... Me to my Congressman's right arm - "Will it pass ?"
His reply - "They're coming with it, but 5 person majority in house...we have to apply pressure there... Then, Senate is 50/50, so we have to do same there..."
So y'all, it's up in the air as to whether this will pass and get to Vitamin B iden's desk. If you're in a Democrat district, pick up the phone and call in. Be respectful, but get your voice heard. If nobody calls in against it, they'll assume nobody gives a flying sh*t about it and they'll pass it without opposition. ML
1,251 likesendersshad0w that's not all, lots of this bill makes hunting difficult and it seems to ban all shotgun shells larger than 410 and I love to hunt waterfowl and upland birds with my 12g. If I'm being 100% honest this bill seems very sketchy to me.
jjmite80 We'll just have to circle back on that form lol. 1 like
southendsuspect Bet the Gangbangers can't wait to get a list of homes to burglarize and steal guns from. In California they have their under age prospects steal them because they never prosecute "children". 🤫😆😆😆
j_galt_1337 Good luck
cdd346 You can literally kill someone and get a lesser sentence than getting caught with a 30 round mag with this stupidity.
chris_coghlin Couldn't agree more. Everyone needs to call their representatives, particularly the new gun owners.
mi_gro420 Anyone complying with this would be a fool and probably doesnt deserve their guns in the first place.
miniuteman_model_works Come and get it 1 like
byrontabor Our forefathers started a revolution over a tax on tea... if we hand in our guns we DESERVE to be loaded on box cars!!! 2 likes
angusmcdung It is a declaration of war.
chefhef Passing by a pen has no legal action!!!
chefhef This bill has nothing to do with gun safety, it's all about the money!!! oh, and taking away our protection from a tyranny govt. and the first amendment, they stole this election for a reason; hyperspeed to communism!!!
sandy_dog_09 Fuck the government. I bought 2 likes
eadie.steve I am sorry but that shit is insanity! Is it starting to feel like they are trying to make us all criminals? Had that discussion with a couple today who are probably in their 80's. Her words can't be repeated her but can be summarized as "from my cold dead hands!"
joseph5myers I don't own any firearms, what are you talking about? By the way have you guys rigged up the Willy Pete on you records?
everett.l.hunt.10 Sheila Jackson (D) of Houston, TX. She has been the one to introduce every anti-gun bill since 1995. Her number is (202) 225-3816 let her know what y'all think! 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @everett.l.hunt.10 ... ☝... Is that true ? 2 likes
  -  john_mai1 @everett.l.hunt.10 honest question... when calling that number, do you respectfully speak your mind or is there certain things that needs to be said to bring the subject up? 1 like
  -  everett.l.hunt.10 @john_mai1 just be yourself. 1 like
rocky.senatore And remember, with only a two-year term, House members are alway on the campaign trail. All you from Old-Democrat districts get everyone Red Blooded America you know to call and let them know they're political life depends on supporting the 2A. Also, half the Senate are up for re-election in 2022, so give them what-fer too!
csolstice032018 So far there are zero co-sponsors for this bio. Make those calls so this doesn't get any traction!
michaelcatterlin How about we just dont comply? Their power means nothing unless we grant it to them by complying with their rules.
tacochefs 🔫🔫🔫🔫 they been coming for years and Trumps bitchass didn't help or protect us at all.... we are alone always have been we have to fight the fight.... no more running no more hiding
sea_shrimpz This is a attack on the industry so you have to call or write letters to express your concerns and tell them to vote no. They will go after the primer manufacturer next.
kevin.young.77582 Sounds to me like HR 127 is doa!
  -  laruetactical @kevin.young.77582 ... Tell us more.
  -  laruetactical @kevin.young.77582 ... I'd like to hear the Dems hate who they had to use to win and won't back none of the Odd Couple's crazy crap
  -  kevin.young.77582 @laruetactical Hearing reports from guys on YouTube like (Military Arms Channel) saying the bill is way to big .
