... I'm always the last to know 🤷
849 likesyumyum11884 I think numerous times in this series of books Larue is mentioned when going over the characters kit. 5 likes
kpm3791 I think I actually first heard of LaRue from Thor's books tbh 6 likes
alpha_phil15 You sell the book on your website. 1 like
freakinout I think The Last Patriot is the first mention of LT in the Brad Thor/Scot Harvath series 8 likes
sambertucci Jack Carr also name dropped you guys in a book, I was beaming haha 6 likes
  -  nhanslik @sambertucci which novel? 1 like
hunter47525 Everything Larue makes is absolutely top shelf. 3 likes
realwestern_ I've read the book and don't remember that. Going to have to go back and look. Very cool. 1 like
will_dissent Good read !!! 👍👍
tcviking7 Mark too busy shooting 1/4 MOA groups ! 1 like
johnbearross I incorporated you guys in to my books as well. My main character rocks a LaRue 787 carbine chambered in 20mm Mattis. If you want a copy, Mr. Mark, let me know. 14 likes
  -  laruetactical @johnbearross ... Hell yeah I do ! Ship it to the shop with Attn : Me 8 likes
  -  johnbearross @laruetactical Will do. On the way. Thanks! 4 likes
  -  freakinout @johnbearross Unintended Consequences is pretty good 1 like
  -  johnbearross I agree, but I am a different John Ross. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @johnbearross ... Decades ago, I met the other John Ross at the ShotShow. Ironically, I had just recently lost my copy of Unintended Consequences in a DC taxicab. Ross pulled one out of his big square-ish looking briefcase and said "Keep reading"🔥 3 likes
  -  idpassr @freakinout I bought my first copy of that book in an Austin TX Barnes and Noble. The second copy was from Amazon because I was deployed and a buddy wanted to give it a read. Still have both. 2 likes
  -  freakinout @johnbearross I figured 😂 1 like
  -  freakinout @laruetactical I have it in hard and soft covers 1 like
shooter762556 Yea, Larue rifles have been in his books plenty of times.
idpassr Peter Nealen has characters using the LT OBR rifles in his Maelstrom Rising series. 1 like
  -  idpassr @idpassr not to mention JL Bourne's use of the LT rifles in Day by Day Armageddon
sgtmurf Read that myself, if I remember correctly, it was a Larue 6.5 Grendel
  -  sgtmurf I stand corrected, it was a 308. I read another book, not sure if it was Brad Thor, but they were using a Larue Grendel. 1 like
croakvan Peter Nealen has also mentioned your Pred series, and your OBR in his novels. Pretty much all of his work is good reading, and scary how much some of his books from several years ago is matching current events. https://www.americanpraetorians.com/
  -  laruetactical @croakvan .. Thanks, had no idea. And thanks for the east to find link ! ML
youzershamed If you guys like Brad Thor's Scott Harvath series yall should read Vince Flynn's Mitch Rapp series as well. This is where I first learned about Mark and his rifles. It's very sad that Vince past away a few years ago but his books are a must read if you enjoy this type of reading. I've read almost all of Brad's and Vince's books and I'll probably read all of them again later on in life, they are all that good!!!
  -  laruetactical @youzershamed ... Agreed and I've read them all, and speaking of which, my body is "screaming for exercise" ... gotta run 😎
marcknapp @laruetactical Mark, that book is where I first heard about the OBR. Mr. Thor sold at least three OBRs that I know of in my family. 5 likes