Guys and gals, tomorrow's line-up looks like this... Couldn't do a 7.0 Slick*A*Tinny (too short). But, of course, we could do a 7.0 Lok*A*Tinny. Like everything we make, our heart and soul is in each and every one of these. Watch for the World War HG email tomorrow as soon as we roust out our drunk IT guys. ML #larue #laruetactical #presidentsday #sneakpeek #behindthescenes #precisionmachining #gunsofinstagram #deadcenterofprecision #america
816 likesstoutyspeed Larue products are fantastic as always.... i wish they made a 1.8" internal diameter handguard to go over suppressors attached to a 10.5 barrel or suppressor permanently attached to short barrels. SURG rifle (suppressed upper receiver group) the quick handguard removal could/would allow cleaning/maintenance of an adjustanble gas block and or clamping of a suppressor in a vice to remove the end cap and baffle stack to not stress the pin/ weld of the permanently afixed suppressor. Thanks 1 like
12774738errr Will the regular LT rails prices be adjusted to fit the new rails?? 😁 1 like
dan_chase_ @laruetactical sorry if it's already been asked, but when will these be available?
falcontx89 Anyone test the fitment with an 11.5 barrel/sf can and 11 inch rail? Probably too long.
  -  eaglerides @falcontx89 yup, too long, a 10.75" rail is the longest that will work
  -  falcontx89 @eaglerides I don't really understand the point of an 11" rail then.
  -  myopicmusashi @falcontx89 perhaps with a 12.0 barrel...which @laruetactical sells 1 like
  -  enrique_algarin @falcontx89 I chopped my larue rail to fit the SF warden.
thelifeof_sam 7075 aluminum? 2 likes
enrique_algarin I want to order a 13.2 and a 7 today
patriot_driver Could I use one of these with an Adam's Arms short stroke piston system?
mr1989zx600 You need a 15 inch version of this too please
ketema77 Is diameter large enough to fit a suppressor under it? Sandman-S specifically
bravo_victor_545 Im assuming these work with the original Handguards Barrel nut and parts? @laruetactical 2 likes
512_texican It's 0809...still waiting to purchase
  -  laruetactical @512_texican ... Launching at high noon Texican ... Had to pour some coffee into our drunken IT guys :-) 3 likes
  -  bcooner556 The wait is killing me. Get those IT guys some stronger coffee! 1 like
  -  512_texican @laruetactical As soon as it popped up after I refreshed my page...sold! Thank you guys
tn_patriot When can I add miles to my card. Need to invest in Texas. @laruetactical
gunsandsharpthings Ordered.😊
justn84 Yes!! Now all I need is the Stealth 2.0 Receiver and Handguard in 6"-7", please! 1 like
davidewade I.D.?
jfpvh For AR-15 maybe soon SR-25 or DPMS? #12"
enrique_algarin @laruetactical ordered a 7" earlier today. It's going to be for my 300blk build. Pics soon to come
421dave What's the weight??? 2 likes
jmendez1992 Do they come with a low-pro gas block? @laruetactical
  -  laruetactical @jmendez1992 ... Yes, made of 99.9% pure gold. It really offsets the high $10 per inch handguard's cost ;-) 6 likes
allisforever I too would like to know if this works with the original stealth hand guard attachment? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @allisforever ... Yes, and comes with it. 2 likes
jiffypop35 Length pretty true end to end? Thanks @laruetactical
unapologetically_floridian Just snagged a LAT. Might need another one one I get a new barrel on my other gun
sfisher4554 @laruetactical why the gap between the rail and receiver?
tiphany_l Can this go on the 6.5 creedmoor upper kits? @laruetactical
ahaley1775 Any plans for a Mod*A*Tinny?
  -  shqype_ @ahaley1775 I think you mean Dick-A-Tinny. I'm betting No. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @shqype_ ... LOL, I had to think about that one for a moment. ML 2 likes
  -  ahaley1775 @shqype_ Meh, I see shelving if anything. But if you see dick in a rail.... not that their is anything wrong with that. 😂
fftcolorado I'll be placing an order tomorrow... I have the coupon for an MBT I picked up at shot show, to use it do I need to call it in? Don't see a place to put the code in online. Thanks, can't wait.
  -  nelson_shooting_concepts @fftcolorado I heard you had to call in 1 like
  -  fftcolorado @nelson_shooting_concepts thank you!
  -  balls172 @nelson_shooting_concepts this is true
xxgunner63xx That 7in is looking perfect for a short .300blk upper. 4 likes
the_triple_tee I think a continues rail would be pretty baller 3 likes
gunsandsharpthings In for a 13.2" LAT.
shqype_ @michael_camaj Finally! 2 likes
shqype_ Mark: will the 7" version fit up to a FSB without there being an obnoxious gap? 1 like
  -  jonewald @laruetactical I'd like to know this too 2 likes
acaballerojr25 Any plans to make them for the tOBRs?
  -  longrangesurfer @acaballerojr25 I keep asking this same question. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @pksurfer ... It's Sunday and I've got a long list of ranch action items I'm taking care of, so sorry I'm not Johnny on the spot with a pair of calipers in my hand 3 likes
  -  longrangesurfer @laruetactical Copy. Standing by to get some. My TWO tOBR's aren't in a hurry for a new rail...Was just curious.
jr1092 What's the internal dimensions? Would be great for short 22 with suppressor within the handguard
bullets_and_burnouts #whatmoashift
stoutyspeed The ring on the rear, is that a quick disconnect similar to your xtraxn clamp for quick removal of the handguard?? Or did you explain this and im missing something? Thanks