S.A.T. / Slick-A-Tinny (TM) progress update ... 9", 10", 11", and 13.2" SATs programmed and running. ML #larue #laruetactical #deadcenterofprecision #behindthescenes #slickatinny
617 likeshellride_machineandgun Im going to order a 9" as soon as they are available. But @laruetactical please don't ever stop making the original LaRue handguard. 1 like
blackclouder1 So it's basically a knights armament style urx3 with larues barrel nut lol I dig it 1 like
  -  laruetactical @blackcloudr1 ... It's actually our LaRue quad rail that jumped up and ran out in the middle of a haircut - ML 12 likes
  -  blackclouder1 @laruetactical I like the look add some m lok I think you would have something lol 1 like
jfpvh Perfection but any chance of one being 12" 🙄
awwjeezphil 9.5? @laruetactical
texagonian_towers I love them all.
mikenotgonnagetit Would love a 15in one. Damned things are looking good
sephth @laruetactical Mark, I'd love to see something similar that's compatible with the big block stealth upper kits. Keep up the great work!
slappomatt Really??? White rails? That's so racist
chevy_blackbear Gonna make a 15in one?
_blake_barnett Working on new products when you can't even ship out your current ones in a reasonable time. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @john_t_kelly ... Owning and running a successful firm is a complex action-item. ML 9 likes
  -  tomcollins03253 @john_t_kelly if you NEED it, LaRue will make sure you get it quick. If you WANT it, you might just have to wait. Sucks sometimes, but I scored a great deal when the MBT trigger price dropped by chosing the "I've got plenty of time" option. @laruetactical 1 like
  -  pushing_iron_indy @john_t_kelly, not sure what you ordered, but got my 6.5 Grendel UU in less than 4 weeks and am f-ing stoked!!! My first LaRue of many more to come!
lcoates33 Thanks Mark.. yet again you have spent my money. 🤨👍
cne7son Finally got my Christmas present today. The MBT is so damn nice. Going to need them all my rifles. 1 like
alpha_phil15 Puh puh please MLok soon! It's what everyone wants to see really.
stevofox1 Damn it now I got to buy a couple more LOL that makes me happy just don't let my wife know😉
stevofox1 I got stuff on backorder too but you don't see me complaining lol 1 like
texasstararsenal Stormtrooper white?
garradmiller Replace the front side rails with mlok.
10_zero_concepts Why rails still and no MLOK?
recce_9 When will your quad rails be shipping? I ordered one over a month ago when it said in stock and still haven't received a shipping notice. It was a 7".
shqype_ I'm really hoping to use one of these with a LaRue barrel and FSB...
mr_fullmetal @laruetactical please make this rail an option available for the ultimate upper kit.
michael_camaj @johnny_a_v
  -  laruetactical @michael_camaj ... Silly me, I forgot to grab the 12" ... ML 4 likes
  -  shqype_ @laruetactical He's looking to buy a 7"... I told him to wait for the Slickatinny.
gunsandsharpthings Looking forward to buying a 13.2 to replace an old 11" I have. Will be great to bring this rifle up to date and lighten it up.
a3addon Really wish you had a standalone slim MLok rail. Similar to your Stealth 2.0 2 likes
longrangesurfer Are you going to make these for the tOBR's? 1 like
shqype_ They look great. Can we get these with FSB for a DMR setup?
instructorbrian Want to slap those puppies on my UU order? I'll happily give them a test run. Even invite you down to south Florida some warm air.
mldavis07 Any plans for an AR-10 version? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @mldavis07 ... Yes. ML 6 likes
  -  hellride_machineandgun @laruetactical when you say AR-10 do you mean actual AR-10? Or just AR .308 style platform. I have one of your original AR-10 rails on my Armalite rifle. I'd love to be able to but a couple more if they were ever available again 1 like
  -  mldavis07 @laruetactical Awesome news.
  -  laruetactical @mldavis07 ... Hey, instead of the rounded up 14.9K, is there a way to tell exactly how many followers I got ? ML
  -  mldavis07 @laruetactical Not 100% sure, but a quick Google search says to check your profile on instagram.com via a PC and hover your mouse over the follower count to display the true follower count. No idea if it works or not.
  -  randomgyro @laruetactical Sending you a DM on that...
eddy.hunt @laruetactical how much lighter? And can you buy without mounting hardware?
  -  laruetactical @eddy.hunt .... Dunno, and no. ML
86x70lm Would like the 13.2 as an option for 762 UU.
eddy.hunt Copy, and thanks