Ah hell, someone asked for a teaser pic of the LaRue 10" Siete that shot those groups. It's a pistol. We got some tweakin' left to do, but I'm bettin' guys with a lot of sense are gonna want one. ML #larue #laruetactical #behindthescenes #sneakpeek #gunsofinstagram #siete #sietepistol
921 likes86x70lm Chassis looks interesting.
brian__bakke @kaynebrown90
balls172 @micelidouglas
allisoncareygunworks 3 pos safety 👌 @laruetactical
agw_fl You just set the forums on 🔥.... 3 likes
bulletdurbin Nice, 300 blackout would be nice or 6.8 SPC.
joshua.leroy.jones I don't have enough cents for one but would have a good sense for what I could do with it 😘
  -  drbonesettinggunslinger @joshua.leroy.jones Vang will buy one...
  -  joshua.leroy.jones @drbonesettinggunslinger ha! He is a larue groupie lol
joe.numbers Can't wait for more details and information. I am dying for a short bolt action like this and I'd much prefer giving @laruetactical my money than anyone else
nickfountainranch Definitely
instdgram Two weeks 🤣😭 1 like
gunisher A folding, bolt gun and a muzzle brake with tapers? Careful, some other company may claim you're copying his "innovation." Anyways, this is sexy! 5 likes
topshotdustin Verified Yes yes yes!!!! I've been wanting a folding bolt gun! 1 like
bradhudson LaRue marked receiver?
  -  laruetactical @bradhudson ... LaRue made and marked Siete receiver - ML 3 likes
  -  bradhudson @laruetactical pre-64 m70 style action?
  -  laruetactical @bradhudson ... Hybrid 700/70 = LaRue Siete 1 like
  -  el.rojo.45 @laruetactical did controlled feed make the Siete 700/70 hybrid design?
  -  laruetactical @el.rojo.45 ... No, I did. Don't know who they are. We've got a little in-house Siete factory setup and running. ML / Mark LaRue 3 likes
  -  el.rojo.45 @laruetactical glad to hear! Keep the details coming! Have not been this excited about a bolt gun in a long time!!
dalton_abner @dustyabner 😳😳 2 likes
the_dark_viking 🍆
_esstac So Mark.... Factory 10.5" "Pistol" PredatAR's??? or OBR's ;)
johnston_engineering I would ove to test one out for you. 😃
patrick.a.johnson314 MUST HAVE!!!
cmykshooter Q Fix or LaRue. I'll go with @laruetactical 1 like
thiswildadventure Add switch-lug barrels to this and we have a grand slam ♠🔥🍻
brando850 MPA chassis?
erik.stenn Wow I'm in that is looking good Mark. My need list just grew.
el.rojo.45 After seeing this... I'll wait *two weeks*😜😜 Momma always said good things come to those who wait!!
matthelmknives Oh yeah! Love a boltgun pistol!
josh.macintyre Ultra want!🙌
cowtown_outfitters Need something w that good wood!
c2d2311 Lookin good. 1 like
c2d2311 Is the folder your design?
tw1st3d_w1ll 12" 6.5 Grendel would be sweet 5 likes
limeswire *need one
stephendavis24 @laruetactical what folding stock/adapter is that? 1 like
46wlf46 I have some scents, and a few cents to throw at something like that!👍
moswald89 @l3wpt
shqype_ Very interesting ... bolt action pistol = NY legal
  -  realmda13 @shqype_ I like the way you think!