... Got this IM ... seems like we made a few "unthreaded" Massachusetts-compliant Stealth uppers some years back ... maybe the drunken I.T. guys let it slip through the dregs of the kegs. 🤷
472 likesmike_feds_7 @laruetactical seems like a legit question doesn't it? You can legally own an AR-15 in NY as long as it is in compliance. You can buy a stripped lower 100% legally. It's the final fully assembled firearm that is required to be in compliance. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @mike_feds_7 ... It is a legit question. 8 likes
bulletsfortyrants Or maybe do what you want and stop asking the government for permission... 43 likes
  -  laruetactical @youcantbanfreedom ... Stick your chest out and spray it as you say it to the I*R*S 😂 7 likes
  -  proofoflife01 @youcantbanfreedom truth. They don't ask permission when they screw us over constantly. I don't take advice from people that borrow money from China to give to other countries while our country continues to write rubber checks. Seems like someone should take the checkbook away until they figure out you can't borrow your way out of debt. 5 likes
  -  conflictready @proofoflife01 play stupid games, win stupid prizes... Elections have never yielded anything more than selecting your own tyrants. Democracy is a joke when most people who vote are so ill informed and emotionally swayed. 2 likes
  -  proofoflife01 @conflictready it's not a democracy. It's a constitutional republic. But yes when you can play both sides with bullshit propaganda the constitution means nothing and conflict is just over the horizon. 2 likes
  -  bulletsfortyrants @proofoflife01 a constitutional republic is a form of democracy
  -  conflictready @proofoflife01 I wasn't speaking specifically to the American representative republic, which is a "form" of democracy, but generally speaking to any system which allows the people to vote for either representatives or directly vote for laws and other legislation. People can't be trusted to make logical informed decisions, especially when the masses are logically devoid and emotional retards. 1 like
  -  proofoflife01 @youcantbanfreedom I understand that but it's not the "democracy" they rant about on the news. The whole system is a fraud at this point
  -  proofoflife01 @conflictready truth. Based on the people I meet conducting business daily, I'm shocked some of them can breathe on their own.
  -  conflictready @proofoflife01 we must be around the same people lol 1 like
  -  proofoflife01 @conflictready probably so. Anymore I just keep a low profile and stay at home mostly when I'm not at work. I just can't deal with the stupid anymore. Even common sense and thinking for yourself is almost non existent. It's pretty sad 2 likes
zsl830 Do a run of compliant rifles for our homies behind enemy lines. Everyone deserves some larue in their life. 12 likes
  -  realmda13 @zsl830 isn't that like 99% of the appeal of the UU?
a3addon Back in October of 2012 @laruetactical was the only high end rifle manufacturer who agreed to make me an NJ legal 5.56 PredatAr. You guys didn't even have the options on your website yet. I set up everything over the phone and sent you in my own muzzle device and you guys put an A2 stock on it. It's why I ordered a 7.62 OBR and only use your mounts. Superb customer service. 👍🏻 18 likes
cavalry.blue.fj please, make crowned barrel uut available! 1 like
craiger72 definitely would be interested in compliant stuff as well. @laruetactical 1 like
boulderdashery Finally some makers of firearms looking into ny good stuff and thanks from a nyer
2xlkevin I want in on a Jersey legal upper.
j_perry69 Hey I'm in MA and I need one! 2 likes
xcoastie I'm in NY and have an OG OBR heavy (and a 556 lower)
thecodystone I vote to get out the Texas boys orders and worry about the Yankees crowned barrels never. 2 likes
jhetch81876 I live in NY and own a stealth and predator. Two of the best, most accurate rifles I own.
tikitembo There are my ways to skirt around the NY laws legally like fixed magazine lowers. It's up to @laruetactical to want to do these things for a market that's 1 state. If ML is doing alright now why change the recipe. But I wouldn't mind an OBR in 556
realmda13 Order a UU and do the compliance work on your own. Even NY can still order stripped lowers... backlog is too long to add complicated custom assembly. Get your stripped lower order in YESTERDAY if you live in a blue state. 2 likes
javierking64 Got my MBT-2S triggers I ordered in Nov. Booya!
xistheunknownfactor I'm a NY'er - please don't make us anything compliant. None of us will learn until we 1. leave and take our tax dollars with us or 2. learn to take the fight to them politically. We deserve the government we vote for. If this is our demise then this is what we have created for ourselves. This is why I'm leaving. I've had enough. 17 likes
bake250r I'd love one in California
clayton_adams 😂🤣😅👊🏽👍🏽
tractoroper8tor Send em a Zillow link 1 like
edoubleu88 Should have sent a message back telling him to stop being a bitch and build what he wants..Fu** Cuomo