... Well, I'll be Dad-Jim !! We got us another billboard going 😎 It's on Texas Hwy 29 between Liberty Hill and Bertram, east bound lane. If you got a deer lease west of there, soak thine eyes on every trip. Thanks for all y'all's business. ML
1,260 likesjustrudy @kyle_yfz450
oldschool_7670 I would love to see one of your billboards out here in SoCal. These libtards would loose their minds! 2 likes
pcbrown91 When can I order a Larue BCG?
  -  realmda13 @pcbrown91 2 weeks! 1 like
just_here_for_the_content_ Wish more gun manufacturers would do this.
a556nato 1000 yards is still in 556 range. My 556 Larue stealth has made those hits 😍
  -  slipperypete530 @a556nato 20"?
  -  a556nato @slipperypete530 ya and a 18"
  -  slipperypete530 @a556nato nice
nathingtwo What's up with the Sidney Powell dillows?
charliesclones Not bad. Which LaRue rifle is up to the challenge? 🙌
lfcfcd Two great billboards, several I own and one soon to be moving to!
metal__zero__one @laruetactical I can hit up to 1300 if you can find me some 185 gr FGMM
kevin.young.77582 See them lovely billboards all the time. 1 like
kodiak_precision Without a doubt!
watermark78 I'm literally moving to liberty hill in a few weeks! Cant wait to see this 🤘
divingdriver Thanks Mark!
scott_y_ttocs 🔥💪💯
christopher_miller 🧡
mdpologunchannel 🔥🔥👏👏👏
markfingar 🙌
thesmalley1 I would be curious what requirements beside that gun would be needed for 1000yd hits
  -  laruetactical @thesmalley1 ... Decent ammo and a skilled shooter
  -  ofd_zombiesqd @thesmalley1 training and training even if it's raining
  -  laruetactical @ofd_zombiesqd ... Naw, just the basics will hit 1,000 3 likes
  -  thesmalley1 @laruetactical is 6.5 Creedmore the only caliber you make capable of 1000yd hits?
  -  laruetactical @thesmalley1 ... No