... In Vegas, had two new Haas CNC mills at the Shotshow, one in the booth, the other sitting outside on a truck. I slapped both of them into my LaRue lower cell soon as they got to The Republic, and Bam !! we're now making moar lowers than we ever was !! ML
662 likesjoshdsmith123 A beautiful sight! Fresh CNC milled parts
akscott60 Awesome
tmov92 Hopefully this speeds up the back orders. I ordered a lower yesterday from you guys and I was told a 4 to 6 month wait time. 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @tmov92 ... They missed that by a mile ... I'm thinking 3-4 weeks. ML 9 likes
  -  tmov92 @laruetactical that's awesome to hear! I was pretty bummed yesterday after hearing that when I called! I also got a upper kit on order too!
  -  m_fishman @laruetactical Love Larue products but after waiting 6 months for a lower I just called last week for an update and was told they can't tell me anything. After 6 months and not a single word I felt it was time to cancel and look elsewhere. Maybe I'll have better luck next time 1 like
  -  jjfitter6176 @laruetactical incoming order!
  -  jordanlrick @laruetactical hey Mark, any word on the 14.5 stealth barrel I ordered? It's been almost three months and everyone avoids answering my questions.
  -  jordanlrick @m_fishman I'm in the same boat. Was super excited for the stealth barrel I ordered November after researching them for months. Finally pulled the trigger and a day later backorder notification. Tried calling and they can't tell me when they are even going to make them.
  -  tmov92 @m_fishman wow that doesn't give me any hope now. I'll give it a month and wait and see but dang that doesn't sound promising especially when your spending that kind of money.
  -  ccmac_osu @tmov92 I'm still waiting for my lower and tranquilo from august 2 likes
  -  the_satty @laruetactical @tmov92 I placed my order 12/26 and still patiently waiting. Hoping this means I'll get a shipping email soon. 💪u s
  -  laruetactical @m_fishman ... Canceling didn't get you anywhere, as we're gonna call when she's gorgeous and ready and you could say yay or nay. We realize Amazon Prime has spoiled all of America by shipping dogfood and dog toys same day ... ML 5 likes
  -  jwhiteinstallations @laruetactical why has my lower still not shipped that I ordered in august with a UU kit then. Couple months i was fine with. 7 months is a little bullshitty
  -  matt_curtis_todd @tmov92 I didn't think you could order lowers from LaRue. Am I missing something?
  -  laruetactical @jwhiteinstallations ... Agreed on the cattle scat remark ... that's why I bought two more mills (making us maybe 100-something now) and plugged them into the lower cell. It's an election year and the anti-gun candidates look like they got their gun selling hats fitted and on tight. ML 2 likes
  -  tmov92 @matt_curtis_todd yeah you can just type in the search bar lower and it should pull up. Also I called again today and confirmed with customer service that it is approximately a 4 to 6 month wait for the order to be processed. 1 like
  -  jordanlrick @tmov92 that's reassuring.
  -  laruetactical @jordanlrick ... Ask me how I know you read only the 1st comment ;-) 2 likes
josh.macintyre 🔥 1 like
chingkou87 😍
lj_guns Yayy!!! I've got hope to get my next build early!!
exodus4x4 If I have an upper I bought from someone else, can I buy a lower from you guys? 2 likes
sakurariverhouse 👏
phil.thompson.140 Rocking it!
vzayac Dear lower, will you be my valentine ? Your other half is waiting here with a new Larue mount and trijicon 1-8. @laruetactical @trijicon
mikeb945 I really need one of those to go with my awesome stealth upper
  -  jeeppiggy @mikeb945 Same here.
realmda13 Take away the only thing people can complain about, long waits. Which is a problem that only exists because of how popular your brand is. Keep crushin it ML 👌 2 likes
desertrat1989 Wish you sold lowers separately!! Have the upper already
rmstefko Sweet!! Now if we could just crank out a few stripped Stealth uppers please and Thank You Sir 👍🏻
connelldad Third one from the left looks like mine. 😎
unhinged.srt I cant wait for my black lower so I can get this .556 predatar together.
twojsdad Please let one of those be mine!
poorfarmer51 .
poorfarmer51 LikikiKyi