  -  laruetactical @kevin.young.77582 ... Oh, in that case, let's write it on all of the obelisks .
powersport_discovery Basically the entities who made the largest contributions to the campaign are the ones attempting to direct the nation. The primary policyholders are the lead contributors to the admin.
petras_224 We don't have to worry about here in Texas Governor Abbott put in for Pro 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State. A lot of small cities here in Texas are already Pro 2nd Amendment Sanctuary cities and counties. With this being said the Feds can do what they want they will be ignored and can't do shit. If they try anything I'm sure they won't do it again. 2 likes
_capt_obvious Sheila Jackson Lee is Texas' AOC. She pulls this crap every session. The good thing is Skopos gives it a 3% chance of passing the House. But don't rest on your laurels. Call your congress critter and tell them you oppose it. 1 like
b_reed10 @eliascrawford8
kodiak_precision They might pass it. The rest is going to an issue
jetobin_hunt I've done my part here in WV and will send the letters everyday just so I can say I tried.
creedpruitt Being respectful with these people does nothing you can't reason with them
gsdpanzer The jails are about to be full boys, carve out your racket now. I am thinking I will be saving my sunny-D bottles and apple cores to make some nice toilet wine.
lherritt1121 @dancrenshawtx what is Dan's position on this? He hasn't said a word.
depredadorsolutions Evil is as evil does.
mattdrake1979 Thanks for sharing
takkafucuup Done wrote both my senators ty
pelican_image_creation I can't imagine this will get past the senate, every the left knows this is a BAD law. It's ridiculous.
sanddart93 Is there a list of weak ones we all can email or call? Is there any DEMs that might be from TEXAS that are weak?
theflyinghouse If it doesn't come from the people, how else can we help them remember "of the people, by the people, and for the people?" You've already got your phone in your hand. Now figure out who to call. 1 like
g0tmadscrillz @mike29949 1 like
angrybeardedguy The elite in DC are protected, now by a wall and national guard. The problem is they are never held accountable for their actions, oh sure they may be voted out of office but they get cushy jobs on energy company boards or as lobbyists. With this bill, they will knowingly sacrifice the lives of law enforcement and civilians. We need to make sure they are held accountable and aren't safe if they actually pass this Bill. What fucking good are firearms if we all are not willing to fight against our own tyrannical government? I guess the way I think is different from others but I refuse to believe that a pen and paper can defeat the American spirit! 3 likes
22jayare I doubt this would pass the senate as it would need the 2/3 majority. Even then, say Biden does his 831st executive order, the Supreme Court would most likely hear the case. I think it was back in spring, however, Supreme Court ruled in California to overturn their magazine ban. I don't trust the democrats but I'm hopeful the legal process would work in our favor on this. I've definitely been stocking up just in case though.
prosper_and_flourish Dumbest shit ever
cruza0874 People concerned about the passing of unconstitutional laws at the stroke of a pen, need to be reminded of the bill of rights, and our (we the people) inalienable right to resist such laws. 2A anyone? Or are we all going to sit and do nothing again. You know, like we did with the stolen election. 🙄
matt_hansen_crushing_for_life You should always get involved even on non 2A issues, but, It'll never pass. The Supreme Court knows it's unconstitutional and Dems know it's unconstitutional. They are throwing crap against the wall to see what sticks. 1 like
  -  astnmz727_ @matt_hansen_crushing_for_life that's the problem, throw shit at a wall enough times and eventually something will stick. Need I remind you that every gun law on the books are infringements 2 likes
  -  matt_hansen_crushing_for_life @astnmz727_ 100% agree with you. 1 like
  -  ill_gottengainz @matt_hansen_crushing_for_life that's the scary part
danno06472 What are your thoughts on the benefits of a crazy bill like this passing and then being shot down by the SCOTUS?
scraptri1 Let's hope this never happens and it would be nice to see the people of TX vote Rep Sheila Jackson Lee out if office. 👍 11 likes
  -  reagan.911.991.c2 @scraptri1 never gonna happen. When you're a victim you're never accountable
  -  _capt_obvious @scraptri1 she represents one of the most uneducated and poorest high minority districts in Texas. It's just like AOC in New York 1 like
  -  charliesclones @scraptri1 I still think that she needs to change her name. Or at least one of them. She was born with the name of one Confederate General. She had a choice in what should took as a married name. Now she has the names of the two most honored Confederate Generals, of whom statues are being removed and schools renamed.
ba.smith Do they also require a boat-loss specific clause on that government insurance? Asking for a friend
han_brolo_760 Democrats just bought a ton of guns too. This won't go far. Stacked SC will ultimately make the call. 1 like
  -  nate_laundy @han_brolo_760 nah new dem gun owners don't see us as friends they still want to take our guns.
