... I got a flu shot today. Nurse said I'm cleared hot to "streak" the CDC. Get yours before the flu shot factory breaks down. ML
225 likesjfpvh My chemotherapy pills came in a bag with a biohazard emblem on the outside of it and on the bag that my chemotherapy came in that they put in my arm. Apparently it didn't work the big C is back 🤣 u s u s ☕☕
beausoefje Too late, the dos equis virus has done knocked me on my ass 😂. Guess that's what I get for mocking everyone telling me to get my flu shot earlier
spoonmann8 I'd rather eat a thermometer. 👽
bigredgyro Oh man, a little late to the party, Mark. Better late than never, though. Flu shots start shipping in early September.
  -  laruetactical @bigredgyro ... Well, maybe waiting got me the latest and greatest ;-) 2 likes
  -  bigredgyro @laruetactical nah, its all a crapshoot many months in advance🤷
  -  laruetactical @bigredgyro ... From my Nebraska pheasant hunting friend ... "Shirley has not been feeling well so her doctor checked her for flu, which was negative, but said he had found two cases that same day that tested positive for flu that had gotten a flu shot. He said the shot was not working to prevent it, but is lessening the severity. You maybe onto something getting it now."
  -  laruetactical @bigredgyro ... From my Nebraska pheasant hunting friend ... "Shirley has not been feeling well so her doctor checked her for flu, which was negative, but said he had found two cases that same day that tested positive for flu that had gotten a flu shot. He said the shot was not working to prevent it, but is lessening the severity. You maybe onto something getting it now."