Back in March, I asked you guys for tribal knowledge on the whys & wherefores on the 140 dB suppressor number. Here's what became of that wealth of info you guys provided. Thanks, and let me know if you can read it on here. ML
314 likeswedgetail_industries Interesting 2 likes
photogunic Can read it clear as day! 2 likes
txmerica Do Larue suppressors ever require cleaning? The only ones I've heard that do are another brand.
  -  laruetactical @txmerica ...No harm in cleaning gun stuff ... put on a wet suit and clean with a power washer ;-) 6 likes
agw_fl 👏🏻🙌🏼🔥
thiswildadventure @thejaysituation 1 like
  -  thejaysituation @thiswildadventure the 140 dB number is as useless to silencer measurement as rolling your dice to get a number from any of the meters commercially available on the market, including the Pulse.
phil.thompson.140 😉spot on
steve.roper.963 🧡 1 like