  -  cruza0874 @han_brolo_760 you mean the same Supreme Court that did nothing about the election? I'm afraid they've been bought and paid for too. 2 likes
  -  han_brolo_760 @cruza0874 what can they do? When an unconstitutional bill comes across a stacked SC, it'll get shot down faster than you can believe. The SC is probably the only branch that understands what kind of a powder keg this is. Don't forget, another impeachment was completely dropped recently. It's not as bad as we'd all like to think.
  -  cruza0874 @han_brolo_760 I'm just saying, it's ok to hope for the best outcome, but we need to prepare for the worst as well.
  -  han_brolo_760 @cruza0874 we made it through a Clinton ban. And now the AR is the most common rifle in the nation.
nullpointinsta Back the blue!
  -  russell_g4130 @nullpointinsta I hope that's sarcasm lol
  -  m4ttwick @nullpointinsta lmao
dismadeath They are slowly implementing these tactics to the point where they will mind control people to give up their guns " Or Else" !!!!!
dgafdave Then again, if it passes by the pen, what then? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @dgafdave ... So when you're filling out the required new papers, please remind yourself that I told you it's much easier to make a call, than give up it all. 👈 30 likes
  -  dgafdave @laruetactical I think there was a misunderstanding. I voice my concerns every time such issues arise. What I am saying is this, with someone so hell bent on EO's and this so happens to pass by the stroke of a pen, then what? We already know how these fools operate and that isn't democracy, it's dictatorship. 2 likes
  -  fast507 @dgafdave an executive order is much easier to defeat, than to undo a duly enacted law.
  -  fast507 @dgafdave if it gets defeated in Congress, the Administration is less likely to drop an EO, that goes against that, then they are to use it as a talking point to fund raise off of, and whip up their base with it.
  -  dgafdave @fast507 I only see it going the EO route because this isn't the first time Jackson has brought this up. At least not like this. There are a few dems baking it but not many. I know many folks, myself included that have made calls and continue to do so, let's hope our voice is heard on this. 2 likes
  -  nate_laundy @dgafdave you'll start to see states come out again at the federal government. Missouri has already written a law just last week that protects gun rights in their state 1 like
  -  dgafdave @nate_laundy Abbott stated he was doing this but I have to find where it has been passed.
  -  ohio_outcast @dgafdave if it passes, I make my peace with the Lord for the things I will do to protect my rights and my family. 2 likes
  -  djrndibs @laruetactical This reply doesn't make any sense to the guys question. 🤔
  -  laruetactical @djrndibs ... I get that you didn't get it.
  -  djrndibs @laruetactical Ah yes, be condescending, that always helps.
salerno1263 Nazi Germany
ben_america Stolen elections have consequences. There is absolutely nothing we can do to stop this Bill because we have a government that was not elected by the people, making up whatever laws they want. This will pass and we can't stop it. 2 likes
zachary_easton_ If it passes oh well I don't follow tyrannical laws anyways. Our duty as patriots is to disobey what ever violates the constitution. If it's war they want they'll get it. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that 5 likes
  -  cruza0874 @_zachary_easton_ I Agree with you wholeheartedly. However; I fo not honestly believe we have enough real patriots left that will stand together and fight something like this. Just look at what we allowed them to do with the stolen election. It's way past fighting time.
    zachary_easton_ @cruza0874 the time to find it certainly passed but it's never too late to begin it I'm not one to start anything when they are going to directly come after me for this so be it 1 like
salerno1263 I believe the crazy people have escaped from the nut house and have taken over, proclaiming sane is crazy and Crazy is sane. And the Top Nut has Dementia
divingdriver Quit talking like you can't do anything. Pick up your phone and call your representatives and let them know you oppose this bill. Don't threaten or yell at them just tell them to vote NO on this. I know you don't think that they listen to you but they sure pay attention to the number of constituents that voice their opinion and which way they lean. Now go burn up the phone lines and send letters. 2 likes
squier_jerry Sounds like a whole bunch of infringement to me. 😮 1 like