... More on the 140dB topic ...140dB OSHA Standard Equivalent - since a gunshot lasts ~3.5 milliseconds, a user could shoot 8,000 rounds at 140dB (28.13 seconds/see chart) without Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)
323 likespredator_prey_outdoors Damn, you up early too huh?
  -  laruetactical @predator_prey_outdoors ... Yep, I gotta get on the road to the Dallas Safari Club show. My drunken IT guy has been doing it solo this week and today's gonna be a busy day up there. ML 4 likes
joeki713 Meh I'll form my own opinion as opposed to referencing a chart for my senses. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @joeki713 ... It science. So it ain't about your "feels" ;-) ML 3 likes
  -  joeki713 @laruetactical Yeah but then there's the science you're not considering like preexisting damage from one's background. There's no way I did 1000 hearing tests if we're all starting out on the same page.
  -  laruetactical @joeki713 ... I'm gonna need a substitute teacher to help me out in this thread ;-) ML 2 likes
  -  joeki713 @laruetactical alright you got me, I was born with only one ear
  -  laruetactical @joeki713 ... And I was born with red hair plus the gov't built all the sidewalks too close to my ass. 16 likes
  -  joeki713 @laruetactical ya know I hate that shit 😂
bluegillz So the tinnitus and going deaf after shooting a .300 ultra mag with a muzzle break doesn't cause hearing damage??? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @bluegillz ... You made me laugh. When I was a kid I ran with a Rem 700 in 7Mag. shooting 120 gr Sierra Spitzers in front of 75 grains of Gov't surplus 4831. Unsuppressed, it's likely off the charts I posted. But I killed a Tennessee groundhog at 575 yards holding 2 foot over it. I recently measured it on Google map ... helluva shot. ML 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @bluegillz ... Speaking of tinnitus ... my audiologist told me that the ringing in my ears is my brain making up fake news as it fills in gaps in my hearing. For the tones you no longer hear, he said your brain is looking for something coming in in that tone range, and when it doesn't get it, it just makes stuff up and fills in the gap for ya. YMMV. ML 11 likes
bluegillz Can you send me the link to the study, I'll take your word for it. My hearing could be congenital cause even as a kid I failed the hearing tests. I still wear electric ear pro even out hunting.
bluegillz 🤯🤯🤯 1 like
land_of_ling 🤔🤔🤔 #somethingfucky
notgeffbezos 8000 rounds per 8 hour period without hearing loss? I finally understand how they get away with saying my hearing loss isn't service related 🙄😂 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @mynameizgef ... That's 8,000 shots at 140db. Meaning it's suppressed. 2 likes
  -  notgeffbezos @laruetactical ah good point, I forgot about the suppressed part
  -  notgeffbezos @mynameizgef we rarely wore ear pro, and if we did it was never all the way in because we had to be able to hear what's going on around us
edterrazas76 What did you say
rdam_defense_ross This doesn't really get into why a suppressor that's rate at or slightly below 140db could still damage your hearing. It's the most optimal test for the suppressor, not the user. Examples: shooting in a building, enclosure or overhang at the range. I know the first round pop has gotten my ears ringing before. For that reason, I make my kids wear hearing protection when shooting. Unless it's .22 subs, there's no reason not too. You don't get new ears, but you do you. 3 likes
thiswildadventure This is cringey af. Your cans are loud (I own 2). If you want real comparisons, buy your competitors' cans and shoot them. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @thiswildadventure ... Hey Mr. Cringey AF, this thread ain't about my cans or anybody else's cans. And dB doesn't mean dumb butt ;-) Thanks for buying 2 of my cans. Enjoy the near total lack of backpressure, your tender lung tissue will thank me later. ML 20 likes
  -  thiswildadventure @hoodooforever lmao at "my friend has cans." Go be poor somewhere else. 2 likes
  -  thiswildadventure @laruetactical The lack of back pressure is great. Thinking 140 is an acceptable decibel number is not. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @thiswildadventure ... Some guys will enjoy and learn something from this information, and others, not so much ... 9 likes
  -  twojsdad @thiswildadventure A few hundred and a tax stamp makes you rich? 5 likes
  -  thiswildadventure @rescue_17 I'm not an engineer either, but I know a train wreck when I see one.
  -  _txbrand_ 🍿Look at the fanboys..... and another manufacturer that gets his panties in a knot when products are criticized.......
  -  laruetactical @bw_tx ... Manufacturer ? 2 likes
_eric_daniel The previous post says that the 140 number is the result of compromises from law makers. Meaning that, for all we know, the past equivalent of Pelosi and friends came up with that number 😂😜 The group that actually studied the data says 127db for 1 second will cause hearing loss. Their chart doesn't even go up to 140db. 4 likes
dustinstapp Mark, could you record a waveform of the shot and show us how long (in ms or s) the sound lasts? I'm curious to see how long the sound is above 140 dB, hard data would help further this discussion.
cts304 My tranquilo suppressor is top notch 2 likes
jointdocshields @laruetactical love your stuff and suppressors, but you are making incorrect assumptions based on the data. Impulse noise is important to identify as the tympani muscle reflex is not fast enough to protect the ear from such exposure, which can result in instantaneous hearing damage. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jsshieldsmd ... Is that why guns and alcohol don't mix - impaired reflexes ?
  -  jointdocshields @laruetactical 1 of the many. Publishing a paper now on noise in the OR for total joint surgeons, so this is an interest. We are all going deaf.
  -  laruetactical @jsshieldsmd ... Good stuff. Check your inbox. ML 1 like