on this list. But the vast majority are from the 'poverty' tier. 😁
thoroughbred_armament 🤣😂 8 likes
josh.macintyre No exaggeration. Your absolutely #1 Mark. Some of those guys are making some nice rifles. But none of them stand by their products like you do. When I was first getting into the 7.62 AR game it was LaRue or LMT. Called LMT and they said no accuracy guarantee for a $3500 rifle. So now I have a safe full of LaRue Tactical rifles. 🔥
bocephus351 This offends me lol 1 like
johnnybwildered Demote spikes and promote SOLGW and it's spot on. 28 likes
  -  modest_omega @johnnybwildered +1 1 like
racegsm Except whoever made that clearly isn't an operator or @geissele would be on top of the list. 😂 2 likes
  -  yaheardme42 @racegsm lol
  -  racegsm @dhruvin6405 you got it boss.
rgh3553 I bought a bushmaster hbar 15bears ago. Nuts on at 500 yards. Never had a failure. Sorry. Don't agree with it. 1 like
  -  goodrich276 @rgh3553 bushmaster 15 years ago and bushmaster now are totally different things, way back in the past bushmasters were a very good gun, now not so much 3 likes
  -  rgh3553 @ludwigvan_99 that's a shame
  -  angrygingertx @rgh3553 I had an issued M16A2 made by Bushmaster 1 like
  -  mike__mtz @goodrich276 I bought my bushmaster about 15 years ago and never had any issues with it. Don't think I would ever buy a newer one now. 2 likes
  -  charliesclones @rgh3553 agree. Bushmaster was solid. Too bad for them.
  -  jaylaroux @rgh3553 all those guys that made that are Windham now. Windham deserves a mid tier.
  -  rgh3553 @jaylaroux really. Gonna have to look at them
  -  jaylaroux @rgh3553 yeah, when that conglomerate bought bushmaster they fired everyone or they left. The owners started Windham and brought most of their workforce and moved to Maine. Left maryland and their ghey laws and brought most of the team with them. They make good rifles. Don't know how someone could put a thousand dollar base rifle in the same tier as a five hundred dollar rifle.
  -  tonymatthiesen @rgh3553 pre freedom group bushmaster were solid rifles... not so much anymore 1 like
  -  anonimo5.7 @rgh3553 I got a 20 inch hbar from 07 shit is great. 1 like
  -  m4global @rgh3553 that's "old bushmaster" they were killing it back in the day 1 like
evanmchaffa Seekins above Solgw? No Hodge? I think they have greater issues. Hahah. 7 likes
  -  czychris137 @evanmchaffa Seekins uses a better barrel.
  -  czychris137 @evanmchaffa I mean it should be one tier higher but I do like their barrels better.
  -  jaylaroux @evanmchaffa Hodge doesn't put out enough product to get on the map. Not saying they don't deserve to be top tier, but they aren't prevalent enough
  -  evanmchaffa @jaylaroux I think you'd be shocked at how much Jim puts out and where his products actually end up.
  -  jaylaroux @evanmchaffa you're probably right. And he should be at the top. Real gucci compared to some of the other stuff on this list
vdiaz257 UTG should be in the 'garbage' category LOL 5 likes
calma1982 I can care less what people think of what I own. 9 likes
  -  gr3g_d4y @calma1982 there are easier ways to tell us you own a Sig 6 likes
  -  furcouch69 @calma1982 Were you tagged in this post?
briarbfirearms It's in no particular order on the tiers.. 5 likes
beforedawn1065 Honestly Aero should be higher up 15 likes
  -  josh.macintyre @beforedawn1065 no it should not. 22 likes
  -  ikemg13 @beforedawn1065 this is what someone who's never ran a knights, lmt or larue would say. 9 likes
  -  thecodystone @beforedawn1065 stop. Just stop. 6 likes
  -  i_am_the_fos @ikemg13 Eh, I have a LaRue OBR as my main blaster, and I agree with him. 🤷 1 like
  -  isplityourwig @beforedawn1065 nope 2 likes
  -  ahnward @beforedawn1065 lol that's what the poors say 😂💀 2 likes
  -  magashawn1776 @beforedawn1065 aero could replace DD. Not a DD fan. 1 like
  -  grassblade23 @beforedawn1065 I like Aero. I own an Aero upper. Mid tier seems appropriate. 🤔 1 like
  -  k_bash88 @beforedawn1065 all of my Aeros I had to dimple my barrels and re-align my gas blocks to get them to function.
  -  beforedawn1065 @ahnward lol trust me not an issue
  -  beforedawn1065 @magashawn1776 if not DD atleast BCM
  -  codyhurris @beforedawn1065 no... it shouldn't 1 like
  -  echolima79 @beforedawn1065 100%. It should be higher tier. All these snobs saying it doesn't compare to the higher ends don't really get it.
  -  jaylaroux @beforedawn1065 you spelled lower wrong
rooster_cogburn87 Sig didn't even make it lol 😂 9 likes
  -  zdaltontn @rooster_cogburn87 was wondering where Sig would be on here?
  -  gr3g_d4y @zdaltontn well there's no "Garbage Tier" so... 3 likes
  -  dommytuzzit @gr3g_d4y ooof 1 like
  -  zdaltontn @gr3g_d4y ehh mine runs ok 😉 1 like
  -  j.w_hiesel @rooster_cogburn87 definitely low tier posing as a mid tier.
  -  liberty_or_death_va MCX= operator tier, their other rifles I agree are shit. 1 like
captain_weenis Unless the ranking is least to best...
charles_helm NATO death squads and Gucci boys...🤣🤣🤣 I've got some hardware in the upper parts but I see my friends at Wilson Combat got left out. 5 likes
  -  gr3g_d4y @charles_helm hanging out with Sig 🤣 1 like
  -  charles_helm @gr3g_d4y Ouch...😶 1 like
twwj24 Very confusing to read for sure! Is it two columns vertically or not?🤣
connorquinn94 I have parts from every tier except destitute haha 3 likes
  -  the_judo_variant @connorquinn94 for me literally all in one rifle. 🤣🤣
  -  connorquinn94 @ronin_judoka Haha same. My most recent build is mostly BCM but it has a Radian charging handle, a couple DD parts, some small CMMG parts, and was built on an Anderson lower. I've owned several Anderson lowers and never had a problem with them. Honestly, if you're building, you don't need to buy a Gucci stripped lower. 1 like
  -  thecodystone @connorquinn94 gross 1 like
  -  connorquinn94 @thecodystone Thank you for your kind words