... "Feudalism, the Dame learned, didn't work smoothly when hundreds of moochers were hoarding all the provisions." ... "When Germany invaded the Isle of Sark-the last foothold of feudalism in the western world-Dame Sibyl Hathaway protected her people with the unlikeliest of weapons: Feudal etiquette, old-world manners, and a dollop of classic snobbery" ... An interesting short story 🧐 ML
438 likesstevenfulton89 I'll have to check it out. 1 like
kolinkaveman I do declare Ole chap this is an impeccable read if I do say so myself. 2 likes
teamtomlyn Good read thanks for the suggestion!
tradekraft Great article 👍
james_siler I'll check it out 👍
lineman7750 I love WW2 history. Never have heard of this
luckyslair Where do I locate the story ?
  -  laruetactical @luckyslair ... Google "Dame Sibyl Hathaway" ... it'll probably come up 1 like
  -  79.lone.wolf.one @laruetactical @luckyslair google or search the article name and it will come up 1 like
  -  luckyslair @laruetactical yep I found it, great woman 👍👍
pawpawlammy Great story. Not every battle is won from head on confrontation. 1 like
thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow Great read @laruetactical ! Any other reading suggestions?