I've had Wirehaired Pointing Griffons in the house since 1982. Here the mom is on the left with two of her daughters produced from 25-year-old frozen semen collected off Karlo Vom Kempter Wald. ML #larue #wirehairedpointinggriffon #mansbestfriend #dogsofinstagram
487 likes458_socalm That's awesome, I had the same family of APBT since 89, like a family for sure. Only had one douchebag (currently, and that's just cause he thinks for himself too much!) Very cool to have generations of a family of dogs though, very cool.
leeengland I had a German Shorthair Pointer as a kid.
governorperry Verified Sister Dutch sends her regards to Mom & sisters...🐾🧡 10 likes
  -  hkhombre @governorperry What's your favorite LaRue product?
chrisbntx Is that E.T. on the far right? Lol. 2 likes
trapshootb Very nice 👍
goblin_tactical Weird flex, but ok
nstek @rochelle413
mckeonekert Zack produced some great looking dogs! 1 like
shut_up_and_finish_yer_whiskey @2baehr 🐶
jerrylhaddock Beautiful dogs!🧡
devious_6 Labradors in our house. 🧡
pankofloyd Jeeze, I can get u dog sperm way fresher than that. Beautiful beasts
freakinout Dogs are great @sflshooter 1 like
  -  jays_s_four @freakinout but not as great as cats 1 like
thegearscout What a great breed!
tonyleal84 Soon I'll be looking for my own!
elravizza Great looking dogs.
sentfromdaniel Any pups coming?!?! Haha I love these dogs.
redoak.sooner Good looking pups